28 days is all it takes to form a habit. Or break a bad habit. But what's habit got to do with last 28 days to CAT? Everything. You can turn the odds in your favour. You can crack CAT. All you need to do is form the right habits. The habit of practising for your weak areas. The habit to make your strengths stronger. The habit of giving mocks. The habit of analysing your mocks. The habit of appearing for mocks in the same time slot of your CAT exam. And if you form the right habits, there would be no stopping you. You can achieve your dream of getting into a b-school; all you need to do is try. And to help you achieve your dreams, we have the right dose of motivation, strategy, and tips that you need to read today.
"The most difficult decisions we’re faced with are not about success or failure but finding the courage to simply try again.” This story isn't about success as much as it is about trying. If you don't try at all, you won't succeed either. And all you need to do for the next 28 days is - keep trying. As Dory from Finding Nemo would say, "Just Keep Swimming."
Read here.
If you think that the world is cruel and works on an assumption that a person can’t improve during her stay on Earth. OR if you think that you are bad or even average at academics, you can never be good at it in future. OR if even with 90+ scores, you start feeling the anxiety along with a self-doubt flowing into your veins. This one is for you.
Busting myths about your past academic scores.
This is an open letter from an MBA student to a CAT aspirant. This isn’t a letter to an unknown person. But the words a senior friend of mine passed onto me and which I am passing down to you all. You must be excited? Or just exhausted? Or maybe scared and sweaty! Whatever it is that you are feeling right now,
this open letter will make you feel better!
CAT is not the end. Getting into a B-school is not the end. To achieve something big, a degree in management is not a must. Although it provides a launchpad for you, it’s certainly not the only way to achieve what you want to achieve. So, the first thing you should do is shed the extra load that you are carrying owing to this undue pressure. Once you do that, go ahead and read this
strategy for the last lap of CAT 2019 written by a NITIE Mumbai student.
The only good thing about being average is that you're as close to the top as far you're from the bottom! Being average for the longest time has had a negative connotation. But being average cannot stop you from greatness. Don't believe us? Read this story of an average student who made it to a b-school despite all odds.
Bonus Reads: