We are in the business end of the year when it comes to B-Schools in India. Why would you ask? It is simple, it is the placements season and there is a lot of hustle-bustle across colleges in the country. Now, had everything been normal, the students would have gotten the opportunity of experiencing something unique yet time-consuming at the same time – this is the Pre Placements Talks also popularly called PPTs.
I am not saying that we don’t have PPTs but now they are virtual. PPTs help the organization set an initial stone of understanding amongst the students regarding the org, the role offered, the business SOPs and so on and so forth. Now when these PPTs happened offline, there were special networking sessions that were there for people to interact with CXOs of the organization post which some companies also provided with free food. It was truly an experience of sorts where you would get to understand whether this organization is of fitment for you.
Now, coming to the part where we discuss why are these PPTs important for us?
- Well, simply put you get a sneak peek within the organization
- You get an insight on what the role is that they are offering
- You get an understanding of how the Exec level employees of the organization are
- You get to understand whether you like the role or not
- You get to interact with alums who are in this organization and also immediate seniors who might be working in the same organization
- You get to create a good impression in a first-hand manner
These are the tangible benefits that you will get out of the engagement, but what is it that you are supposed to do that will help you reap benefits from the same?
On the face of things, people don’t remember people from these PPTs, but it does help to create an initial impression.
For example:
I know of this individual who was with me in college and he was particularly interested in this Social Sector Consulting organization. In the PPT of the company, he very confidently noted all that was said, did his research before the PPT and at the end of it, during the Q&A asked a lot of valid and important questions.
What happened after?
The HRs and the selection panel remembered him because of his activeness and prompt participation. What followed was something that you would have expected….
Even though his profile was not suited for the role his sheer enthusiasm and go-getter approach helped get an initial shortlist which at first seemed to be impossible.
So, this proves that if you are prompt and active in the PPTs of a company organization there are high chances they might remember you if you have made the right impression.
Now the next question is, how to make the right impression?
You need to decide here. There are some firms where you would not ideally see yourself working. For such orgs, you can ideally do ground sweeping research understanding how things are and if you get interested during the PPT you might just ask a question so has to have an initial impression set.
Coming to the second part of things, are the organizations that you would want to work with. In-depth research is required for the same. Talk to alums and immediate seniors who are working in the org. It is these people who prepare the shortlist so impressing them is of importance to you.
Coming to the final PPT, which in all possibilities will be virtual in nature,
- Keep your video on with a white background seated in formals
- Be active and attentive while listening to the speakers
- Put queries or remarks in the chatbox if it is open
- Ask at least 2-3 valid questions with regards to the work they are doing, the roles they are offering and future expectations
Through this navigated approach, you will have left a long-lasting impression on the panel.
I hope this helps you with your future PPTs, all the very best.