In this video, Anchit talks about subjects that he loved during his time at IIM A. From micro to macroeconomics, Anchit shares how he even today uses these concepts in his work. He shares how he did not focus on certain subjects like Organisational Behaviour and HR-related subjects during b-school and feels he should have focused on those too!
Further, he talks about having a hobby. He shares his passion for running and his experience running half marathons. He talks about how he developed this interest and how it has given him something to focus on when work seems monotonous and boring.
Finally, he answers questions about how recruiters hire at b-school and what qualities are finance students valued at. He shares how even a smart JEE topper and rank holder may not be able to bag the best jobs. He talks about the relevance of doing an MBA and the method of finding one’s passion.
Key Takeaways:
1. Macro & microeconomics are very useful subjects for future market aspirants.”
2. Accounting practices are super important in life and in a career.
3. IIMs are not philosophical schools; They are not supposed to teach you how to lead a life, they’re supposed to make you better at your job.
4. The business taxation course is designed to help students manage their personal finance better when they start earning money.
5. It may be difficult to relate to certain courses at b-school, but do pay attention to them because you never know when these courses will come in handy.
6. Recruiters don’t mind losing out on good candidates; they avoid hiring the bad ones.
7. Developing a hobby can help you with that coveted work-life balance.