XLRI will end registrations for XAT 2025 today, November 30th. It is advised not to wait for the last few hours to avoid website-related problems. After changing the exam pattern, i.e., removing the essay section from Part 2 of the exam, XAT has also introduced an onscreen calculator this year to improve the examination experience for the students. This will help solve the DI sets in the QADI section.
Examination Form Fees- 2200/- for all plus 200 for each XLRI program.
Things to Keep Handy Before Filling the XAT 2025 Form
Scanned Copy of your photograph & signature.
Scanned Copy of ID proof.
Details regarding academics and work experience (start- end date, university, board type, aggregate marks, percentage, and break in between jobs). You can copy this from your CAT form for easy filling.
New test cities have been added to ensure the smooth conduct of the XAT 2025 exam. Please re-check your closest test city center.
Frequently Asked Questions:Q.1 Is there any correction window for the XAT exam?Ans. No, unlike CAT there is no correction window for the XAT exam. No changes can be made after form submission and fee payment. Q.2 Which colleges are included in the XAT form? Ans. You will have the option to choose XLRI’s BM and HRM programs among others while filling out the form. For any other college accepting XAT, you will have to fill out its form separately.