You are requested to reach us through
InsideIIM Counselling only
We have been running 'Eklavya' - The InsideIIM helpline for the last 1 year. A service by people who have made it to top business schools of India and are/were working in top companies in India and the world. Our response is guaranteed in 24 hours. Now you have the option to reach out to current students of top schools in India directly - The India Business School Helpline (Run by IIM K L I A C)
You also have the option to write to us on 'Eklavya' !
Ask 'helpers' at InsideIIM about any thing you are not clear about regarding management education in India. We will try our best to help you. If we do not know something we will make it clear to you and not misguide you. Be sure that you will be given honest 'suggestions' based on data and our real-life experiences and not random advice.
Currently, our expertise is limited to top business schools of India.
If you have a question for your helpers at, do write into us at mentioning your name, current profile, email id and mobile number. We need to do this in order to establish your credibility. We get a lot of mails from fake ids. We will not be able to answer your question if this information is missing.
If you are an aspirant - Let the subject line be : Aspirant
If you are a current student - Let the subject line be : Student
If the query does not fall into either category - Let the subject line be : Thumbs Up!
No abuse will be tolerated and such mails will go straight in our junk folder.
You can read about people at InsideIIM here