Every year, InsideIIM runs a comprehensive recruiting survey in which we ask current students at leading Indian management colleges crucial questions about their particular business schools' recruiting processes. The survey's findings are presented in a series of publications that give detailed information on the recruiting procedures and preferences at India's most prestigious business schools. The ranking of ideal firms to work for MBA students is one of these publications - in fact, it is the most read in the series. We asked the current batch at the IIMs, XLRI, FMS, ISB, and over 40 other institutes to rank their ideal business to work for in early 2021. The respondents were asked to pick five of their ideal firms to work for in any field as part of the poll, from which we developed a list of dream firms in Indian business schools. In this video, we talk about these firms and how possibly they made it to the list!

As part of her video series Basics of MBA, Sarah Gajbhiye presents the companies that have made it to the list of top companies that B-school students desire to work at. What do you think are some of the criteria that students kept in mind while choosing these companies and what will be your ideal list?
Tell us in the comments below and let us know what you think about the series? What other videos you would like to see as part of the series and we might come up with them.