NITIE Mumbai
Slot - 11:00 AM
26th March’18
CAT Percentile: 98.44
10th: 84.67 (RBSE)
12th: 74.77(RBSE)
Graduation: 7.78- Electronics and Communication Engineering-NIT Trichy
Work Exp: 31 Months-Automobile Sector
The entire process is managed by very friendly Team Impact.
GD Topic: Ease of Doing Business: A Reality or Dream in India
Time: 19 Mins
2 Mins for jot down the thoughts, 15 Mins for Discussion, 2 Mins for Conclusion.
3 Moderators and 12 Persons per panel.
(Spoke about the Ease of Business Doing Ranking improvement from 142 to 100, various parameters of Ease of Doing Business like Construction Permit, Electricity Permit, Insolvency Process(mention the improvement in rank in insolvency process from 136 to 103 and reduction in average time), Paying taxes(rank improved from 172 to 119). Spoke about the logistic cost (13% of GDP, US, UK approx 6 to 8% and target of GOI to reduce it to 10% by 2022). Mention the 3 factors for Industry Development: Land (moved from 1894 Land Acquisition law to 2013 LAAR-Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act), Labor (Improvement in Labor laws), Capital (GOI scrapped the FPIB-Foreign Investment Promotion board and set a deadline(10 weeks) to clear the proposals). Also mentioned the Tech Parks and Special Economic Zones and tax benefits to the companies. Concluded with considering the Govt. initiatives its reality in India now.)
*GD and PI Panels were different*
PI Process:
I was in the 7th panel. 4 Panelists, 2 Male, and 2 Female. let's Call them P1(Senior Professor), P2(Alumni), P3(Young Female Professor), P4(Senior Female Professor).
Student Coordinator called my name and I entered the room. I stand near the seat to wait for the permission to be seated.
P1: Sit Down, Please.
Me: Thank You, Sir.
P3: So Ramraj, Introduce yourself.
Me: After the well-rehearsed introduction where I talked about My Strengths, Work Experience. I also talked about the Patent, Marketing Project. I also mentioned the college events I participated like Ruby Cup and explained this in details.
*Interrupted by P3*
P3: Sorry to interrupt to you Ramraj, are you alone in these initiatives or you have a team.
Me: Ma’am Ideas are given by me and in few cases; some other people helped me in the process.
P3: How?
Me: Like that, I proposed a Tagline for the Tata Prima Trucks. Tata Prima truck many features are there like Armrest, Adjustable Seats and others. These features will improve the comfort of the drivers and productivity will increase. To consider all these I proposed a Tagline “Drive with Comfort” or “Comfort Unlimited” and subsequently our marketing team improved on this and outcome was “Higher Productivity with Improved Comfort and Fleet Utilization”.
P3: How did you come across this?
Me: Ma’am I attended a workshop regarding this and I came to know about the various features of Tata Prima truck. I searched for the marketing way (tagline) of this. To understand it further I did a survey..
*Interrupted by P3*
P3: What were the survey questions?
Me: Explained the questions.
P3: Who were the people?
Me: Ma’am it includes the Drivers, Owners and Fleet Owners.
P3: Where did you do the survey?
Me: Ma’am Transport Nagar Pune. It is the logistics hub of Pune.
P4: So Ramraj, What was your final year project?
Me: Ma’am we designed a High Speed and Power Efficient Viterbi Decoder.
P4: What did you do in this project?
Me: In this Project, we used a GDIL (Gate Diffused Input logic) technique to reduce the complexity of Viterbi Decoder and this decoder has three Units: 1. Branch Metric Unit (BMU): to calculate the distance of various branches. 2. Path Metric Unit (PMU): to add all the distance and determine the best possible path. 3. Traceback Unit (TBU): PMU store the values in TBU and for the next operation can determine the path from TBU itself. TBU work like a cache memory for the faster operations.
*P4 left the room*
P2: Tell me about your work profile.
Me: Sir, I am working in the Current Quality department and Current Quality focuses on the quality of parts procured from the vendors throughout the life cycle of the project.
*Interrupted by P2*
P2: So you work in Quality Department. What are your responsibilities?
Me: Sir if any defects occur at TML than we have to go to suppliers locations and have to review the process. We identify what went wrong in the processes and how it can be improved.
P2: What approaches do you follow for the Defect resolution?
Me: Sir, We follow the Brainstorming Technique and 5-Why analysis technique to resolve the issues and this is popularly known as 8-D analysis.
P2: Did you resolve any defect?
Me: Explained in details about a defect and solution of it and advantages of the adopted solution.
P2: Who else is involved in this?
Me: Sir other than me, a Plant Quality person was with me for this.
P2: Do not you think, Operators must be involved in the process?
Me: Sir, Plant Quality persons takes the input from the Operators and Production Managers and share with us and together we resolve the defects.
P2: What is the Inspection Process at your company?
Me: Sir Our Plant Quality checks whether the parts are as per drawing or not.
P2: How do you decide which parts to check?
Me: Sir We rate the suppliers based on their performance and identify the risk associated with these suppliers, 100% Inspection for the high-risk suppliers (Poor Rating) and sample-based inspection for low-risk suppliers (Good Rating).
*P1 did not ask a single question during the entire process.*
All four looked towards each other and
P4: Ok Ramraj, We are done. Thank You.
Me (Smiling): Thank You Sir and left the room.
And that was it. NO TOFFEES, NO COOKIES.