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Fair Warning To IIM Aspirants From An IIM Alumnus



Nicely written...Being from a non ABC IIM, I trully agree to what the author has said.

1 Mar 2013, 01.34 PM

+Read Replies (8)

null null

I am really disagree with the author. I am a CAT espirant and I think that aim of education in IIM is not job. The aim is to change the society and bettering of the country. IIM education aims to transform into creators of job and not seekers of job. This job creation will create wealth in the country and raise the per capital income and standard of life in the country. But people only care about placement of 15 laks, 20 laks and act like glorified labour. What is the difference between IIM graduate and non IIM graduate then. I want to become an interprener and create jobs and wealth in the country rather than working as labour class.

21 Oct 2013, 11.37 AM |

soUthinkU CAN

hai everyone... i have this doubt since a long time,that people with the background of iits,nits, and the ones with work ex are only pulled into iim's(ahmd),is that true....please reply....

8 Jul 2015, 12.08 AM |

Kama L

exactly all are in race to grab higher package. An IIM graduate will easily get least 10-12 LPA package.I disagree with his toughts.Its for better education and provide top managers worldwide,not package as he showed.

4 Jan 2017, 02.09 PM |


10th 10 cgpa,12th 88 percent ,btech 82 percent

bear my education fee of 17lakh of iims and then i will surely look only for knowledge and society not for package

3 Jan 2019, 11.36 AM |

Kumar 7741

Your thoughts are good. Expecting you would put the necessary efforts to make it into a reality. I hope you would improve your English too. Because it is also an important part of being an entrepreneur or an international businessman. All the best.

15 Jan 2019, 04.35 PM |

Urvashi Singh

I am Urvashi, working in TCI (Logistic).

Ha Ha Ha ... Candid Reply Bro !!

14 Mar 2019, 12.18 PM |

Ankur Parmar

I am talkative,funny & Practical

It can be beared by institute if you go for NGO's/ non profits

17 Mar 2019, 02.18 PM |

mythfacts absolutetruth

spelling mistake* Entrepreneur

19 Mar 2019, 05.00 PM |


I like few lines. 1) Again, even if you have managed to enter IIM due to various reasons 2)firm has no mandatory obligation to ‘fill seats from a particular category’.

1 Mar 2013, 02.03 PM

+Read Replies (2)


I think Tata and PSUs have some such obligation..

2 Mar 2013, 11.15 AM |

Mukunda Pokhrel

Yup i too.

27 Oct 2015, 06.35 PM |


if paycheck bothers you a lot and unfortunately you get into IIM L, only being part of the placement committee can save you

1 Mar 2013, 02.09 PM


Please stop recommending everyone with 5+ years experience to do an 'executive MBA instead'. I had 5 years experience when I joined L in 2008 - I still am thankful that I didnt join ISB that year. L was much cheaper (around 6 lakh fees overall), and ISB had a huge problem placing people in 2009 - with many students having to take up jobs paying far less than what they were earning pre-ISB, after paying fees of around 15 lakhs then. In contrast, when we passed out in 2010, the market had slightly improved. What I want to say is that placements are also heavily market-driven, and the year you pass out matters as much as doing a 2 year or 'Executive' course. IIM L's own 1 year course at Noida is no great shakes either, the struggle for placements continues there as well...

1 Mar 2013, 02.34 PM


Your repeated mentioning categories and affirmative action policies (in sections - people with poor acads, and with less than desirable communication skills) makes an otherwise insightful article look like something with an agenda, and makes you look like someone who looks down towards the socially disadvantaged. It's disappointing to see this in writing by someone who is representing a top institution of learning in the country.

1 Mar 2013, 02.43 PM

+Read Replies (7)

Rajesh Mistry

I think the author is showing the true picture. There are certain categories who can get admission into the IIMs at 55 percentile too with very average acads. While it was enough for the IIMs, it does not mean they will land plush jobs. Its just presents a fact. I didn't think the writer is showing any disrespect or looks down towards the socially disadvantaged

1 Mar 2013, 03.43 PM |


Poe's Law Alert !!!

1 Mar 2013, 05.09 PM |


any reserved category(Upper caste or lower) on an average will have lower Acads than Average Batch(Reservation ensures this) So on average reserved categories (any) will have lower chances in placement. Also from my own experience I know of Friends from reserved categories who left their PSU Jobs for IIM and are regretting it now. On average what the author says is true especially in Bad Economy (as observed this year as against what should have been ideally)

6 Mar 2013, 08.23 PM |


From what I have seen in my IIT, it is generally true. Most of category students in my branch are 6 pointers. Since most of them are from families of lower social and economical strata they tend to have lower English skills. That does not of-course mean that non-category students are all top of the class.

7 Mar 2013, 02.08 PM |

null null

Reservation has nailed the author over the years ..this what it does , if you challenge it ,reservation is philosophical not a chanting topic !! .Reservation is given by constitution.Laws are made in parliament with lots discussions keeping real indicators in mind unlike caste system which has no head nor tail ,Imagine someone giving birth to thousands people from head? Is it possible ? Biologically it means to have vag*na in head ! .Parliament laws are well researched , like Mandal commission. People should enjoy reservation , as it saves millions from dirty irrational system- caste system.Reservation is driving rationalism . Reservation is Nobel prize winning concept ! God bless RESERVATION.

29 Jul 2013, 05.01 AM |

null null

There is no reservation if you want to become interprener. But person dont want to take risk . Even after such best education from IIM they are afraid and act as cavard. People should take risk and create wealth in the country just like Ambani.

21 Oct 2013, 11.50 AM |

Suraj Agarwal

Buddy, your thoughts are absolutely fascinating. I hope that you can act as courageously as you are implying from your answer. I hope you have at least researched what you are saying. Anyways, please improve your English. I think you will need to do that in the first few steps towards your supposed entrepreneurship. All the best.

16 Mar 2019, 11.14 AM |

IIML Alumnus

Love how you branded the "category-walas" as being the ones who must have scored less in their previous educational institutes and are bumpkin who cannot speak English. </sarcasm> - A category wala IIML alumnus

1 Mar 2013, 02.44 PM

IIML Alumnus

Fuck...I meant "bumpkins". I proved you right, I cannot speak English for shit :/

1 Mar 2013, 02.46 PM


*collosal facepalm*

1 Mar 2013, 02.48 PM


What happens to people with more than 5 yrs of work exp in IT after this? Is there any future for such people??

1 Mar 2013, 04.20 PM

+Read Replies (1)

IIML junta

They can literally forget summers unless they have excellent everything (read IITian and 90+ in every exam) and even then it will be tough. however they will get good opportunities in laterals(read IT). but switching career path would be very difficult. all in all it depends what do u expect from MBA. if you are looking for a career growth in same field and 12 - 18 LPA salary , its reasonably probable. In present placement scenario its very risky to leave a plush pre MBA job and pay a fees of 15 L. market is very gloomy. better wait for some time to let the economy revive.

1 Mar 2013, 05.57 PM |

IIML junta

It is unfair to stereotype "category" with poor marks or communication skills. i know many general category junta with similar shortcomings. CAT selection process is not 'foolproof' for any category. Author may simply have written 'people with lower acads and comm skills' or something along the lines without referring to the backgrounds. otherwise the article is on the mark and reflects the ground reality at IIMs.situation is very very gloomy this year , even worse than 2009 due to higher batch size. economic slowdown is also a contributing factor and scenario may change when economy starts booming again, unlikely top happen in next 2 year.

1 Mar 2013, 04.21 PM


I'm not a category wala at IIML, and I categorically disagree with what have been said about those who come through a reservation. I don't think anyone who is coming through a reservation needs to have any additional concern about their potential performance in IIM. Inside IIM, it's a different ball game from CAT or the admission procedure. This has been proven by this year's results, and I'm sure by previous years' results as well.

1 Mar 2013, 04.49 PM

+Read Replies (6)

Just a guy

Sorry dude. IIMA guy here. Being 80%iler in CAT may allow some people admission, but they get massacred in academics. Out of bottom 100, I believe over 90 are from category in A.

2 Mar 2013, 09.04 AM |


Inside an IIM, people who excel at acads generally have good by-hearting skills or good aptitude skills(or both)... Category people who top, generally have the former..

2 Mar 2013, 11.13 AM |

IIMI guy

@non-freerider.. I do agree to ur comments. And, I would like to say that inside IIM's, its a completely different ball game from the admissions scenario. with category people topping in various subjects, as has been shown many-a-times at IIMI. U can find many general guys languishing at the bottom.! Its a fact.. :):(

6 Mar 2013, 06.08 AM |

Another IIM Guy


13 Mar 2013, 06.34 AM |

Another IIM Guy

Please don't get me wrong, but I haven't seen that happening ever in IIT or IIM....

13 Mar 2013, 06.35 AM |

IIMC junta

You views are very much prejudiced dude. I am from reserved category and I certainly know that my results in 1st term(Bad), 2nd term(Avg) and 3rd term(Good) were directly proportional to my efforts. Though it is true that I had problems understanding the competition and went through concepts in the 1st term. And it is true that many of the students going to repeat the year are from General category.

13 Mar 2013, 12.50 PM |

Janta Ke Sewak

The real question here is the value for money...there was a time when an IIM education was supposed to be cheaper & placements were lucrative...but both of these factors are missing in present scenario...after investing 15 lakhs in your education, do you really want to end up in disappointment!!!

1 Mar 2013, 05.13 PM


There was no need for the author to brand category walas as people with poor acads and communication skills. Besides CAT itself is not a great filter. Many general category people with high percentiles have messed up at the IIMs. Though the article is well balanced from other angles, the author's bigoted nature stands out though -by a category wala with a plush job

1 Mar 2013, 05.42 PM

+Read Replies (2)


-a category wala with a plush this something u really wanna boast about? more than 80% of them have fake certis (income>3L)

1 Mar 2013, 09.32 PM |


CAT is the filter which has ensured that companies continue to flock to the IIMs to attract those chosen ones so please do not question this system. There is no alternative to an aptitude test which can filter thousands from lakhs. And yes, when you dress up for your plush job tomorrow, please do think about the general category student who might have been in your position but for the 'privileged caste' he was born in. - not a category wala who might have had your plush job

18 Mar 2013, 07.42 PM |

Get over it

Please do not discount the valid points the author has made by focusing just on one aspect. The author has made a generalization. And like a respectable generalization it is true in many cases. There will no doubt be exceptions. The article is spot on, and it's a wonder that so many people realize all this after entering an IIM.

1 Mar 2013, 05.53 PM

+Read Replies (5)

mango man

No, point is that author has made a totally unnecessary and dangerous generalization. same message could have been conveyed without a reference to caste. its a reflection of casteist mentality that some of us still possess. and i think we all agree as far as rest of article is concerned. IIMs are still ignoring this harsh reality and increasing batch size and fees further. now couple this with non transparent and unethical placement reports and you have a fatal combination on hand.

1 Mar 2013, 06.07 PM |

Just a guy

Well, caste issues would not have been referred if caste based leniency was not introduced in the selection system.

2 Mar 2013, 09.07 AM |


The casteist mentality is when people are divided during the selection process on the base of caste instead of income...

2 Mar 2013, 11.08 AM |


The reason we possess this casteist mentality is because this is what prevents us, and will prevent our children in future, from getting a single call from any of the top IIMs despite having great acads, top college tag and a 99 percentile in CAT. And the harsh reality of increasing batch size is in itself a consequence of quotas.

18 Mar 2013, 07.18 PM |

Dillip Mohanty

This casteist mentality has actually been fostered by the reservation system only. When you categorise people into different groups such mentality is bound to happen

21 Apr 2019, 09.47 AM |


Its not about looking down towards the reserved category students. The fact remains that institute does grant a certain concession to category students, but unfortunately companies treat everyone likewise. Thus when a recruiter puts an excel filter of >90% on 10th standard marks, almost 90% of the category students get filtered out. Perhaps that's the tragedy of our reservation policies, howsoever we may try to rectify it, people find ways around it to do the discrimination against the underprivileged people. Having said that, it is totally wrong to say that reserved category people possess less than desirable communication skills. In fact to my experience, some of the brilliant students from the top notch engineering colleges end up getting shortlist after shortlist but don't get placed because even though they are good at number and analysis, they just don't speak be it in GD or an interview.

1 Mar 2013, 05.59 PM

+Read Replies (2)


I am a genral category IIT Graduate and IIMC Alumni and I had 70% in 10th and know many such people so 90% thing is hard on anyone except say school topper nerds who I feel are generally not very smart so 90% thing is non sense anyways plus i have seen enough 99.9x dumb people in C so hard to generalize

1 Mar 2013, 08.12 PM |

Jyoti Sarkar

I have very low academic record (xth -79.25%,12th-69.4%,BE-73%),if i get a chance in an iim,will there be any problem in future for placement..problems mean( lower CTC 15LPA)

31 Jul 2013, 03.55 AM |

Raj Sanghani

The comments section would have you believe that this articleis on reservations which it is not. The author has made some excellent points and most of these points are accurate. I'd encourage all aspirants to read this before even preparing for entrance exams.

1 Mar 2013, 06.14 PM


Upper cast overtone to the whole article really brings about the true chauvenistic mind set of writer

1 Mar 2013, 06.42 PM

+Read Replies (2)


Ideally speaking reservation must be on the basis of income and not on the basis of caste! So u would be better off by saying the article has a richer class overtone. But i disagree that the article is biased in any sense whatsoever.

