Quoting a rather farcical and an exaggerated expression of opinion by Will Rogers,
“I read about eight newspapers in a day. When I'm in a town with only one newspaper, I read it eight times.”, the aim is to sensitize the readers with the importance that people have given in the past to the habit of making friends with newspapers.
Now, however, the times have changed but the sheer value of espousing everyday news has stood tall to the test of time. What has changed is the way and the quantum of news that we consume every day. The readers are overwhelmed with the amount and the instantaneity of the news that is available to the masses through internet today. The internet is inundated with news from around the world that picking up the most relevant news pieces becomes a real arduous task. Well, the following list will make your task much easier, at least for all the news concerning the past one week:
Hello! India:
This is it for this week. Happy Reading!