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371 Stories

Are Tier 2 B-Schools Worth It? Debunking MBA Myths, Ft. BIMTECH

Choosing the right B-school after CAT is tough, with many opinions and myths!In this video, we visit BIMTECH, Greater Noida, to explore the campus, talk to students from different specialisations,

Career Transition To Product Management | Transferrable & Required Skills

Have you heard the phrase, “All roads lead to Rome?” Well, we got one - “Any career leads to product management.” The career path of a PM is not a

Global Careers in Pharma: Sun Pharma’s Winning Culture Ft. Siraj & Seema, IIM B and IIM A Alumni

What does it take to lead at one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies?Join Siraj and Seema, accomplished alumni of IIM Bangalore and IIM Ahmedabad, as they share their inspiring

Take A Seat In The MyGate App Case Study Discussion At NBS Ahmedabad

In today’s episode of 'Take A Seat,' we take you inside a marketing case study discussion in an MBA classroom at Narayana Business School.

Take A Seat In Bournvita Case Study Discussion At IRMA

We’re back with another episode of our Take A Seat video series!

Career Success & B-School Impact: IIEBM Alumni Decode the 2024 Job Market

Are you curious about what makes a PGDM program impactful? At IIEBM Pune, we uncover the real stories behind successful alumni, the student experience, and what it takes to stand