Wow Your Clients - Part 4 Of The People Skills Primer

Apr 9, 2019 | 5 minutes |
Excited for that 1st day of a new job? Or that summer internship? We created the People Skills Primer so that you can make a great first impression! Click here to find out what you’ll get in this primer below..
Remember your very first interview before getting into b- school? You were facing a panel of unknown people, probably experts in their fields, with years of experience and the power to change your life. Right? WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad Now hark back to the new job or internship. Chances are you’ll meet clients for various reasons soon. In fact, if you’re into sales, marketing or even supply related positions, building a relationship with old and new clients might be one of your KRAs. And these clients or vendors will have a huge impact on your future.

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So how do you make sure that you leave a great first impression? kukufm in article   Here are a few tips to handle these situations: Situation 1: Your client is an overbearing, irritating individual who keeps pestering you to do something that is out of your area of expertise, above and beyond what you are working on together. Bad Idea - Get pressured into accepting his demands and try to deliver the work to the best of your capacity Good Idea - Don’t be a pushover. Calmly explain to him that you don’t have the expertise to do what he is demanding. Offer him suggestions on how and where can get that work done.  

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  Situation 2: Your client asks you if your company can do a certain job, and how long it will take you. Bad Idea 1 - Tell him/her, “I will get back to you on it after consulting my seniors or the concerned department.” Bad Idea 2 - Give misinformation about your company. It’s better than having no answer! Good Idea - You are a representative of your company. You need to be completely prepared to answer any questions related to your company. Don’t be caught off-guard. And if you are caught off guard, you can just ask for some time. Once you do so, you can ask colleagues or seniors if your company will be providing the services requested.  

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Situation 3: You don’t much like your job, your boss or your company. However, your client seems to be a really nice person! During a particularly bad week, you have a meeting with him.

Bad Idea - Ungghhh! You are so frustrated! You share all your grievances about your job and bitch about your boss and your company. Sure he won’t tell anybody, right? Good Idea - NO. Always maintain an invisible line between yourself and your client. Your loyalty should always lie with your boss and your company. Stick to work-related subjects only! And don’t say anything negative about your company even if your client edges you.  

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  Situation 4: Your client offers you some cutbacks in return of discounts. Say, he offers you 50,000 in return for giving you a business of 5,00,000 rupees. Bad Idea - Grab the opportunity and buy that TV set you always wanted to. Good Idea - Politely turn down your client’s offer and inform your boss about what happened.    

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  Situation 5: Your client turns out to be your batch-mate from college! It’s such a small world! Bad Idea - Talk to him like you used to during college. While away the time of the meeting in catching up about old times! Good Idea - You are meeting him as a professional, as a representative of your company. Meet him in that capacity and finish the business. You can schedule a meeting with him in your personal time.  

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  In the next section, let’s talk about communicating with a vendor.
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In the People Skills Primer, you'll get a crash course on how you can take charge of your internship or your new job. Here's the different aspects you'll get to know more about in the coming chapters.

  • Communication With The Boss
  • Cardinal Rules Of Communicating With Colleagues
  • How To Do Your Emails Right
  • Communicating With A Client
  • Communicating With A Vendor
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Dealing With Criticism & Feedback
  • How To Be Extraordinary At The Workplace
  • Own Your Career