At SDA Bocconi Asia Center your classroom is a melting pot of global perspectives. Right from your first semester, you'll interact with students from Germany, France, and Italy who are pursuing a double degree from ESSEC or Bocconi University. You too will travel to Milan for a compulsory 4-month exchange program in your second year of the IMB program where you will interact with more than 1400 students from over 70 countries who come to study at Bocconi University. What this kind of a program fosters is an exchange of perspectives on a global platform. You'll be able to learn so much from the interaction with your peers in the classroom as well as outside it.
In this video, Camila and Vincenzo have a candid discussion with Ashmeet and Dhwani about their exchange program experience. They talk about their travels, their favorite food and what they learned during their company visits in India.
Click play to know more.
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