The CRT Chutzpah

Oct 18, 2014 | 2 minutes |

Chutzpah -
When a person, body or authority, carries out an activity and then forbids others from doing it, defining the very same activity as Unprofessional.

When a person, body or authority, supposed to pitch for entire batch, pitches on a personal level just for a member belonging to that body/authority and calls everyone else in formal dress to make a mockery and a mail comes when only that 1 CRT person is selected and rest all are standing there clueless.

When a person, body or authority, fails to protest at Reduction in final package offered while JD mentions 15% higher CTC and then that one person who was personally pitched for, to be allowed, deliberately screws the first round so as to not get shortlisted at the new lower package.

Chutzpah -
When a person, body or authority blames others for doing nothing to build skillset to attract employment and then calling a company that announces we are okay even with any graduate who has no professional knowledge whatsoever.

Chutzpah -
When a person, body or authority spends all night in Sutta, Drinks and other recreational activities and then accuses peers of not being sincere and serious enough to build impressive CV points.

Chutzpah -
When a person, body or authority openly does favoritism and discounts their flatterers from being present in the Company GL/PPT event itself,
and then demands ban on attending students for fearing slight variation of shirt texture.

Chutzpah -
When a person, body or authority has no concern whatsoever towards their peers and then proclaims, we have the best interest for you all.

History more often judges the decisions taken not the circumstances under which they were taken.
As circumstances are fleeting, while the decisions have everlasting ramifications.