Many of us, including both B-school students and aspirants often have their eye balls bulge out when we hear the word investment banking. The instant words which come to our mind on hearing the name are glamour and high pay packages. But very few of us actually know what investment banking actually is, what it deals with day-in day-out and the reason for the high pay and high glamour. Media Cell, IIM Kozhikode, recently held a short interview with Mr. Hitesh Raghavan, an investment banker from Wall Street, who was in campus for an interactive session arranged by the Industry Interaction Cell. Hitesh, having done his B.Tech from IIT Bombay, did his MBA from Kellogg’s School of Management in the U.S before finally becoming an investment banker in the Wall Street. We had the opportunity to get his views and insights on the recent trends in the M & A scenario and its future along with some general ideas about careers in investment banking.
All you wanted to know from an investment banker!
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