To all those who have secured their desired B-school seats, a big congratulations to all of you. But, this is exactly the time when some of you might also be thinking about your education loans. Are you someone who feels that taking education loans are complicated and don’t know how to go about the whole process? Even when you get the loan your next worry is how am I going to repay the same?
Well if all these questions keep running through your mind, then this video will help put your mind at ease.
During your MBA you will have to incur a lot of expenses which can amount to a lot of money. To make sure you have all your finances in place, education loans do cover costs over and above the tuition fee. There will also be a lot of documents and paperwork that will be needed along with following a systematic process of taking a loan with several different ways to repay your loan.
All this and much more is covered in today’s video where Jennifer Jagose will tell you more about the whole process and how you can make sure that you deal with your education loan effectively.
Comment below and let us know how the loan process has been for you along with anything else you’d like us to cover in the upcoming videos.
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