Is Education Loan The Only Option For Your MBA? | ROI Of MBA

May 17, 2021 | |
‘How am I going to finance my MBA’?, and ‘where should I get the necessary funds from’?. The two most common questions that keep running through an MBA aspirant's mind. Pursuing higher education, especially an MBA is of prime importance to students all over and many students often go the extra mile to achieve this quality education. However the cost of doing an MBA has now skyrocketed, with mounting tuition fees and additional expenditure to be incurred throughout the course. Thus, making financial preparedness a critical component of your MBA application process. In this video we will walk you through the various ways by which you can finance your MBA, without it becoming a burden for you. WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad

The key to this is to look at financing an MBA as an investment rather than a cost - as an investment in your education never goes to waste and will definitely help reap short and long term benefits. Jennifer Jagose, an MBA aspirant who is going to pursue her MBA this year talks about the 5 Best ways to fund your MBA in this episode and will take you through to varied aspects of education finances.
Tell us in the comments what doubts and questions you have regarding managing your MBA finances and we’ll make sure to cover them through our new series “The ROI of MBA”

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