2 Mar 2013, 11.03 AM |

Ramandeep Singh

Suggest you to check the thumbs down you are getting. There must be no reservations in education system. If anything, there should be financial support and that is where the buck stops. Reservations are killing India.

12 Apr 2013, 09.43 PM |


Very well written article, strikes a cord...Every aspirant should go through this article and shape their expectation before joining an MBA course...Needs a small correction...Instead of 5+ years of workex, males with 3+ years of workex should look for an executive MBA

1 Mar 2013, 06.55 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Agree to experienced the same at IIM"X". Your options in many marketing companies and genman companies are as a good as over if you have more than 2 years non relevant experience.

1 Mar 2013, 07.28 PM |


The author has chosen to be politically incorrect and hence he is being criticized for being an upper-caste chauvinist. However the fact remains; an average general category student scores better on various parameters (including placements) than an average reserved category student does.

1 Mar 2013, 09.20 PM


The IIMs exist not to provide placements..but to impart education..dont blame the high fees or the large batch size..if u join coz of placements then its up2 u..faculty has no role in placements..its purely driven by students and alums..the IIMs have all the rights to increase seat if there is demand and they can maintain quality of education (however good/bad it maybe)...neither is it the placecom's (who are students) job to place whoever the govt. thinks is fit to study in an IIM..the govt. shud take care of them in that case..

1 Mar 2013, 09.41 PM

+Read Replies (2)


IIMs are public institutions, they have responsibility to provide transparent and true info to all aspirants. then why should they allow inflated placement report. why all IIMs have a gag order on discussing placements in media. IIMs themselves are a mute party to formation of hyped expectations. fact is - in india a b-school is all about placements whether right or not. let IIMs abolish placements then i will see how many will join. in terms of infra- they are increasing fees without any regard to infra or faculty strength / quality. and yes placements are their responsibility. this is a B school not arts or music instis. whole objective is to provide the future corporate managers / leaders. if you cant get them placed in corporates whats the point left. (discounting the utterly incompetent and entrepreneurial students)

1 Mar 2013, 10.34 PM |


the IIMs should publish true info without hype, i agree. The media too should control what they print. Like i mentioned increasing fees is not a justification of having a guaranteed placement. Why do u think it is their resposibility to place ppl?? Isn't it the responsobility of arts or music instis...y shudnt an MA in Pyschology be guranteed a placement in his field???? Why blame only the IIMs in that case. The IIMs teach you to be managers, they don't advertise their placements saying "Join IIM-X because we have the best I-Banks" ...we have colleges like IIPM advertising that sorta stuff anyways..leev it to them.. for that matter Harvard/Wharton/Stan also publish reports...but they don't gurantee u placement...they dont even have placecoms..they jes have recruiting fairs..where u r on yr own to apply and connect with the alums..therz no spoonfed 5-days placement system... If u feel IIMs should place people in corporate jobs...ask any faculty member if they are interested in doing that (they are there for their reserch/teaching)..placements is upto students and alums themselves..

3 Mar 2013, 01.11 AM |


Kudos t the author & InsideIIM for coming up with an honest account of the Indian MBA space. Wonder what's with people making this an article about reservations. Let's face it - most of India's top B Schools (Including the very best) are finding it difficult to place everyone given the humongous batch sizes. A cursory glance at the list of people unplaced (or those with sub-10 figures) will tell you that the author is right in making the generalization that he made. That's not to say there aren't exceptions. I have a few friends who got in through quota but have cracked the best of jobs (read 20+ LPA) while I also know people scoring insane percentiles like 99.5+ and landing up with 5.5 LPA salary. But does that negate the general trend - Nope. To talk about CAT not being fool-proof & all sounds a logical argument but that again does not take away from the fact that a significant majority of the top percentile scorers are brilliant. I guess people need to take this in the right spirit!! P.S. I'm a placecommer of a top b school for the 2013 batch.

1 Mar 2013, 09.46 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Aye aye

Your p.s. doesnt really make an sense here

4 Mar 2013, 12.16 AM |


It does for the simple reason that it lends credibility to my observations. As a placecommer, I have access to the batch profile including everyone's CAT percentiles, which no one else is privy to. I need not mention the efforts we've got to make at times to convince companies to not ask for this info.

4 Mar 2013, 11.35 PM |


Nice article. However, I feel even in non ABC IIMs IITians have a hard time getting good positions of their choice, whether in summers or mains. What I realised after seeing placements is luck plays a very big part and its very much random(This is my opinion, I might be wrong)

1 Mar 2013, 10.03 PM

+Read Replies (1)

IIML grad


2 Mar 2013, 01.22 AM |


I find management training for the most part to be pompous and impractical leading to a mass production of entitled souls. So, all management graduates I ever met except for two will disqualify on that point alone. Disclaimer: I have an extreme hatred for how we go about education.

1 Mar 2013, 10.57 PM


Dear Maheswaran, while i agree with all ur points n really appreciate ur efforts in painting a true picture, I think we shud refrain ourselves from publicizing our placement issues in public while the process is still on. I request you/ insideiim team to remove the article as it has specific mention of IIM L We shud discuss n debate this issue in public for the benefit of aspirants later... regards your batchmate (hostel mate) at L

2 Mar 2013, 01.33 AM

+Read Replies (2)



2 Mar 2013, 02.56 PM |


stop being a crybaby.

1 Apr 2013, 12.24 PM |


There are few things we are missing here, - This situation is present only in current market situation, where only 50% of the batch at IIMI and IIMK is placed. New IIMs have reached only 20% placements. The situation is not the same every year. So will agree to the points but only for next 3 years. The points are correct and true in today's time and will agree to that but picture isn't that rosy in A, B or C itself. So have patience and take decision keeping long term in view, after all that's the first lesson you learn in MBA :) Cheers, MadeInHelL

2 Mar 2013, 01.37 AM

+Read Replies (3)


new iims have reached only 20% placements?? :D Dude you are grossly mis-informed!

2 Mar 2013, 10.57 AM |


U indirectly divulged percentage of batch placed at IIM L. Didn't know picture is that bad at IIM L Just 51% batch placed and we are already in March. Insane. hahaha..laughter filled with deep sadness :'(

3 Mar 2013, 06.51 PM |

null null

Do not woryy on placements. If you study in IIM, bank and government institution will give you loan for starting the business. You can earn more than 20 lacs of your own rather than working like labor for somone else.

21 Oct 2013, 11.54 AM |


I feel people should now especially graduates from IIM have courage to own and accept how bad place these education centres are for bright students. I personally feel that IIMs provide very little value addition into someone's career and eventually it makes life difficult for its graduates. Reason for all this is that they have been over hyped and almost 70 percent about IIM being published and discussed in media is false. I think education system should be left to rot and only the best one should survive and grow. IIMs are there today only because of huge government grant and false publicity by its graduates.

2 Mar 2013, 01.49 AM

+Read Replies (2)

Not an IIM grad

IIMA takes 0 grant form any shitty govt. It is fully self funded. I believe u are one of the dumb aspirants who could not crack CAT even in ur dreams

2 Mar 2013, 09.14 AM |


Actually all IIMs take grant for operations, infrastructure development and expansion. I dont know about IIMA but definitely sure about other IIMs. Btw I am a student of IIM and why I said all these things above was because of my personal experience. Although I ended up getting a decent job both during summers and finals many who were better in studies and academics and also with better work ex than me are still struggling for the jobs even equivalent to what they had earlier before joining IIM. I am not badmouthing IIMs but this is the harsh reality which no one is ready to accept.

2 Mar 2013, 09.38 AM |


I don't understand why people are taking for granted that students who make it to IIMs via reservation are poor in academics or soft-skills. Is it just on the basis of a poor CAT score, an exam which has a duration of 6 hours? Even Australians were defeated by Bangladesh on their bad day. One exam of 6 hours DO NOT determine the merit of any person. And that is why I applaud the IIMs specifically stressing on past academic scores for admission. Look at their academic record in the campus and then judge their capability and skills. There are a lot of "such" students for whom you wont recognize their so called category if you happen to know them in the campus. On another note, why would someone even try to get a 99%ile CAT score when they know a 90%ile score is enough for a convert/call. It is all about optimization and reducing wastage of energy and time.

2 Mar 2013, 04.17 AM

+Read Replies (1)


I and most of us are not saying that people with reservation are poor in soft skills,etc. Scoring in academic subjects is easier! It just requires good by-hearting skills! But it requires hell lot of effort to crack cat, get a score above 99! Category people are simply taking the easier route! The way you are saying CAT as being just a 6 hour exam(its a 2.5 hour exam at max) shows that you are not even aware of the months of effort that people who have scored well have put in! You are probably one among those free riders and that's why you are not in a position to acknowledge the effort that has to be put in to crack cat. I worked hard for 3 years and finally cracked cat! People with reservation will never realize this! They never have to work so hard to crack cat! People work hard for several months to several years in order to crack cat dear free rider!

2 Mar 2013, 10.51 AM |


Dear Maheswaran, while i agree with all ur points n really appreciate ur efforts in painting a true picture, I think we shud refrain ourselves from publicizing our placement issues in public while the process is still on. I request you/ insideiim team to remove the article as it has specific mention of IIM L

2 Mar 2013, 08.25 AM

+Read Replies (4)


There is nothing in the article that reveals anything about IIM L's placement process for this year. Most of the points are general and no stark revealation has been made. We don't see any reason to put this article down.

2 Mar 2013, 09.44 AM |

Aap Chutiye Haiin

Just by showcasing that you support the article which has a racist tone you are demeaning your own website. You should have done a proper background check before publishing this article. The author certainly lives in a world of his own.

3 Mar 2013, 01.58 AM |

Aap Chutiye Hain

It seems you only have a copy paste reply to every comment.

3 Mar 2013, 02.00 AM |


The query is similar.,.. InsideIIM would only be hypocrite/inconsistent if they have different answers for similar queries.

3 Mar 2013, 06.10 AM |


Commend the author for coming up with genuine points. Being in an IIM, i find that it is generally the category people who are at the bottom. However there are category people in the top as well(though few in number when compared to the bottom lot). I also find that there are SC/ST people who are genuinely disadvantaged unlike the OBC people, who, inspite of being well off contend that they need reservation. They are people who have work-ex in companies like IBM consulting, Headstrong consulting, Barclays, Titan, etc and are from well-off families as well. I really wonder why is it that they don't feel shameful for grabbing away the seats of genuinely poor and dis-advantaged OBCs. And of course there is the batch of people who have faked their way into IIMs, in the sense that they got fake caste certificates and made it to IIMs. In this context i hope that in future, IMs consider these facts when giving out admissions. Hope they select the genuinely disadvantaged instead of free riders..

2 Mar 2013, 08.34 AM

+Read Replies (1)


@non-freerider.. I do agree with most of ur comments. But, I would like to disagree with ur mention of the freerider tag for the reserved people. I know many general guys who don't even care to put in a single mail in the mail chain even in a 40% weightage group assignment. while, category ppl would do all the hard work to prepare reports, ppt's, etc. Of course, there r the logical stories as well (wid general guys putting in effort). But, the opposite trend is also starkly prominent nowadays in IIM's and growing as well..!

6 Mar 2013, 06.25 AM |


Ahh... Indians fighting over you guys will all remain backward forever!

2 Mar 2013, 10.02 AM

Be sensitive

Good article. But here are a few pointers it could be factually true that category people fare worse than others, simply because they needed lesser percentiles and lesser acads to reach an IIM. But having said that it is not right in the spirit, for they are not complacent and still work their ass off like anyone else. Now whether they deserve a seat or not is a different question which requires a deeper understanding of the socio-economic situation in the country. There was no need for the author to be biased (and indirectly suggest that they don't deserve a seat). Quite a few people from category have fared way better than the others and vice versa. There is no need to stereotype anyone- the best of the best the author refers to- ppl from IITs with 99.9 in CAT need not be necessarily be good at english or people skills. The author, I feel could have left out that innuendo about reserved category people. Not a healthy attitude to have. PS- People keep suggestions about using income for reservation and not caste- . The fact still remains that people from backward classes are still at a very significant disadvantage- (till reservation was made mandatory at IIMs and IITs, people from forward caste constituted about 90% of the batch while they represented less than 20% of the country). Now you can call it a simple coincidence- but that has happened for more than 50 years without fail. How do you explain that. Besides income based res is impossible and impractical and would assume that social equality has been achieved which is not the case. There are people who misuse this system to get in here, but there are also people who are genuinely disadvantaged and this intervention was their only chance. Lets be sensitive to them and not get carried away by our prejudices. Pls

2 Mar 2013, 12.07 PM

+Read Replies (2)

IIT Alumnus

I think your figures of 90% and 10 % are not correc.. Till OBC reservation was not in IIM and IIT still there was 15% + 7.5 % reservation for SC and ST in these institutes and not every candidate who got selected through general category was from forward caste, so in no case 90% of batch was full of forward caste. The very fact is that till a person will judge other person from wearing the spectacles of caste is the proof that no matter whatever is done for 50 years or 200 years, one will always look at caste and yet say that there should not be separation among masses based on castes.

