Challenges - A road to success.
Oxford dictionary defines a challenge as “a task or situation that tests someone's abilities”. It is true, however; I believe a challenge is nothing but a pathway towards success. If a person is facing a challenge and trying to overcome then she will succeed, invariably, at some point in time. I have faced numerous challenges in life just like every other human on this planet and every situation has resulted in growth and development. The biggest challenge I have faced in my life which has obstructed my career goals is procrastination. Everyone procrastinates, just the intensity varies from person to person. I was a very rigid procrastinator until last year when I completed my graduation and was aspiring to be a Manager. I wanted to be in a top business school and in the back of my head I knew that this problem would be a big hindrance in the completion of my goal but I couldn’t even chart a plan to quit (or maybe reduce) procrastination. Weeks and months passed by and the adverse effects of procrastination started to culminate. What I have gathered is that the major problem, in this case, is to start. Once a procrastinator starts working on a particular thing the intensity of the same reduces. I waited for days and weeks to even start studying and focusing on the weekly routine. Soon that time came when I had the epiphany to start and I just started. The continuation of studies with the same efficiency was again a big problem. Additionally, I was also involved in our family business so time management was also a big issue. As a result, I started making smaller goals and assigning a corresponding task to an hour. It was nothing like a routine because it was not fixed. There were days when I studied full day and there were days when I didn’t. Also, to remain committed and have patience was another laborious task for me. For that, whenever I felt that efficiency is reducing, I stopped working and focused on my hobbies which were primarily writing poems and watching movies. It was a slow and time-taking process but everything I did, changed me and made me a better person. Soon, things became normal and the intensity of procrastination reduced significantly. I did manage to get in a good business school and the hard work was worth it. I still procrastinate, but only the work which I can afford to. Procrastination was a challenge but it was the path which led me to become a better human being. #ABGLP #ABGWOOME #XIMB