Do's And Dont's Of CET - Personal Experiences Of CET Takers

Mar 11, 2016 | 6 minutes |
All CET Aspirants geared up for the Exam! WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad To make things lighter we interviewed some of the previous years CET Takers. They have shared their personal experiences about the exam. We asked them few questions like what went wrong with them,  how they could have done better and some last minute tips for the Aspirants. So Learn from the mistakes of others… you can’t live long enough to make them all yourselves. Have a good read !! Following are the excerpts
Anonymous Writer, CET Taker - 2014
I did not make a clear map and understand the paper pattern thoroughly. I did not analyse which questions I was good at and would focus more attention on and which should be given lesser attention based on my strengths and weaknesses.
Also I was afraid of attempting the mock question papers until I felt I was properly prepared in case a bad mark would demotivate me, however, I should have taken many mock tests. In the end I did only 3 mock tests just 4 days before the main exam.
Because of not taking many mock tests, I feel my speed could have been better as well.
'I would suggest students to first understand the paper pattern and what questions can be expected. Then they should analyse their strengths and weaknesses and focus more attention of those questions that they are good at while attempting the question paper and just briefly browse through the questions they are not good at.
Like wise as CET is about speed (at least in my attempt) there will be some questions which will have to be left as an option. You can leave the ones your are not so good at for your guess work.
For me I left out the sequences, odd man out and the English ones (don't remember what they were called but the ones which had lots of matter to read).I think it was data sequencing and some other data one.  However some I quickly 'speed read' a few of them.
BTW this was the last minute tip (i.e. 3 days before exam) given to me by a friend who made it through JBIMS : Attempt all questions as the Flukes will also give you bonus points.
Craig D'Souza, CET Taker - 2014
'What went right was practicing handbooks given by the classes I attended, also giving mock papers helped me realize what I was up against. Also, practicing with friends is a bonus as group study works for me.
What went wrong was the lack of time allotted to areas where I was weak at in my case numericals. Being a person who dislikes numericals I feel more practice here would've helped.
Keep calm, you're smarter than you think you are (just don't be too over confident also). Speed is the key factor here so look for shorter ways to arrive at solutions. Remember formulae.
Also, practice how you're related to your mother's father's wife's son aka mamaji.
Sejo Jose, CET Taker - 2015 I almost lost the chance to give my MH-CET exams because I waited until the final moment. I thought I had everything ready, but the DTE website requires photographs in a specific format and size (which I found difficult to do). Thankfully, I could fill it up on the last day, though I had to pay double the form fee in the form of late-fees.

Plan everything well. When to fill the forms? Which colleges to apply? This will be among the most important decisions of your life, so would you want to leave it to chance and plain luck?

Read a lot of informative material if you already have a specialization in mind. And if possible, plan how will you will allot time once you are in college.

Clarinda Fernandes, CET Taker - 2014

Quants was my weakest area a little more practice could help me improve my score. Other areas like logical reasoning and grammar were manageable for me as I practiced that knowing I was weak at quants.


Don't leave any question unanswered since there is no negative marking.
Also practice and be perfect in the area you are more comfortable in.
Lastly, answer section wise from the start don't spend more time on one particular section because you are perfect in it.

Aishwarya Ostwal, CET Taker 2015

I practiced and solved many mock papers, so that helped a lot!


Attempt all the questions. Don't waste time on one question, especially Visual Reasoning. Don't panic.
Keep a consistent speed.

Stacey Anthony Davis, CET Taker 2014

As I was working, I couldnt go attend my classes regularly and also was not able to dedicate much of my time for my CET.


Be calm and focused, relax one day before the exam. Sleep on time, go with an open mind. Your strong basics and practice is what that will help you answer maximum questions. Give your best. Attempt all the questions.
Karishma Salian, CET Taker 2014
What helped me in scoring is giving mocks. It gave me an idea regarding how to plan and allot my time to different questions. What went wrong is I didnt practice quants well. I always dreaded numbers and feared to face it and avoided practicing quants.
Relax two days before the exams. Revise the shortcuts and formulae. Eat and sleep well. All the Best to all the Aspirants.
Karen Misquitta, CET Taker 2015
Try not to panic and stay calm. Don't spend too much time on a particular question. If you are not sure of the answer, you can always return to the question later. Attempt all the questions - there is no negative marking so you can mark all the questions
Take as many mock tests as possible. Revise the topics that you aren't confident about. Don't study something new now. Just go through what ever you have already studied.
Lincia D'Mello, CET Taker 2015
The interface was very poor. We had to scroll to view the whole question that took up most of the time. Also the questions in visual reasoning weren't clearTips
Attempt all the questions. Quants Only if your sure about the answer attempt. Visual reasoning dont waste much time.

Aanahita Jagwani, 2015
Too many technical glitches at the exam centres, and the exam centres are not easily accessible.

Locate your centre before the day of your exam and report and problem with your test to the instructor as soon as possible.