3 Mar 2013, 02.21 PM |


I think what the author meant was 90% of non reserved seats. This is entirely true not just for educational institutions but for govt jobs as well. Besides the 15+7.5% only reserves the seats- the institution is not entitled to fill them. Even with low cutoffs- many of the SC/ST seats in IITs were not filled. This clearly implies that they still dont have basic access to proper education. According to Mandal commission, there were atleast 26000 vacancies in OBC reserved jobs in the govt for lack of qualified people. I agree that seeing people through caste spectacles might not be healthy but also understand that an unequal intervention is required till equality sets in. As long as we we are confident that everybody has access to quality education right from childhood, we cannot do away with unequal intervention. Reservation is definitely not very efficient- but probably the best among the available alternatives. Its easy for people to assume that reservations are just a political game. If only these people could just spend a few hours on the Mandal commision report that was both fairly comprehensive and empirically strong.

3 Mar 2013, 04.07 PM |


Do not blame the Institute and the history it has been proving since years, just because of 1 bad event you had to come across. The Institute is at the top of the pyramid. If the condition appears a little bad at the top and then imagine how would have been the situation at other institutes ranked lesser in the pyramid. The entire market is down, stop this stupid blame game.

2 Mar 2013, 02.43 PM


This is not warning but just spreading. pessimism and being utterly cynical(may be the author didn't succeed in a great placement). IIMs opens up a world of opportunities! if you make it to IIMs and work hard to create an unique identity no matter who you are you can succeed and go places. dont be bogged down by these stories of cynicism and failures. IIMs make you fighter, thats what B did to me. If you are a "give up " pay heed to this article and GIVE UP

2 Mar 2013, 07.30 PM


Most of the points in this short sighted article are indeed true. But the fact is they are institute independent. Across the board the placements take a hit when the economy goes for a downturn (yes for ABC too). You combine this with global pessimism, you'll get a near zero demand for B-School grads simply because they charge higher. You really should not be blaming an institute for poor operating environment. Given that you spent two years garnering "inside view" of placements, you should know that in 2006-2007 (and before that) people indeed got kickass front end jobs. Across the board investment banks are shutting down businesses so don't blame the placements/institutes for it. Most importantly, the goal of an IIM is not to get you placed. Please get that right and you would not walk away with a heart burn. It is an amazing place to build strong fundamentals in the domain you want to pursue for the rest of you life. If one were to pursue your line of argument then one should not go to an IIT either. The "inside view" of placements at IITs is similar if not poorer. But you would still go, isn't it? Why? A different league? Class? Long term value? Thanks for reducing quality education to shit value with a mediocre article. PS: It would be a nice exercise on your part to gather alumni (5+ yr) opinion on whether an IIM did good or bad to them.

2 Mar 2013, 09.58 PM


TRUE!! Every bit of it and it is not limited to IIM's only. It is with B schools across India with variations depending on their "perceived value" amongst aspirants and the Marketing skills of the B School.

2 Mar 2013, 10.48 PM


Hi All I am from Bangalore campus , I agree with most of the points mentioned in the article We had a few people from reserved category, went to crack the best jobs (conslulting Mck etc and Big I banks ) .All of them are not 80%ilers , many of them are 99%ilers as well and you can file RTI and get the same details . Reservation is highly debatable issue , BUT one BIG POINT we educated class never THINK , we want to remove reservation but we never want to remove CASTE DISCRIMINATION ,so many agitation against reservation but NONE against Caste Discrimination ,,,, whose responsibility is to remove Caste Discrimination ??? Just remove caste discrimination and we can do it if we really want to get rid of this . Reservation will die its own death , I support SC/ST reservation but not OBC because of obvious reason we all know .My best friend is an SC student , he is one of the brightest in the campus , but when other guys come to know about this , he hardly gets any respect or fair treatment from so called intellectual/best brain of India even though he is IIT Kanpur topper . He says that do not give me any admission or reservation ,just give me fair and just treatment like any other person .He says, give 100% reservation to all general people and treat them like oppressed class . People will not be ready for that .So any IIM degree or Harvard's etc is not even an iota of self respect , would you barter one thing for other ..? Caste Discrimination is a fact of life even today , who can remove this , it is we the people from upper caste , I am sometime surprised that we never took this seriously because it does NOT affect US , we took Reservation seriously because it affects US . All are requested to criticize if I said something wrong but we can never ignore the facts (if remember correctly , Ambedkar never demanded reservation , just verify facts before bashing me ,it was Gandhi who forced him under the guise of fast unto death .Ambedkar demanded separate country for them .. How many of us give him due credit that he deserved though he was educated at LSE , Columbia University , he had 4 different Phd degrees apart from multiple master degrees. How many of us know that he was also great economist and only person who confronted Mr.Keynes (UK Economist) over a debate economics theory that was the dividing point among great economist that point of time . You can get this info from google etc... Even Columbia/LSE has these records Dr. Ambedkar is highly misunderstood person in Indian history because he did not have sycophants or PR team as that of Gandhi family . He was really a great thinker who thought about India as a great country . I am not glorifying him and all these are facts that you can verify yourself . by the way I am from so called upper caste but have few SC friends , I can on any given day trade my IIM B degree with a deserving and needy person getting that degree . If i an good , I can definitely lead a very good life even without so called MBA from IIM B

3 Mar 2013, 12.20 AM

+Read Replies (6)


People don't have a problem with your friend being SC (they dont look down upon the fact that his caste maybe backward)...they look down upon the fact that he used the "category" quota to get in...An IIT-K topper would not need an SC quota to make it to B..had he taken admission under gen catg and was an SC/ST i dont think any1 wud have a problem. 23 yr olds dont care which caste u r from. The benefit of reservertion shud be had only once by one family member...why shud the govt. get an SC/ST an undergrad seat and then a postgrad seat and then also a job in a PSU (and maybe in the pvt. secctor if the 5% rule ever comes into force). Then his children will benefit at every level. and then maybe his children this the aim of reservation?

3 Mar 2013, 01.25 AM |


23 yr olds don't care which caste u r from, are u sure ? i tell u they are mature enough and they do care , dats the harsh reality

3 Mar 2013, 01.46 AM |


You did not get my point and you know SC/ST is a caste and it remains with that person till his/her life . You meant so that if someone gets admission through MERIT , then he becomes General Category student ? Are you kidding me ? People like you will never admit wrongdoings on your part that is reason of reservation .WHAT IF these people demand separate country then we can keep these iims , iits with us n be happy with these degrees . You are great dude , u did not see anything wrong in caste discrimination . btw these iims etc degrees are very small part of one's life . I think you are not matured enough to talk about this contentious issue , may be u never seen the ground realities in India . You know what discrimination (White vs Black )was rampant in US as well but think now , they have taken care of this evil in 50 yrs time . FYI Harvard etc has affirmative policies for blacks FYI our netas who studied in Harvard were on "DONORS QUOTA " we don not care about them because it does not affect us ..

3 Mar 2013, 11.32 AM |


Dude, It is a utopian dream to remove Caste Discrimination or discrimination based on factors like Money, skin colour, gender etc. It is the law of nature that one part of community will dominate the other. It will continue to happen. Even the nature didn't maintain equality while creating human beings. Why are we fighting to create artificial "EQUALITY'? No matter how hard you try, it is not possible. & please you should not trade your degree with needy & deserving student because you have earned it after a lot of hard work. We people from general category work harder to get into such ivy league institutes & this we definitely deserve something more. P.S. Discussion of Ambedkar is irrelevant becasue exceptions shouldn't be quoted as examples.

3 Mar 2013, 04.59 PM |


My whole point is that level playing field is the pre-requisite for competition. I do not buy your argument , this is all man made issues , you meant to say just leave them on their own , I believe any one can achieve any thing provided he gets access to resources .

3 Mar 2013, 08.59 PM |


I would like to know whether did he take CAT under general category? Reservation generates hatred. If you friend has applied under gen category he deserves respect.

30 Apr 2013, 07.54 PM |


All this random and instinct driven shit mr maheshwaran says after getting a big fat job himself. yes placements were bleak this year, but that was situationacross campuses and was highly situation driven.

3 Mar 2013, 03.01 AM

IAS Aspirant

Investment Banking jobs in India are offered in India in the bulge bracket IIMs or other B schools FMS and XLRI as far as statistics figures in placement report shows. But those jobs are not even close to the Gordon Gecko kinda story of a Wall Street Banker or that USD 5mn bonus story. It looks great in the placement report that, "Goldman Sachs recruited 4 people for its Investment Banking Division from IIM_XYZ". But the truth is,Indian IB operations are a cheap alternative for finding good talents at globally cheap rates, another version of outsourcing as you see in IT.You will work as support staff under your bosses in the core locations. You will work so hard but at the end of the day, they will take all the credits for your efforts and will try to climb up the ladder. Moving to core locations for IBs is a different story. It differs from IT where India has a knack in IT and clients respect Indians in IT too, so you could climb up the ladder or get promoted to your onsite core locations. While for IBs, its a different story, there are lot of people there vying for these jobs in the core locations itself. Even with a compilation of your CFA or FRM certifications, you will have to prove your mettle amongst your Indian counterparts and also please your bosses. And after moving to clients locations, survival depends on how u can already talk like Gordon Gecko and convince clients in US to invest money. I would suggest not opting for all these IB jobs in India where you will end up as a number junkie rather Gordon Gecko.

3 Mar 2013, 10.22 AM

IIT Alumnus

The Author has just tried to put his point.He is a particular caste Chauvinist or not, could not be proved from this. Now the problem is not of caste discrimination but of caste identification. Whenever a student completes his 12th class and fills his/her form for higher education the third thing in every form after Name and Father's name is to which caste/category he belongs. Now I agree that merit is not based on category, but obviously those students of general category, who could not make through after scoring good marks will always blame reservation system, because a similar fellow like them who is a son of an IAS /IPS /Doctor /Engineer got a seat just because he was born in a certain category and used it to his advantage. I agree CAT is not the full proof system, but it is the exam by which everyone has to go for joining IIM's. I know many of my friends who have worked in good jobs and are economically well off, but still used the reservation system for entering into IIM's. Reservation in Under Grads, then Reservation in Post Grads, Reservation in jobs, Reservation in promotions and an average student of general category feels the brunt, and yet when he tries to say something against this system, he is remarked as someone who supports caste discrimination. Now many will came and say that a particular section has been deprived of his/her rights therefore reservation is necessary. I agree to it but again classifying this section with caste will do no good. What about those general category students who have lost their parents/families and are economically weak, they do not know their caste, yet still they get the stamp of being in upper caste and end up in general category.

3 Mar 2013, 12.10 PM


I dont understand why the so called "other categories" object having a mention in the article. You guys dont object when you use it to get into the IIT's and the IIM's and all other places where the government has made special provisions for you guys. I think what the author mentions is only a statistical estimate which is profoundly true, otherwise why would you need reservation in the first place. I have a few friends who actually made it to IIT's and IIM's despite being from "other categories" by competing in the general category. I have nothing but only respect for them.

3 Mar 2013, 12.55 PM


A very well written post first of all.... Thanks to the insideiim team. Further why do people just look at the shorter game most of the time. I am an NIT and an IIM alumnus and I have always seen people cribbing that the institute did not do justice to their talent. One simple advice, forget that a diploma from an IIM or a degree from an IIT or even an NIT give you the right to be paid astronomical figures. If you are really worth it sooner or later you will find your place in the peking order. Its just a matter of time. We all have plenty of years to work ( anything between 30-40 years), why are most of the passouts so scared that they want the first perfect job with the shiny pay package. So just keep working hard and you will reach where you should be.... More than anything else being in a top league place gives you the opportunity to break your own barriers, know yourself and learn from your peers.. my personal advice do that , and if you dont you will regret later...

3 Mar 2013, 06.16 PM

+Read Replies (2)


If you are an iim alumnus, by now you would have realized first job really matters.....there are some profiles which are impossible to crack offcampus unless you have a strong reference...first job and starting salary is indeed important...if u work in a particular profile for more than an year or so (say sales or marketing) and then you want to become an investment banker, it is almost impossible.....

3 Mar 2013, 06.58 PM |


my dear friend, I passed out in 2010 and ended up with a PSU job in the 10% tax bracket (my bad), but eventually ended up in a much better place ( A fortune 10 company). Yes I agree it becomes a bit difficult to switch streams but if you are in a good company they will always give you chances to move across provided you have the background & are ready to work for it. We all know how many versions of the same CV we all make, and if you are smart enough you will play your cards right in the interview. Almost 60% of my batch have switched jobs if not in the first year then a little later and even the lot who were handed out the worst jobs have eventually moved up in terms of CTC. PS : Am not a reserved category guy, have a decent profile in terms of education, acads and extra-currics and left a leading chip design company offer to experience an IIM and after 3 years I say it was really worth it. I agree all dont have the luck that I had but then working hard is all we can do, leave the luck part to destiny. Godspeed

3 Mar 2013, 07.23 PM |

MBA wala

Category guys have ruined many general category people guys, who are actually poor, they should face the music, I accept it, brand me chauvinist.

3 Mar 2013, 07.01 PM


KeepWalking: That's the right spirit man...But chest beating about the first job seems to be the more preferred option amongst B-schoolers, they forget that they have a career to build-a career of 30-40 years and it is that which tests your real mettle, not some initial job obtained through the placement process which is a farce in itself!!

