CAT Prep
MBA Co'26
RTI Response
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Campus Tour

Engineering Drop Out To IIM Ahmedabad | Subham Shaw


Sarang Trivedi

Hey congratulations!!Could you please let me know what was your percentile and other information like your graduation background which would be more helpful for aspirants

30 Jun 2020, 09.23 PM

Akash Nailwal

No mention of percentile and category

1 Jul 2020, 08.40 AM

Anmol Agarwal

Hey Shubham. First of all, Congratulations.! for IIM A. Can you throw more light on your in 10,12,grad scores. How many gap years you had.?? And how you were able to justify your dropping out of engg. college.??

3 Jul 2020, 11.57 PM

Mini Mock Test

Quants 10-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 158


Participants: 205
College Comparison Tool - Quiz Ad

LRDI 5 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 351

Quants 9-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 124

Quants 8-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 117

Quants 7-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 102

Quants 6-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 145

LRDI 10 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 76

LRDI 9 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 69

LRDI 8 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 76

LRDI 7 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 86

LRDI 6 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 105

LRDI 3- CAT Champions 2

Participants: 221

LRDI 4 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 138

VARC-3 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 749

Quants 3-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 241

Quants 5-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 120

VARC-10 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 171

VARC-11 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 73

VARC-9 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 166

VARC-8 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 171

VARC-7 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 185

VARC-6 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 223

VARC-5 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 242

VARC-4 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 272

Quants 2-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 265

LRDI 2- CAT Champions 2

Participants: 247

VARC-1 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 805

Quants 1-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 431

VARC-2 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 497

Take Free Test Here


Sarang Trivedi

Hey congratulations!!Could you please let me know what was your percentile and other information like your graduation background which would be more helpful for aspirants

30 Jun 2020, 09.23 PM

Akash Nailwal

No mention of percentile and category

1 Jul 2020, 08.40 AM

Anmol Agarwal

Hey Shubham. First of all, Congratulations.! for IIM A. Can you throw more light on your in 10,12,grad scores. How many gap years you had.?? And how you were able to justify your dropping out of engg. college.??

3 Jul 2020, 11.57 PM