I have been reading a lot about the break up of the Acads-WorkEx-Exam-GD-PI-WAT score for calculating a composite score to be given to determine if one has secured admission in a college or not. I feel these are pointless talks since it simply doesn't matter. One simple reason is you don't have control over the things you did in the past. Can you change your academics or per say CAT score? Obviously not!
I will advice everyone it's better to focus on the things that you have control on. That is, GD-PI in some cases or WAT-PI in others or all three for some other b-schools. People will tell you to be calm and composed and be humble during the process. Though, it is easier said than done. I will suggest something else to add on to every suggestion you hear. You should consider each and every round as an elimination round rather than something on which points are given and later consolidated.
It doesn't happen like that some would say. However, give this approach a try. You will be more serious about each round and you will try to make a good impression throughout. You would not be complacent and boastful about your high percentile score in CAT or some other exam and furthermore ruin your chances of selection in one of the top b-schools.
I was proud of my score in SNAP and I thought I would easily convert SIBM. However, I was waitlist #471 when the merit list came out. It clearly suggests the lack in my attempt. When I came to know that SPJIMR had elimination Group Interview rounds, I gave my best shot in both the GIs. Then I thought, why not apply the same thought process to all the stages and see what happens.
I do see a difference whenever I come out of all those daunting admission rooms and it is for the better.