3 Mar 2013, 07.12 PM


I find authors points very good and with a hint of pessimism.As an MBA aspirant with a Software engineer from DCE and working with Oracle for more than 2 years i just want to share my little experience. I think this whole concept of first job is very over-hyped and most of the time whole narrative of doing MBA is lost in this short shortsightedness. In our batch avg placement was in 10% tax bracket.Few lucky ones got in to dream companies(i also was one of those FEW..:P). I had many friends who landed up with below average first job but now two years down the line i find several of them getting salary in 30% tax bracket and doing some amazing work. So, what i feel is that, real value of MBA degree from IIM or any top B school cannot be measured with this one indicator and deserves a more nuanced debate.Entering into top B-school doesn't guarantee you a plush job but it will serve as a mean to meet the desired ends. PS:- There are no free lunches in life, even Amul Baby will have to face fierce competition(NAMO) to get the top job.

3 Mar 2013, 10.10 PM


the author is intentionally targeting socially disadvantaged people even general category students are not getting placed well at all instances

3 Mar 2013, 10.45 PM

+Read Replies (1)

null null

Nobody needs your permission to take reservation.Reservation is given by constitution.Laws are made in parliament with lots discussions keeping real indicators in mind unlike caste system which has no head nor tail ,Imagine someone giving birth to thousands people from head? Is it possible ? Biologically it means to have vag*na in head ! .Parliament laws are well researched , like Mandal commission. People should enjoy reservation , as it saves millions from dirty irrational system- caste system.Reservation is driving rationalism . Reservation is Nobel prize winning concept ! God bless RESERVATION.

29 Jul 2013, 04.39 AM |

Mahesh Navale

I am totally agree with author. He dared to put truth in front of aspirants... I think this is very big decision of leaving good job and getting into MBA with high hopes of getting double package but situation today is very differnt people with 3-4 yrs of experience are getting same package after MBA or even less than what they were earning before MBA. So it's time to open eyes and think before jumping in sea........

3 Mar 2013, 11.56 PM

Vishal Gohel

Very well written Mahesh, You have covered all aspects really well. Very proud that my colleague and ex-roomie is such a wizard :)

4 Mar 2013, 11.05 AM


Sad and stupid! At least be careful such articles will surely reach the eyes and ears of potential employers. Have somebody read before you post. Regarding afiirmative I am sure you will be one who will be trumped by majority of so called 'affirmative' due to your negatives. You may earn approval from students, faculty at IIML for such as article but you are bound to be loser in life. Mark my words for it.

4 Mar 2013, 11.53 AM

+Read Replies (3)


Ridiculous comment at best!

4 Mar 2013, 07.04 PM |


Are you a prophet?? In that case, start a new religion.... and demand reservation too.

4 Mar 2013, 07.48 PM |


he is a loser!!! And what are you....facepalm!!!!!

9 Mar 2013, 11.48 PM |


@ All studying in a top IIM/ XL/ FMS --> Respected Seniors, I will be appearing for the DREAM IIMs' interviews shortly & seeing this article really makes me very worried.... My Profile--> Class 10 - 93 Class 12- 92 B.Tech- 75.4 & that too from a "less illustrious colg" :( Now I am not gonna ask the annoying question- "What are my chances etc etc" but there is a specific statement about the less illustrious colgs which gives me the shivers.... Will my grad score & colg destroy my chances in the TOP companies? :O I am a certified scuba diver, a certified water surfer & a national level footballer....Are these gonna have any positive impact during placements? :O Plz reply to my query & Plz no diplomatic BULL....I know NO ONE can save if i figure among the last 150 students in the batch but I am just talking about NORMAL circumstances & whether my Graduation Section has doomed my chances of entry into the ELITE companies.... PS- When i post a question here, I take it for granted that its gonna remain unanswered as the participation is almost negligible here. But A beggar cannot be a chooser. Stepping into the BIGGEST month of my life so far, I try to have my doubts cleared, WHEREVER possible. I really hope that some of u reply to my query kindly & help me get a clear picture.....

5 Mar 2013, 02.49 AM

+Read Replies (3)


Your Acads are Above average and so is Extracurrics. Consulting companies look for 4 things Acads Extracurrics POR ( Position of Responsibility ) Workex/Internship etc Try to get some good POR's and you should be good to get a shortlist but again it can't be guaranteed as everything is relative. If you have people with better profile in your college ( like it mostly happens in A and B ), you might lose out. Also if you are aiming to get into BCG, Mck, Bain etc try to be in the top 5% of your batch. This is because even if you miss the bus in summers, you stand a second chance during the finals.

5 Mar 2013, 09.43 AM |


Thanks a lot for ur timely reply sir :) Obviously no one can guarantee it but at the outset, u think its not a profile thats gonna be ineligible/ straight-rejected/ a burden for the Placecom, right sir? :o And what about the TOP MARKETING companies? :o Do I have a shot there? :o Plz reply 1 last time. I am not gonna bug u anymore....

5 Mar 2013, 12.49 PM |


Marketing companies mostly look at people less than 2 years workex preferably from non IT background. They also look at your POR's and hence make sure that you get into good clubs and committees in whichever college you go. You have a chance there definitely.

7 Mar 2013, 02.49 AM |


Just wanna add something to my query above, I am NOT interested in Finance. I am gonna go for Marketing or Consulting. So when I talk about the ELITE companies, I mean the BIGGEST companies in this field like the BIG 4, Accenture MC, ATK, Oliver Wyman, Arthur D Little (for Consulting) & ITC, PnG, Colgate-Palmolive etc (for Marketing). Plz reply....

5 Mar 2013, 02.57 AM

+Read Replies (5)


You haven't mentioned about your work experience. If you have more than 3 years of work-ex, acads doesn't matter much. Some consulting companies may look for consistent acads, but you can offset it by getting a good CGPA after coming to IIM. Marketing companies never look for academics. They look for PORs, Co-curriculars (competitions, events), Extracurriculars (sports, culturals)....

5 Mar 2013, 10.39 AM |


Thanks a lot for ur prompt reply sir :) I have 19 months work-ex in IT.... 1 last question sir, when u talk about extra-curriculars & profile, how do u judge mine? :o [I know its all relative but I am just asking for a general opinion]....Is it one thats gonna be a burden for the placecom/ one thats gonna be straight rejected by many? :o Does the 3 unique factors in my CV have any bearing during placements? :o Plz reply 1 last time....

5 Mar 2013, 12.55 PM |


calme down son... you seem to be very anxious... if you want to make a career in marketing / consult .. yes you stand a good chance provided you are good in extra currics or acads respectively (read top 5 % in acads). however no one can assure you about placements. its very arbit in nature. sometimes even the best ones fail to secure placement of their choice for incomprehensible reasons despite doing all the right things.. but if you are persistent you will make a fine career for your self, only thing which is assured. and if it brings any peace to you -- yes your extra currics and acads are fine. just get into a good IIM and work hard there and rest will be taken care of. dont fear the failure.

5 Mar 2013, 02.58 PM |


Thanks a lot for those calming words sir :) Actually my 'A' interview is on the 9th, so I am very tensed as it is :P Reading this article (pnts 1 & 4) along with the horror stories in the comment section of the PLACEMENT REPORTS of the top IIMs, where EVERY SINGLE YEAR, 2-3 guys cry foul & how their career has been ruined---- reading these give me the chills as I belong from a pretty middle class family & 15lakhs is going to be a huge burden on me & my family.... Thanks alot for ur help :) Deeply appreciated :)

5 Mar 2013, 07.01 PM |


For the time, I would suggest you to focus on interviews. Do not think about placements now. No IIM is going to ask you to deposit INR 15 lakhs at the time of interviews. So chill! All the concerns could be addressed later.

5 Mar 2013, 08.21 PM |


I would like to take the advice of IIM junta on how I should approach my career. I am a passout from IIT KGP and have had 3.5 years of job experience since, but the nature of my experience is very unconventional. I have been teaching (and doing lots of administrative/managerial work) in one of the leading private universities in India. The salary is decent (8.5 Lpa). However, this work experience may not count for much once i am in a B-school. Further, going by your article, I may be at a disadvantage even compared to freshers at B-School. This year I have calls from FMS, MDI, SJMSoM , NITIE but none of the IIMs at 99.2 CAT percentile. My acads have been decent but not extraordinary - 85 , 87 % respectively in 10 and 12, 7.6 CGPA. What should i target. I am not satisfied with my calls and shall probably prepare for GMAT and look to apply for ISB. What would be your advice ?

6 Mar 2013, 01.22 PM

+Read Replies (4)


Since you are from IIT and have a different kind of experience I would suggest you to try for ISB. To be frank and honest, NITIE, MDI and SJMSOM wont give you a great placement. If the market remains to be down like this you might end up with a subpar salary too. FMS is worth a shot because of its high ROI and low fees. But its mostly known for marketing and with your experience it would be difficult to get a marketing shortlist. Still better than the options you have presently.

7 Mar 2013, 02.52 AM |


Thanks for your response. I have also registered for CFA L1 - December. Hope that would help. I had a doubt with regards to ISB. Does a one year program mean that my pre MBA job experience shall receive a large weightage at the time of final placements ?

7 Mar 2013, 02.22 PM |


Yes, But atleast in ISB companies will come looking for work ex junta. in IIMs 2 year programme they come with a 'fresher' mindset. for you 1 year programme in IIM ABC or ISB will only be worth, unless you are decided on a career switch in which case 2 year programme in IIM ABCL will give u some opportunities but with some degree of risk.

8 Mar 2013, 11.51 PM |


I have passed out of MDI in the 2011-13 batch and had close to 3yrs IT work-ex. Marketing shortlists for summers are fewer but you do get some decent ones (& some consulting) from my own experience.. but let's just say average or above average - not necessarily the plump-est! But finals give you more leeway even with marketing firms. Some 2-3 yrs work-ex guys had as many as 30 shortlists! I'll say that you can take a chance. There were a few IITians in my batch and all got decent placements. Freshers of course got better opportunities but even some work-ex ones (3-4 yrs) managed above 10-11. There were also 2 people in our batch with heavy operations work-ex (8-10 yrs)!.. yea wonder why they didn't go for exec. Anyway, both of them got 12-14L package (mostly fixed) - one in ops (spirits co.) and one in IT in well known companies. Nothing big but considering the slowdown and heavy workex I guess in the end they were relieved. So what I'm saying is you could give it a shot with 3.5 yrs work-ex .. and your acads aren't bad. They are average to above average I'd say.. but yes the kind of work-ex is less common. I guess in the end it's your call but the takeaway should be more than 8.5 (quite likely). However, if you end up with a 10-12L package (average case) after 2yrs and paying a high fee, would u be satisfied? .. that's the question.

11 Apr 2013, 11.18 PM |


Yes, But atleast in ISB companies will come looking for work ex junta. in IIMs 2 year programme they come with a 'fresher' mindset. for you 1 year programme in IIM ABC or ISB will only be worth, unless you are decided on a career switch in which case 2 year programme in IIM ABCL will give u some opportunities but with some degree of risk.

8 Mar 2013, 11.51 PM

Shuvam Sanyal

@ All studying in a top IIMs-> Respected Seniors, I will be appearing for the CAT 2013 JUST AFTER MY GRADUATION ..with the dream of making it to top IIMs ... My Profile--> Class 10 - 96(overall)(from west bengal state board) Class 12- 92.5(BEST OF 5) AND 90 (overall)(from west bengal state board) In both the board examS having rank within top 100 in the state WB. NON-ENGINEER and Bsc Grad=6.2 CGPA (Till Now) and in my final year of graduation(4 more papers left)...and that is too from 3 rd best Science clg & 2 nd best commerce(after SRCC) college of India St.Xavier's College(Kolkata). according to India Today Ranking. Now I am not gonna ask the annoying question- "What are my chances .. Will my less grad score than ENGINEERS my chances in the TOP companies if i will be able to make it to IIM in cuming future?? :O my extra acd includes Campus ambassador of IIT KGP,2 time district champion in recitation ,NTSE scholar,was a represtative of my clg in back to back Global Entrepreneurship summit 2011 and 2012@IIT KGP during my 1 st and 2 nd year,got more than 35 prizes(including books,medal and money) from school for academic and non academic purposes every year in the whole school life ..and many more... ....:O Plz reply to my query .. whether my Graduation marks has doomed my chances of entry into the ELITE companies....... and some one similar to my profile after making it to IIM one day score among top 20 of the IIM batch......then will it reimburshed my compatatively low grad score?(my only low point)....any reply would be really appreciated!as my low grad score is haunting me during my cat prep and it is getting affected as should i target cat or not.... P.S-I had given cat in my 2 nd year and got 80 percentile..

9 Mar 2013, 12.57 PM

+Read Replies (5)


Heyy.. Don't worry man.. there are many ppl like u.. All u need is gud aptitude.. Even this year's CAT topper Ravi Teja Palla was a 6 pointer from IITM.. Though his JEE rank was very gud (AIR 236).. he has got all 13 IIM calls.. So, u can see ur grad marks don't really matter if u score well in cat.. of course, a few colleges like B, K, etc do take ur grad scores, but then don't think of those things now. kindly, concentrate on ur CAT score. those are secondary. & commerce & arts grads are preferred for admissions esp. from St. Stephens, SRCC, St. Xaviers, Hindu, SSCBM, Loyola, etc.. & lastly, do u hv work-ex? coz it does matter quite a lot.. a 2 yr work-ex can outgun ur grad score.!

