Comprehensive Guide To Virtual Classes | Tips From B-School Students

Aug 24, 2020 | 7 minutes |
It’s no surprise that COVID-19 has taken over the world. It has definitely disrupted your plans of experiencing the b-school life. The in-coming batches, as well as current students, have been thrown into a new form of the education system - online education - which they hardly have any grip on. How does one attend classes, do group assignments, solve case studies, etc in virtual classes? Yes, it is kind of unfair. However, COVID-19 is not going anytime soon (at least until the vaccine is out) and we have to learn to live with it, and make the best of the current conditions. Let's start by learning everything about virtual learning right from what it is, it’s mediums, benefits, tips for seniors, etc. Read the full article to know everything about the online classes and more.  WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad

What are Virtual Classes?

The virtual class is the process of imparting and gaining knowledge through a digital/online medium. Just like a physical classroom, a student in a virtual classroom also participates in the synchronous instructions given by the teacher, sharing study material and giving projects during these online sessions.

Different Mediums of Virtual Classes

Virtual Classes - The Benefits 

Tips That Will Help You In Virtual Classes - From B-School Students
  1. “Treat your virtual class as a real class. Keeping the camera on will help to stay more focussed and disciplined.” - Nikita Tayal, IIFT Delhi, Class of 2019-2021
  2. Do the sound and video check before attending the class. Just like the regular classes, sit for online class 15 minutes before it starts and do all the sanity checks.” - IIM Ahmedabad Student, Class of 2019-2021
  3. “Have a separate study space and disturbance-free environment during online classes. Avoid using your phone, as it is very easy to get distracted when you feel that no one is watching you.” - Ritu Shukla, IIM Kozhikode, Class of 2019-2021 
  4. “Use to-do apps or any other reminder apps to remind you of your online classes. You are at home and might easily forget about and lecture and lose attendance.” - Rishi Kumar, IIM Calcutta, Class of 2019-2021
  5. “While going through cases, keep the cases open on multiple tabs. It's difficult to scroll up and down to refer to the exhibits and then again the case facts. Better to keep it in 2 tabs and switch from exhibits to case facts for reference.” - Ananta Chhajer, IIM Ahmedabad, Class of 2019-2021
  6. “In online classes, it is easier to lose attention and focus as compared to regular classes. So, for that aspect, you should go back and view the recordings of classes to see where you have missed out. If possible, put time stamps. For example - I zoned out at 2 min 45 seconds. That way you know where to hit your recordings and can easily access it afterwards.” - Rishabh Singh, IIM Kozhikode, Class of 2019-2021
  7. “Whenever the lectures are on, just pin the professor's video, and don’t opt for a gallery view option. If you do gallery views, you are also able to see your classmates' faces and expressions and they can be distracting. Also, during class participation make sure not to cut anyone while they are speaking, and don’t repeatedly ask questions like - can you hear me or see me. Professors get annoyed when you do that. Ideally, checking microphones and cameras should be done before class.” - Rudra Nikam, IIM Ahmedabad, Class of 2019-2021
  8. "While online classes allow you a room for multi-tasking given its setting, it hampers the focus. The importance of self-discipline in such a situation cannot be undermined. If you want to make the most of your class, attend lectures as you would normally do and take notes." - Ashi Jain, MICA, Class of 2019-2021
Hope this article helps! If you want us to answer more questions around online classes, or want to make us add your suggestions or tips in this article, please comment down below.
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