9 Mar 2013, 05.14 PM |


wid my 1st few lines, wht I meant to say was that there is absolutely no correlation between a gud aptitude and a gud CGPA. Even top JEE rankers can perform poorly in college, but u shud never lose ur composure. the main success mantra is never to lose hope & quit. Just kip trying hard.!

9 Mar 2013, 05.20 PM |


If I am not wrong, Ravi did'nt get calls from A,K,I,S. For A & K, its mathematically not possible to clear their cut-off. For S, the engineering cut-off was 87.3 (or 86.7, something like that!!!).

9 Mar 2013, 09.37 PM |


Going by THIS year's statistics, if I had to put my money on u, ABKIS is straight out of the window (Considering u are a fresher!).... In K, u may get a call as it favours WB students in normalisation but u are gonna find it very difficult in the PI against the like of DU & SRCC Commerce grads with MUCH MUCH more marks than u.... But don't get disheartened as C & L are there & will give u a call IF U CLEAR THEIR CUT-OFF. And trust me, the jump from a mere 80%ile to 99.5+ is gonna be a massive task. So stop focusing on this & work hard on ur prep as its clearly gonna take a lot. For Reference, u can go through PG threads on the converts (once it is published). U will get a clear idea of the quality of Commerce students that make it.... Best of luck :)

9 Mar 2013, 09.51 PM |

Shuvam Sanyal


11 Mar 2013, 07.42 PM |


Sorry for the grammatical mistakes :p Apparently u cant edit a post after submitting it. *against the LIKES of* & *PG threads OF the final converts* ----> these two phrases!!! :)

9 Mar 2013, 09.57 PM


My english is nt good i am working on it i'll join english class, so please pardon me, i am going to ask my questions in Hindi I really hope that some of u reply to my querykindly & help me get a clear picture my profile I really hope that some of u reply to my querykindly & help me get a clear picture….My Profile–> Class 10 – 54%(overall)(from maharashtra state board) Class 12- 76% same board . I had completed my 12th in 2009,maine life ke 3 years waste kardiye Now i am pursuing my BA from pune university i am in FY .. But mai ab 3 saal cat prepare karke acha score karunga but kya mera 10th ka score aur 3 years mera Acha %itle hone par bi iim me aneme obstacle banege?Hope u'l reply to queries

12 Mar 2013, 03.14 AM

The Rustic

Maheswaran iii) Those looking to interact with some of the brightest and most accomplished minds and who are ready to not be overawed (or drown in their own jealousy/inferiority complex) but learn from the Above statement is ego massaging.I didn't find any bright candidates except for the fact that IIM junta have rich vocabulary. Also you forgot to mention that 80 % of the batch is from good cities with lot of exposure.Also they are fortunate enough to be educated from English medium schools.

13 Mar 2013, 10.53 PM


What do you thing about the businessman Is really the IIM degree can stand the One Business ? What about the Tata, Birla, Ambani, MIttal, Bajaj? Are they having good academic record in the life Or they are the Alumni of IIM A,B & C ...........Is really the good Academic Records Necessary for Top B- School ? Is really the Good English Is needed for Opening of New Business ? & what about the current placement of IIM in General as well as SC/ST, OBS category. Is it similar in the Corporate sector or May be any difference in the Corporate sector ? talk about this If the people are only thing that candidate passout from IIM can get better package in the corporate sector then I think we are going to Wrong side. IIM is not stand for better Job but for the better education so that we can make the future bright of Indian People but most of them getting the higher salary from the abroad Company & leaving the country Is it the Agenda of IIM ? Is it the Gov policy to implement the Scholarship scheme in Higher Study ?

14 Mar 2013, 11.16 PM


Wow Mr Maheshwaran so you came to the IIM only for money. No wonder people like you have been responsible for the current global situation. Money Money Money and more money ...... this is what all matters, no wonder the thanks to your stupid decisions many more organisations are going to get shut.

15 Mar 2013, 12.07 PM


For those who feel that the author is targeting some particular social groups: An entry backed by his/her quota means that the student does not possess the skills( aptitude and communication both) which, coupled with the B-school experience, ensures a general candidate's getting those top jobs. No surprises then, if these 'reserved' students do not get the same quality placements. But let's not lose hope, our government's policy to support the 'less privileged' and the glorious hadtals that the 'less privileged' groups organize to ensure their continuing quota will one day force quota down the throats of private firms too and will make India a model 'Socialist Casteist' country. P.S. A tag of top engg. college of the country, great grades and 99 percentile in CAT, nothing could absolve me of the crime of being born in an unreserved caste family that I committed, I didn't get calls from any of the top 4 IIMs. And yes, I need to vent my frustration in these kinds of platforms. This is what stops me from taking to the streets.

18 Mar 2013, 07.05 PM

+Read Replies (4)


Hey. pls don't boast abt ur credentials. okk. great grades, 99 percentile. granted that u've higher competition, but ur also being helped by the system./ I've seen SC's from IITB,D,K who earlier had 90+ acads pass out wid 5.1, 5.5 GPA's. But, subsequently, they score 98-99+ percentiles in CAT. How do u explain dat? A reserved surname & ur being blatantly discriminated against, be it grades or public life. In this way, reservation will surely never end. there's a saying wich goes, "change starts wid oneself". If we're to change the society, first we've to change ourselves.

19 Mar 2013, 12.21 AM |


First of all, can you please explain HOW AM I BEING HELPED BY THE SYSTEM? And what you called boasting was stating my credentials to support my argument. Unfortunately you could, due to reasons clear, not do the same. Now, coming to the SCs from IITs. Did you just say that a reserved surname makes professors discriminate against you while giving grades??? This is the most preposterous and stupid statement made on this forum, probably this is how you justify your own incompetence while competing on a neutral platform. If you really think that category students at IITs do not get good grades because professors hold them back then please do spread this word because this is what will end reservation. And please do not give examples such as 'I know SOME ST/SCs who have done this and that' because for every 'some' there are 'many' who haven't done anything. Exceptions exist everywhere. Someone had posted that of the bottom 100 in an IIM 90 were category students. You cannot point to the remaining 10 and say that I know some general students too who lie at the bottom. Get stats from both the sides and then dare to make a comment. And why 'change starts with oneself' statement is relevant, I really don't know. Do suggest what change I should bring in me to help end the reservations.

19 Mar 2013, 09.20 AM |


U wer saying that now reserved candidates will make the private companies murkier by diluting their quality & instituting lower levels of professionalism & competencies in Indian companies. But, I was saying that such kind of condescending attitude towards reserved categories will not help. In order to remove reservations, we've to change ourselves. After all, they also hv a right to work in pvt. companies just like everybody else ryt. & pls don't take my 1st sentence seriously, ok. It was said in the heat of the moment. hehe. Obviously, ur deserving. I don't deny that. But, please don't say that ur situation has come because of the reserved candidates. Do u mean to say that u want 90% seats in all insti's? There r cutoffs everywher. If u can't get a call, dere r dose from the other side also who haven''t got a call. Kindly bear wid all. If ur frustrated, then dere r ppl on the other side too who r frustrated as well.

19 Mar 2013, 03.53 PM |


I am not at all implying that deserving candidates of reserved category are going to dilute the standards of any company. And I doubt that any private company questions their right to work at par with others. Nothing could be more wrong than questioning someone's capability on the basis of his caste . What I mean is that if you try to put people in positions that they would otherwise not qualify for, inefficiency is going to creep in. This has nothing to do with caste. If you try to put general category students with low percentiles in top colleges, they are going to perform bad as well. Competitive exams, though not perfect, try to segregate people on the basis of their aptitude for specific fields such as engg. or mgmt so that students with similar aptitude can compete against each other in an healthy environment. And I am not saying that I need 90 percent of the seats, I need 100 percent of seats for all the students, irrespective of their caste. There should be no question of people from the other side. Everyone should be on the same side with similar cutoffs. It is this reservation that is forcing us, educated people, to even think about the caste system and thus, instead of bridging the gap, is creating two sides. Had it not been for this differential treatment, I would not have even thought about the caste system and there would have been no need to separate people as being from this side or the other side. Students from 'the other side' have an opportunity to reject this system and the coming generations will never even use the word caste except for in the history textbooks. I too regret if the previous posts made me sound like a casteist, will take care of my words in future :)

19 Mar 2013, 07.53 PM |


Criticizing someone for the heck of it has become so popular. Reread this sentence "If you are among the select few looking to study in an IIM purely for the love for learning, quit reading now". I hope you get the message now.

22 Mar 2013, 09.46 AM


Can I just say what a relief to acquire somebody who in fact knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You surely know methods to bring an concern to light and make it significant. A lot more people have to read this and comprehend this side of the story. I cant think youre not alot more preferred simply because you undoubtedly have the gift. <a href="" rel="nofollow">mickael kors</a>

10 Apr 2013, 09.23 AM


Candidates with poor academic record (those with say, less than 70% in their Class X, XII and UG) and from less illustrious colleges ----- This is rubbish Am a student with 65% marks in X,XII and UG and i indded was the last bench student in IIM - B. Am now VP for the Saudi Oger Group and with yearly salary of INR 1.5 Cr It depends on how you face your job and not how you tackle it.

10 Apr 2013, 12.52 PM

+Read Replies (1)

sachin Thakur

composed person

sir u nailed it!! i was so so anxious about this. i have 10th 89.2 , 12th 75 , btech 65!!! and working very very very hard to get into an old iim.

5 Aug 2015, 01.12 AM |


iwant to do iim .so can any one reply me what the process to join iim

16 Apr 2013, 06.34 PM


Dear Friends, I am IT Male with 5+ of work experience(Engineer from a Private College). I am writing CAT for the past 2 years and i was not able to crack. I am preparing for CAT2013 also. After reading this report i am very much confused.It is nothing wrong on your part as your clearly shown the current scenario. Could you guys what should i do? Should i go ahead and sit for CAT13. Please note i much concerned about the IIM Degree which i am passionate.(not the salary) P.S - I have read some IIM C accept guys with high work exp. Not sure whether this is true. (with 99+ CAT Score) Thanks

16 Apr 2013, 07.00 PM

+Read Replies (2)


If you are passionate about studying in IIM then go ahead and prepare for CAT. But if you feel that an IIM degree should give you great salary after you pass out then it will be a dicey situation because either you may get good package or not. I think you will see the fruits of your degree only in the later years. But from campus dont be surprised if you do not crack a high paying job or earn a salary less than your pre-MBA salary(which I believe to be arnd 10 lpa considering your workex). As I said in one of the posts earlier on this site, YOUR GRAD INSTITUTE DOES MATTER A LOT and also your workex and grades. Take an informed decision.

19 Apr 2013, 08.03 AM |


Thnk you

23 Apr 2013, 12.01 AM |


Friends, Can someone reply to my above post? Thank you

18 Apr 2013, 06.34 PM

Aam Admi

Dear IIM Junta, I am working in an IT MNC and have a 9.5LPA + 1lpa bonus in current company. I have been offered IIMC PGDM. I have decent 10th, 12th and btech(92,89,77%). What chances do I stand to secure a good placement after MBA based on my profile?

21 Apr 2013, 11.20 PM

+Read Replies (4)

IIMB Student

Dear Aam Admi, I would say go for it if you have &lt; 2 years of work-ex. No one can predict your chances of a good placement at this moment :)

22 Apr 2013, 01.23 PM |


Hi i have a similar situation but have a workex of 3 years will that affect my chances?

22 Apr 2013, 03.51 PM |

Aam Admi

Hi IIMB student, Thanks for your reply. What about my prospects in finance/banking sector. Wont the companies prefer someone from finance/commerce background over me? Also one more thing I wanted to know was whether salaries mentioned in the various post for IIM placements are CTC or gross?

22 Apr 2013, 06.29 PM |

Humble Alumni

@aam admi - 9.5 lpa gross is a good starting salary(1-2 years) - So I assume you have good background. You can expect a similar placement at B-school if you laze around and sky is the limit if you network well and learn what is out there. However, If you have sizeable work experience- Concentrate on acads, build your pr inside C and you can get good lats placement. In both cases, Choice of C will be justified - short term as well as long term. And remember - (C/A/B) offer you three things that other B-school in India don&#039;t to the same extent- Range (maximum that you can stretch) and being part of a college that is best of the best in India currently and a great alumni network. Decide for yourself! If you have confidence in yourself and profile - this question is a non-starter. Only those with poor/less than average profile need to weigh in ROI etc at this CTC

22 Apr 2013, 09.47 PM |

Aam Admi

thanx a lot @Humble Alumni

22 Apr 2013, 10.05 PM


Hi, I want to ask all IIM students and alumni a question. What is the min Work.Ex that one should carry while entering into IIM ABCL. How is that going to matter in your career and hows that going to help you in the placements there? Is there any separate placement process for people having experience of more than 2 years ? and what is minimum salary we can expect after getting out there according to experience ?

23 Apr 2013, 12.23 AM


i have 4+ yrs experience in telecomm psu, should i go for iim

8 May 2013, 03.39 PM


Very negative approach I must say. Never expected an IIM alumnus to write in such a negative and frustrated tone. The article doesn&#039;t have any insights into any facets of studies, hardwork, admission or anything at the IIMs. It&#039;s the reflection of a shallow personality.

18 May 2013, 04.13 PM

null null

hey! I am a Biotechnology graduate from IIT Guwahati (2012) CGPI: 8.5 10th CBSE: 96.4% 12th AP state board: 94 % I have been pursuing a PhD degree in Immunology in The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center ( Ranked 10th in the field) since a year. Now I have realized that I am not really passionate about a career in academia. Also I have always had an interest in management. So I have decided to quit Med school and go for an MBA instead. My GMAT score is 760. Is it possible to get an admission in IIMs with this profile? Is my stint in research going to have a negative effect?

3 Jul 2013, 04.46 PM

Arpit ShArma

IF SoMe oNe dOn'T cArE aBoUt . . yOu . . FOrgET . . .It . . FIve . . FIngER . . aRe . .NoT . . sAmE . . DOn't . . EvEr . .kILL . . fEeLinNgS . . FoR . . aNyOnE iT ' s . .HuRt . . LaTeR . . LIFE IS TO SHORT . . .ENJOY IT BEFORE LIGHT TURN OFF I am very friendly, I am little aggresive, I am straight forward. and believe to tell wht I feel.... bcoz I don't believe in living in illusion I never shows whether I m happy or sad, I always be happy with my frnds well I don't know whether people will agree with me or not but I am wht I shows to other..Emotional , sensitive

Thankyou so much for your guidance ! Sincerely IIM ASPIRANT !!!

16 Jul 2013, 04.42 PM

null null

it is an excellent advise . As a father , I spent about 11 laks to my son who has studied in IIM Lucknow but not happy with present the job. Whatever the author has written , I fully agreed with him. I hope he is not talking about minority people or poor people. He is giving the right clear picture. but making this caste issue is , we are going out of sight and here he is giving the idea who can venture into MBA or not. When my son who is topper in the school, having very good personality, exceptionally brilliant in study, general knowledge , and spoken english, hindi etc and having 2 years experience as Assitant Manager in a furtune 500 company. Yet he left the job and spent about 11 lakhs and got the job offer of 10 lakhs per annum. Just imagine, before he joined IIM he used get Rs.7 lakhs per annum package but now he got only 4 lakhs more. But to be very precious, he is going to repay the education loan of Rs.20000/- per month for the next 7 years. Ultimately, he is drawing lesser income now i.e. before his iim study he used earn Rs.50-to 60 thousands per months now after IIM he is getting Rs.50 to 55 thousand. what is the use of this IIM. I found , there are so many students from poor background got loan and trapped becuase of their not getting good job. I am not talking about the community level students but from poor background irrespective of caste, religion. Ofcoure, English is the must to get the good job opportunity but that is not the only criteria , your personality may get you good posiition even if you are not good at D day. Just imagine, without the job with the borriwing, and burden of repaying thousands every months years to gether , made you rethink is it absolutely necessary to go for such a glamour study . The best part of the study, I fail to understand, How can a person can be shapped best in the industry within two years of study. Horrible,. this is almost crushing the poor students and their family with the help of Government.

19 Jul 2013, 04.23 PM

null null

Seems reservation has nailed him years !! Reservation is given by constitution.Laws are made in parliament with lots discussions keeping real indicators in mind unlike caste system which has no head nor tail ,Imagine someone giving birth to thousands people from head? Is it possible ? Biologically it means to have vag*na in head ! .Parliament laws are well researched , like Mandal commission. People should enjoy reservation , as it saves millions from dirty irrational system- caste system.Reservation is driving rationalism . Reservation is Nobel prize winning concept ! God bless RESERVATION.

29 Jul 2013, 04.41 AM

Krishna Naik

the man with never ending thirst for knowledge and quest for meaning of life

i have a straight answer to all of the reservation queries....let me put my story... I belong to a res category, and ST, Problems faced. 1. Right from child hood was very poor, not even to eat some times,worked in hotels, small petty jobs etc, ---my question is how could i compete with a higher caste one, who from childhood gets good education ,skill, english everything from good schools(may not be everybody but most of them), how would be my grads,cores be better than general cat. my scores,skills, english was not by choice, but becoz of no option to learn 2. Right from child hood even in gov schools, i faced descrimination, i had mental trauma, emotional as well, becoz i made a crime of being born in lower caste, i couldnt perfom well,, as there was lot of groupism, i/we were left alone to perish. gen cat students use to feel jealous in many things, use to comment us a lot, 3. well as many are boasting of merit here in the blog, if reservations are removed and only measures are taken to uplift the poor on income basis, ----will it work in indian scenario, where is corruption from a to z in beaurocracy, no single penny reaches to poor/resr category ,....its fact guys, be practical,, so only reservation is the soultion.,, as u cant steal a reserved seat. 4. Message to all un-reserved guys, first make india a corruption less and real democratic country--which is impossible, the talk abt removing reservation. or commenting on them. Dont u care when some of ur country men/brothers are in utter poverty/descrimination. 5. As we have a saying in our state,a filled stomach never knows hungry stomach. a well settled guy (comparitively) writing some thing from an air conditioned room ,commenting on the grads, english speaking skills doesnt make any sense at all. 6. Rather than feeling jealous, why cant we work towards better india, where we can make a better country, later on when we feel, we are at par with west, we can surely take off reservation... i dont think ambedkar is a fool,.......he is a national hero. He imagined future. 7. Although i cracked many of the top institutes with top scores, i still feel , where is the empathy for the poor and lowely categorised. 8. u have to be in my shoes to feel the pain, its no fun to be a reserved category fellow. my point is not all unreserved fellows are rich and bad, and not all reserved fellows are poor and good, what i mean is the percentage and numnbers matters. 10. before bloggin in here i still wonder, why cant many ppl google, of what exactly the economic and social situation of reserved category guys in comparision to general categoris in india. 11.until descrimination is removed, untouchbility is eliminated and social and economic eqality is brought, reservation is the only answer .... Jai hind

19 Aug 2013, 12.31 AM


IIM Calcutta which is widely known to fake its salary figures is in a soup now. 50 unplaced students have been made to sign out of placement as they were no takers. These guys are now working as credit card direct sales associates at meagre salary of 4 lacs per annum. Beware of fraud claims of IIM Calcutta regarding placements. The unplaced students were not having required grade to be promoted to second year but somehow they negotiated grade increase with the Bengali professors and managed to pass. Spread this message. Not only they inflate salaries big time, Marketing faculty is pathetic. Inept students manage to get walkover just by requesting their professors. 20% students have pathetic communication skills. Media just reports what Public relations cell tell then. Media doesn't verify figures at all.

2 Sep 2013, 08.50 AM

+Read Replies (2)

null null

@Who_ruined_iims sir i have a problem.!!! plz help me to sort out that problem. The thing is that i secured 77% in class 10 and 82% in class 12 and got 65% in Btech. Is there any chance for IIM? plz reply me soon!! Because it will help me to decide my placement startegy...

9 Sep 2013, 02.22 PM |

null null

sry it's not placement its 'preparation' strategy

9 Sep 2013, 02.23 PM |

beginner looser

Maheswaran !! thanks for the your reality exposing documentary , but i smell a bit of frustration. that you could not make it up to your expectations. and let me tell you my story i hope any of above might read it , in primary school time i was among the smartest kids then i jumped to a better level school, there my performance went down, but my morals were high as i was a kid but even being at realy very neat and clean world you call bloody blue blooded people , i was molested on the basis of my community, i was not less in any aspect, not money, not marks, not even living standard but i was made to think that i was less then them , well no one can feel the way i do when people used my community as a slang, but instead i was better then them so jumped into a better school but there were more royal people they again looked my community in more hatred way, i kept silent, coz there were all other making noises, and and on first day i was better then 50% of them but due to the love of your so called royal blood, i slide down among to the lowest then in high school i performed average , then at senior secondary level i was just just 60% , then i realizes that i must win the world with its term, but when i joined the coaching center i was again looked by hatred as my community name was changed from ... to reserved so i felt sad i was doing good, many royal guys were parallel to me but i screwed up my JEE and eee so reservation saved me to get into a eee college called nit there i found all India top ranker mine was in 5 there were just few figures i thought these are the best brains but later i found they are not even half good as me but many of them struggled to pass i smoothly got 7 points , but still i felt the topper and me dint had much differences, you might say that what i think does not make any scene but believe me i am speaking truth out. we all got jobs but few dint made it, i faced a tragedy so missed my job and that royal blood person(my TPO) dint help me at all my bad luck i guess but the people who had lesser % in all records just better eee ranks came out with better references though there living standard was not even touching mine but they had royal blood connection, so they manged to get into top MNCs and i worked in a local company there i again found the hatred though none of them was even touching the potential i am having but they think their life chance is all screwed because of reservation , so i gave up that job , but do you know the real problem is not the reservation but the population , its just cat which doesn't have parallel cutoff but other exams are catching up the equal topper marks go check out PSCs category and uncategorised candidate marks difference , its not like reseved catgory people are not capable but the people make them to feel lower, and such people are facing the consequences in the form of jealousy. so to blame the reservation is worth less rather you should blame the policy makers who governed our nation to generate to this huge massive numbers, and tragedy lies within here only that most policy makers are from so called "royal society of this nation". and so far now most reserved guys i guess has not been part of policy making as they all are being hatred. so far now only one policy maker came up with reserved community with out reservation or i should say, struggling so many , i am sure you can not even name that person but the perks of his policy is helping a lot of people survive, and i swear my next gen wont be using reservation and will occupy at least one royal seats . And i know i could have made it through no reservation but the society out here made me aware of my reservation by making me weaker !!! but i shall rise again with in next year you might find me in your firm working as an official under you. seniors i hope you have at least grown above that blue blood mentality and i will be treated fairly

4 Jan 2014, 01.22 AM

Rajni Kumari

its request to category wale students who are excepting some respect from us, do some thing without the help of reservation not just Indian whole world will respect you, as in sports and bollywood no one as for cast the best one get respect as amitabh or I knows many personalities but not by cast, they are doing without the help of reservation so that's why they are respected by world, same case comes in all fields give respect to your self first then whole world will respect you and no one will ask your categery( remove the category colume from all govt. forms) when this happens you guys will deserve equality till then keep asking for some respect, with one line,.... bina mange to moti mill jata hai mange te mile na bhikh. stop asking start doing,

30 May 2016, 01.58 AM

Rajni Kumari

hello category wale peoples, as you guys r representing ur selves as most miserable persons , and continusly concentrating on words like reservation is like noble winning act, fuck this shit, as inspired by the story of beginning loser, here is a story of general cast people, what we have face today, as I am a general cast boy belongs with a middle class family and studied from a govt. school as up to the class of 12th I was not really known too much by the cast systems and even don't knows the cast of friends and never tried to known as all looks cool as like me most of or nearly all have equal financial situation, not too rich not too poor so we feel them as one of as (its current status in schools, every boys have towards scheduled) so we friends have dream same as to go in good govt. college as can't afford private colleges or to join any govt. job or it wad looked easy at that time because we were not known about after school life, so finally we passed our SSR exam with a percentage of 79% (not much according to general boys percentage but far enough by reserved students) so when we guys went for govt colleges my each friend got enrolled instead of having lowwer percentages than me, each and every, even one who has 45℅ marks but I didn't why I came to find reason that we guys learned from same school teach by same teacher even many friends father works with my father, we enjoyed life together, so where came difference, so answer was, while filing the form they filled categery as sc instead mine was general, so they came to me to sympetize that I surely get admission and I got at last and at worsed college,(, knows no college is worse but ........) in my first I year found few students they who were taking math class and after asking question by sir that differentiate x square he was answer less and he was student with 40℅ percent in SSR exam was setted in class of govt. college math, all thanks to cota, it really deserve noble prize, and there was penalty of student likes him, again I explore few more friends belongs sc cast they always says colleges are for fun what to need to read, they guys got yearly 25,000 Rs school at ship because they belongs from sc cast or St, what they did with that( perchase wood land shoe , shopping for gf) not all but atmost 75℅ of students many of them have not cleared their gerduation till now, but whenever they clear grad. they surely get job or admission in post graduation and after that a teacher job any govt. institute, any will start to write destiny of many students and the destiny of India, and what about me whose father can't afford further studies can't send me in any good institute, constantly watching my friends getting job in govt. field so friends now what I have to think about casted friends , next time I when I will meet such one I will surely discriminate with them, because they deserve,suppose if I be a teacher I will distinguish between gen, students and reserved, not because I wants this to do but because of this noble prize winning system tends to do me, general has to toil, and above condition makes difference, so I will like to thank this noble prize winning system to give us opportunity to always be best than to resev. people.

30 May 2016, 02.00 AM

Ram Agrawal

suggestion for author जाती ना पूछो साधु की ,पूछ लीजिए ज्ञान । मोल करो तलवार का, पड़ा रहन दो म्यान ॥

12 Jun 2016, 08.31 PM

Dharmendra Singh

Aptly written. Being an IIMA alumni, i can resonate with each and every word of you Mr. Maheshwaran. But there is lot more to say which has not been included in your article. Looking forward to get similar awesome articles in future with more descriptive and deep information.

17 Jul 2016, 10.35 PM

Saurav Haldar

What about GAP for 2 years? I graduated in 2017 and tried for GATE and ESE, failed. Now, I want to give CAT 2019, is it possible?

16 Mar 2019, 11.08 AM

Rakesh Kunbi

I m a b. Com graduate. I have 5 yrs of wrkex willing to do masters

Thank you for the information, Was worth reading it. What if the candidate belongs to category (sc) - Not financialy strong though to take pgpex, has low acads and 5 years of experience at executive level. What would you suggest?

17 Mar 2019, 04.53 PM


I have decent acads- 88.83(ICSE), 91.2(ISC) and 7.93 (Btech) but from a tier 3 Engineering college. So I am screwed? Please someone clear my doubt

23 Sep 2019, 12.00 PM

aastha malviya

i have 10 cgpa in 10th, 88.2 in 12th(commerce stream) and i have 6ish cgpa in college so far(bcom h). do you think i have a chance?

25 Apr 2020, 04.07 PM

Vats Saraf

I belong to the first category of students, i have low score in my 10th and 12th although grades in my grad are good. I also don't belong to any good college, i belong to a small city, what would be your advise to me to get a good placement/internship.

25 Apr 2020, 05.40 PM

Vats Saraf

I belong to the first category of students, i have low score in my 10th and 12th although grades in my grad are good. I also don't belong to any good college, i belong to a small city, what would be your advise to me to get a good placement/internship.

25 Apr 2020, 05.51 PM

jabrukesh kesham



28 Apr 2020, 08.32 AM

sampath kumar

Then how should we change our mindset or character inorder to go for Top bschools How much we should be week versed 8n academic for opting iim

24 Sep 2020, 04.03 PM


I belongs to 2 categories out of 5 of the above mentioned by you in present, but I have promised myself that I will work hard and make the best out of from this 2 year very costly mba from a top b-school. I will be in the top 10% of the batch, I will be in the best committees and clubs, I will participate in as many as case companies possible and try really hard to win those competitions. I know very well that my b-school degree paid of to me at a later stage of my life, probably, 5-10 after passing out of b-school. Thanks for making me aware of about it as early as 18 years old in my life. Thanks a lot. And intellectually I am an atheist also.

27 Apr 2021, 04.45 PMEdited

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Participants: 98

LRDI 9 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 80

LRDI 8 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 84

LRDI 7 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 93

LRDI 6 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 111

LRDI 3- CAT Champions 2

Participants: 234

LRDI 4 - CAT Champions 2

Participants: 148

VARC-3 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 811

Quants 3-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 251

Quants 5-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 127

VARC-10 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 215

VARC-11 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 111

VARC-9 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 188

VARC-8 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 190

VARC-7 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 218

VARC-6 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 243

VARC-5 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 264

VARC-4 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 307

Quants 2-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 287

LRDI 2- CAT Champions 2

Participants: 274

VARC-1 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 869

Quants 1-CAT Champions 2

Participants: 469

VARC-2 CAT Champions 2

Participants: 554

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Nicely written...Being from a non ABC IIM, I trully agree to what the author has said.

1 Mar 2013, 01.34 PM

+Read Replies (8)

null null

I am really disagree with the author. I am a CAT espirant and I think that aim of education in IIM is not job. The aim is to change the society and bettering of the country. IIM education aims to transform into creators of job and not seekers of job. This job creation will create wealth in the country and raise the per capital income and standard of life in the country. But people only care about placement of 15 laks, 20 laks and act like glorified labour. What is the difference between IIM graduate and non IIM graduate then. I want to become an interprener and create jobs and wealth in the country rather than working as labour class.

21 Oct 2013, 11.37 AM |

soUthinkU CAN

hai everyone... i have this doubt since a long time,that people with the background of iits,nits, and the ones with work ex are only pulled into iim's(ahmd),is that true....please reply....

8 Jul 2015, 12.08 AM |

Kama L

exactly all are in race to grab higher package. An IIM graduate will easily get least 10-12 LPA package.I disagree with his toughts.Its for better education and provide top managers worldwide,not package as he showed.

4 Jan 2017, 02.09 PM |


10th 10 cgpa,12th 88 percent ,btech 82 percent

bear my education fee of 17lakh of iims and then i will surely look only for knowledge and society not for package

3 Jan 2019, 11.36 AM |

Kumar 7741

Your thoughts are good. Expecting you would put the necessary efforts to make it into a reality. I hope you would improve your English too. Because it is also an important part of being an entrepreneur or an international businessman. All the best.

15 Jan 2019, 04.35 PM |

Urvashi Singh

I am Urvashi, working in TCI (Logistic).

Ha Ha Ha ... Candid Reply Bro !!

14 Mar 2019, 12.18 PM |

Ankur Parmar

I am talkative,funny & Practical

It can be beared by institute if you go for NGO's/ non profits

17 Mar 2019, 02.18 PM |

mythfacts absolutetruth

spelling mistake* Entrepreneur

19 Mar 2019, 05.00 PM |


I like few lines. 1) Again, even if you have managed to enter IIM due to various reasons 2)firm has no mandatory obligation to &lsquo;fill seats from a particular category&rsquo;.

1 Mar 2013, 02.03 PM

+Read Replies (2)


I think Tata and PSUs have some such obligation..

2 Mar 2013, 11.15 AM |

Mukunda Pokhrel

Yup i too.

27 Oct 2015, 06.35 PM |


if paycheck bothers you a lot and unfortunately you get into IIM L, only being part of the placement committee can save you

1 Mar 2013, 02.09 PM


Please stop recommending everyone with 5+ years experience to do an &#039;executive MBA instead&#039;. I had 5 years experience when I joined L in 2008 - I still am thankful that I didnt join ISB that year. L was much cheaper (around 6 lakh fees overall), and ISB had a huge problem placing people in 2009 - with many students having to take up jobs paying far less than what they were earning pre-ISB, after paying fees of around 15 lakhs then. In contrast, when we passed out in 2010, the market had slightly improved. What I want to say is that placements are also heavily market-driven, and the year you pass out matters as much as doing a 2 year or &#039;Executive&#039; course. IIM L&#039;s own 1 year course at Noida is no great shakes either, the struggle for placements continues there as well...

1 Mar 2013, 02.34 PM


Your repeated mentioning categories and affirmative action policies (in sections - people with poor acads, and with less than desirable communication skills) makes an otherwise insightful article look like something with an agenda, and makes you look like someone who looks down towards the socially disadvantaged. It&#039;s disappointing to see this in writing by someone who is representing a top institution of learning in the country.

1 Mar 2013, 02.43 PM

+Read Replies (7)

Rajesh Mistry

I think the author is showing the true picture. There are certain categories who can get admission into the IIMs at 55 percentile too with very average acads. While it was enough for the IIMs, it does not mean they will land plush jobs. Its just presents a fact. I didn&#039;t think the writer is showing any disrespect or looks down towards the socially disadvantaged

1 Mar 2013, 03.43 PM |


Poe&#039;s Law Alert !!!

1 Mar 2013, 05.09 PM |


any reserved category(Upper caste or lower) on an average will have lower Acads than Average Batch(Reservation ensures this) So on average reserved categories (any) will have lower chances in placement. Also from my own experience I know of Friends from reserved categories who left their PSU Jobs for IIM and are regretting it now. On average what the author says is true especially in Bad Economy (as observed this year as against what should have been ideally)

6 Mar 2013, 08.23 PM |


From what I have seen in my IIT, it is generally true. Most of category students in my branch are 6 pointers. Since most of them are from families of lower social and economical strata they tend to have lower English skills. That does not of-course mean that non-category students are all top of the class.

7 Mar 2013, 02.08 PM |

null null

Reservation has nailed the author over the years ..this what it does , if you challenge it ,reservation is philosophical not a chanting topic !! .Reservation is given by constitution.Laws are made in parliament with lots discussions keeping real indicators in mind unlike caste system which has no head nor tail ,Imagine someone giving birth to thousands people from head? Is it possible ? Biologically it means to have vag*na in head ! .Parliament laws are well researched , like Mandal commission. People should enjoy reservation , as it saves millions from dirty irrational system- caste system.Reservation is driving rationalism . Reservation is Nobel prize winning concept ! God bless RESERVATION.

29 Jul 2013, 05.01 AM |

null null

There is no reservation if you want to become interprener. But person dont want to take risk . Even after such best education from IIM they are afraid and act as cavard. People should take risk and create wealth in the country just like Ambani.

21 Oct 2013, 11.50 AM |

Suraj Agarwal

Buddy, your thoughts are absolutely fascinating. I hope that you can act as courageously as you are implying from your answer. I hope you have at least researched what you are saying. Anyways, please improve your English. I think you will need to do that in the first few steps towards your supposed entrepreneurship. All the best.

16 Mar 2019, 11.14 AM |

IIML Alumnus

Love how you branded the &quot;category-walas&quot; as being the ones who must have scored less in their previous educational institutes and are bumpkin who cannot speak English. &lt;/sarcasm&gt; - A category wala IIML alumnus

1 Mar 2013, 02.44 PM

IIML Alumnus

Fuck...I meant &quot;bumpkins&quot;. I proved you right, I cannot speak English for shit :/

1 Mar 2013, 02.46 PM


*collosal facepalm*

1 Mar 2013, 02.48 PM


What happens to people with more than 5 yrs of work exp in IT after this? Is there any future for such people??

1 Mar 2013, 04.20 PM

+Read Replies (1)

IIML junta

They can literally forget summers unless they have excellent everything (read IITian and 90+ in every exam) and even then it will be tough. however they will get good opportunities in laterals(read IT). but switching career path would be very difficult. all in all it depends what do u expect from MBA. if you are looking for a career growth in same field and 12 - 18 LPA salary , its reasonably probable. In present placement scenario its very risky to leave a plush pre MBA job and pay a fees of 15 L. market is very gloomy. better wait for some time to let the economy revive.

1 Mar 2013, 05.57 PM |

IIML junta

It is unfair to stereotype &quot;category&quot; with poor marks or communication skills. i know many general category junta with similar shortcomings. CAT selection process is not &#039;foolproof&#039; for any category. Author may simply have written &#039;people with lower acads and comm skills&#039; or something along the lines without referring to the backgrounds. otherwise the article is on the mark and reflects the ground reality at IIMs.situation is very very gloomy this year , even worse than 2009 due to higher batch size. economic slowdown is also a contributing factor and scenario may change when economy starts booming again, unlikely top happen in next 2 year.

1 Mar 2013, 04.21 PM


I&#039;m not a category wala at IIML, and I categorically disagree with what have been said about those who come through a reservation. I don&#039;t think anyone who is coming through a reservation needs to have any additional concern about their potential performance in IIM. Inside IIM, it&#039;s a different ball game from CAT or the admission procedure. This has been proven by this year&#039;s results, and I&#039;m sure by previous years&#039; results as well.

1 Mar 2013, 04.49 PM

+Read Replies (6)

Just a guy

Sorry dude. IIMA guy here. Being 80%iler in CAT may allow some people admission, but they get massacred in academics. Out of bottom 100, I believe over 90 are from category in A.

2 Mar 2013, 09.04 AM |


Inside an IIM, people who excel at acads generally have good by-hearting skills or good aptitude skills(or both)... Category people who top, generally have the former..

2 Mar 2013, 11.13 AM |

IIMI guy

@non-freerider.. I do agree to ur comments. And, I would like to say that inside IIM&#039;s, its a completely different ball game from the admissions scenario. with category people topping in various subjects, as has been shown many-a-times at IIMI. U can find many general guys languishing at the bottom.! Its a fact.. :):(

6 Mar 2013, 06.08 AM |

Another IIM Guy


13 Mar 2013, 06.34 AM |

Another IIM Guy

Please don&#039;t get me wrong, but I haven&#039;t seen that happening ever in IIT or IIM....

13 Mar 2013, 06.35 AM |

IIMC junta

You views are very much prejudiced dude. I am from reserved category and I certainly know that my results in 1st term(Bad), 2nd term(Avg) and 3rd term(Good) were directly proportional to my efforts. Though it is true that I had problems understanding the competition and went through concepts in the 1st term. And it is true that many of the students going to repeat the year are from General category.

13 Mar 2013, 12.50 PM |

Janta Ke Sewak

The real question here is the value for money...there was a time when an IIM education was supposed to be cheaper &amp; placements were lucrative...but both of these factors are missing in present scenario...after investing 15 lakhs in your education, do you really want to end up in disappointment!!!

1 Mar 2013, 05.13 PM


There was no need for the author to brand category walas as people with poor acads and communication skills. Besides CAT itself is not a great filter. Many general category people with high percentiles have messed up at the IIMs. Though the article is well balanced from other angles, the author&#039;s bigoted nature stands out though -by a category wala with a plush job

1 Mar 2013, 05.42 PM

+Read Replies (2)


-a category wala with a plush this something u really wanna boast about? more than 80% of them have fake certis (income&gt;3L)

1 Mar 2013, 09.32 PM |


CAT is the filter which has ensured that companies continue to flock to the IIMs to attract those chosen ones so please do not question this system. There is no alternative to an aptitude test which can filter thousands from lakhs. And yes, when you dress up for your plush job tomorrow, please do think about the general category student who might have been in your position but for the &#039;privileged caste&#039; he was born in. - not a category wala who might have had your plush job

18 Mar 2013, 07.42 PM |

Get over it

Please do not discount the valid points the author has made by focusing just on one aspect. The author has made a generalization. And like a respectable generalization it is true in many cases. There will no doubt be exceptions. The article is spot on, and it&#039;s a wonder that so many people realize all this after entering an IIM.

1 Mar 2013, 05.53 PM

+Read Replies (5)

mango man

No, point is that author has made a totally unnecessary and dangerous generalization. same message could have been conveyed without a reference to caste. its a reflection of casteist mentality that some of us still possess. and i think we all agree as far as rest of article is concerned. IIMs are still ignoring this harsh reality and increasing batch size and fees further. now couple this with non transparent and unethical placement reports and you have a fatal combination on hand.

1 Mar 2013, 06.07 PM |

Just a guy

Well, caste issues would not have been referred if caste based leniency was not introduced in the selection system.

2 Mar 2013, 09.07 AM |


The casteist mentality is when people are divided during the selection process on the base of caste instead of income...

2 Mar 2013, 11.08 AM |


The reason we possess this casteist mentality is because this is what prevents us, and will prevent our children in future, from getting a single call from any of the top IIMs despite having great acads, top college tag and a 99 percentile in CAT. And the harsh reality of increasing batch size is in itself a consequence of quotas.

18 Mar 2013, 07.18 PM |

Dillip Mohanty

This casteist mentality has actually been fostered by the reservation system only. When you categorise people into different groups such mentality is bound to happen

21 Apr 2019, 09.47 AM |


Its not about looking down towards the reserved category students. The fact remains that institute does grant a certain concession to category students, but unfortunately companies treat everyone likewise. Thus when a recruiter puts an excel filter of &gt;90% on 10th standard marks, almost 90% of the category students get filtered out. Perhaps that&#039;s the tragedy of our reservation policies, howsoever we may try to rectify it, people find ways around it to do the discrimination against the underprivileged people. Having said that, it is totally wrong to say that reserved category people possess less than desirable communication skills. In fact to my experience, some of the brilliant students from the top notch engineering colleges end up getting shortlist after shortlist but don&#039;t get placed because even though they are good at number and analysis, they just don&#039;t speak be it in GD or an interview.

1 Mar 2013, 05.59 PM

+Read Replies (2)


I am a genral category IIT Graduate and IIMC Alumni and I had 70% in 10th and know many such people so 90% thing is hard on anyone except say school topper nerds who I feel are generally not very smart so 90% thing is non sense anyways plus i have seen enough 99.9x dumb people in C so hard to generalize

1 Mar 2013, 08.12 PM |

Jyoti Sarkar

I have very low academic record (xth -79.25%,12th-69.4%,BE-73%),if i get a chance in an iim,will there be any problem in future for placement..problems mean( lower CTC 15LPA)

31 Jul 2013, 03.55 AM |

Raj Sanghani

The comments section would have you believe that this articleis on reservations which it is not. The author has made some excellent points and most of these points are accurate. I&#039;d encourage all aspirants to read this before even preparing for entrance exams.

1 Mar 2013, 06.14 PM


Upper cast overtone to the whole article really brings about the true chauvenistic mind set of writer

1 Mar 2013, 06.42 PM

+Read Replies (2)


Ideally speaking reservation must be on the basis of income and not on the basis of caste! So u would be better off by saying the article has a richer class overtone. But i disagree that the article is biased in any sense whatsoever.

2 Mar 2013, 11.03 AM |

Ramandeep Singh

Suggest you to check the thumbs down you are getting. There must be no reservations in education system. If anything, there should be financial support and that is where the buck stops. Reservations are killing India.

12 Apr 2013, 09.43 PM |


Very well written article, strikes a cord...Every aspirant should go through this article and shape their expectation before joining an MBA course...Needs a small correction...Instead of 5+ years of workex, males with 3+ years of workex should look for an executive MBA

1 Mar 2013, 06.55 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Agree to experienced the same at IIM&quot;X&quot;. Your options in many marketing companies and genman companies are as a good as over if you have more than 2 years non relevant experience.

1 Mar 2013, 07.28 PM |


The author has chosen to be politically incorrect and hence he is being criticized for being an upper-caste chauvinist. However the fact remains; an average general category student scores better on various parameters (including placements) than an average reserved category student does.

1 Mar 2013, 09.20 PM


The IIMs exist not to provide placements..but to impart education..dont blame the high fees or the large batch size..if u join coz of placements then its up2 u..faculty has no role in placements..its purely driven by students and alums..the IIMs have all the rights to increase seat if there is demand and they can maintain quality of education (however good/bad it maybe)...neither is it the placecom&#039;s (who are students) job to place whoever the govt. thinks is fit to study in an IIM..the govt. shud take care of them in that case..

1 Mar 2013, 09.41 PM

+Read Replies (2)


IIMs are public institutions, they have responsibility to provide transparent and true info to all aspirants. then why should they allow inflated placement report. why all IIMs have a gag order on discussing placements in media. IIMs themselves are a mute party to formation of hyped expectations. fact is - in india a b-school is all about placements whether right or not. let IIMs abolish placements then i will see how many will join. in terms of infra- they are increasing fees without any regard to infra or faculty strength / quality. and yes placements are their responsibility. this is a B school not arts or music instis. whole objective is to provide the future corporate managers / leaders. if you cant get them placed in corporates whats the point left. (discounting the utterly incompetent and entrepreneurial students)

1 Mar 2013, 10.34 PM |


the IIMs should publish true info without hype, i agree. The media too should control what they print. Like i mentioned increasing fees is not a justification of having a guaranteed placement. Why do u think it is their resposibility to place ppl?? Isn&#039;t it the responsobility of arts or music instis...y shudnt an MA in Pyschology be guranteed a placement in his field???? Why blame only the IIMs in that case. The IIMs teach you to be managers, they don&#039;t advertise their placements saying &quot;Join IIM-X because we have the best I-Banks&quot; ...we have colleges like IIPM advertising that sorta stuff anyways..leev it to them.. for that matter Harvard/Wharton/Stan also publish reports...but they don&#039;t gurantee u placement...they dont even have placecoms..they jes have recruiting fairs..where u r on yr own to apply and connect with the alums..therz no spoonfed 5-days placement system... If u feel IIMs should place people in corporate jobs...ask any faculty member if they are interested in doing that (they are there for their reserch/teaching)..placements is upto students and alums themselves..

3 Mar 2013, 01.11 AM |


Kudos t the author &amp; InsideIIM for coming up with an honest account of the Indian MBA space. Wonder what&#039;s with people making this an article about reservations. Let&#039;s face it - most of India&#039;s top B Schools (Including the very best) are finding it difficult to place everyone given the humongous batch sizes. A cursory glance at the list of people unplaced (or those with sub-10 figures) will tell you that the author is right in making the generalization that he made. That&#039;s not to say there aren&#039;t exceptions. I have a few friends who got in through quota but have cracked the best of jobs (read 20+ LPA) while I also know people scoring insane percentiles like 99.5+ and landing up with 5.5 LPA salary. But does that negate the general trend - Nope. To talk about CAT not being fool-proof &amp; all sounds a logical argument but that again does not take away from the fact that a significant majority of the top percentile scorers are brilliant. I guess people need to take this in the right spirit!! P.S. I&#039;m a placecommer of a top b school for the 2013 batch.

1 Mar 2013, 09.46 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Aye aye

Your p.s. doesnt really make an sense here

4 Mar 2013, 12.16 AM |


It does for the simple reason that it lends credibility to my observations. As a placecommer, I have access to the batch profile including everyone&#039;s CAT percentiles, which no one else is privy to. I need not mention the efforts we&#039;ve got to make at times to convince companies to not ask for this info.

4 Mar 2013, 11.35 PM |


Nice article. However, I feel even in non ABC IIMs IITians have a hard time getting good positions of their choice, whether in summers or mains. What I realised after seeing placements is luck plays a very big part and its very much random(This is my opinion, I might be wrong)

1 Mar 2013, 10.03 PM

+Read Replies (1)

IIML grad


2 Mar 2013, 01.22 AM |


I find management training for the most part to be pompous and impractical leading to a mass production of entitled souls. So, all management graduates I ever met except for two will disqualify on that point alone. Disclaimer: I have an extreme hatred for how we go about education.

1 Mar 2013, 10.57 PM


Dear Maheswaran, while i agree with all ur points n really appreciate ur efforts in painting a true picture, I think we shud refrain ourselves from publicizing our placement issues in public while the process is still on. I request you/ insideiim team to remove the article as it has specific mention of IIM L We shud discuss n debate this issue in public for the benefit of aspirants later... regards your batchmate (hostel mate) at L

2 Mar 2013, 01.33 AM

+Read Replies (2)



2 Mar 2013, 02.56 PM |


stop being a crybaby.

1 Apr 2013, 12.24 PM |


There are few things we are missing here, - This situation is present only in current market situation, where only 50% of the batch at IIMI and IIMK is placed. New IIMs have reached only 20% placements. The situation is not the same every year. So will agree to the points but only for next 3 years. The points are correct and true in today&#039;s time and will agree to that but picture isn&#039;t that rosy in A, B or C itself. So have patience and take decision keeping long term in view, after all that&#039;s the first lesson you learn in MBA :) Cheers, MadeInHelL

2 Mar 2013, 01.37 AM

+Read Replies (3)


new iims have reached only 20% placements?? :D Dude you are grossly mis-informed!

2 Mar 2013, 10.57 AM |


U indirectly divulged percentage of batch placed at IIM L. Didn&#039;t know picture is that bad at IIM L Just 51% batch placed and we are already in March. Insane. hahaha..laughter filled with deep sadness :&#039;(

3 Mar 2013, 06.51 PM |

null null

Do not woryy on placements. If you study in IIM, bank and government institution will give you loan for starting the business. You can earn more than 20 lacs of your own rather than working like labor for somone else.

21 Oct 2013, 11.54 AM |


I feel people should now especially graduates from IIM have courage to own and accept how bad place these education centres are for bright students. I personally feel that IIMs provide very little value addition into someone&#039;s career and eventually it makes life difficult for its graduates. Reason for all this is that they have been over hyped and almost 70 percent about IIM being published and discussed in media is false. I think education system should be left to rot and only the best one should survive and grow. IIMs are there today only because of huge government grant and false publicity by its graduates.

2 Mar 2013, 01.49 AM

+Read Replies (2)

Not an IIM grad

IIMA takes 0 grant form any shitty govt. It is fully self funded. I believe u are one of the dumb aspirants who could not crack CAT even in ur dreams

2 Mar 2013, 09.14 AM |


Actually all IIMs take grant for operations, infrastructure development and expansion. I dont know about IIMA but definitely sure about other IIMs. Btw I am a student of IIM and why I said all these things above was because of my personal experience. Although I ended up getting a decent job both during summers and finals many who were better in studies and academics and also with better work ex than me are still struggling for the jobs even equivalent to what they had earlier before joining IIM. I am not badmouthing IIMs but this is the harsh reality which no one is ready to accept.

2 Mar 2013, 09.38 AM |


I don&#039;t understand why people are taking for granted that students who make it to IIMs via reservation are poor in academics or soft-skills. Is it just on the basis of a poor CAT score, an exam which has a duration of 6 hours? Even Australians were defeated by Bangladesh on their bad day. One exam of 6 hours DO NOT determine the merit of any person. And that is why I applaud the IIMs specifically stressing on past academic scores for admission. Look at their academic record in the campus and then judge their capability and skills. There are a lot of &quot;such&quot; students for whom you wont recognize their so called category if you happen to know them in the campus. On another note, why would someone even try to get a 99%ile CAT score when they know a 90%ile score is enough for a convert/call. It is all about optimization and reducing wastage of energy and time.

2 Mar 2013, 04.17 AM

+Read Replies (1)


I and most of us are not saying that people with reservation are poor in soft skills,etc. Scoring in academic subjects is easier! It just requires good by-hearting skills! But it requires hell lot of effort to crack cat, get a score above 99! Category people are simply taking the easier route! The way you are saying CAT as being just a 6 hour exam(its a 2.5 hour exam at max) shows that you are not even aware of the months of effort that people who have scored well have put in! You are probably one among those free riders and that&#039;s why you are not in a position to acknowledge the effort that has to be put in to crack cat. I worked hard for 3 years and finally cracked cat! People with reservation will never realize this! They never have to work so hard to crack cat! People work hard for several months to several years in order to crack cat dear free rider!

2 Mar 2013, 10.51 AM |


Dear Maheswaran, while i agree with all ur points n really appreciate ur efforts in painting a true picture, I think we shud refrain ourselves from publicizing our placement issues in public while the process is still on. I request you/ insideiim team to remove the article as it has specific mention of IIM L

2 Mar 2013, 08.25 AM

+Read Replies (4)


There is nothing in the article that reveals anything about IIM L&#039;s placement process for this year. Most of the points are general and no stark revealation has been made. We don&#039;t see any reason to put this article down.

2 Mar 2013, 09.44 AM |

Aap Chutiye Haiin

Just by showcasing that you support the article which has a racist tone you are demeaning your own website. You should have done a proper background check before publishing this article. The author certainly lives in a world of his own.

3 Mar 2013, 01.58 AM |

Aap Chutiye Hain

It seems you only have a copy paste reply to every comment.

3 Mar 2013, 02.00 AM |


The query is similar.,.. InsideIIM would only be hypocrite/inconsistent if they have different answers for similar queries.

3 Mar 2013, 06.10 AM |


Commend the author for coming up with genuine points. Being in an IIM, i find that it is generally the category people who are at the bottom. However there are category people in the top as well(though few in number when compared to the bottom lot). I also find that there are SC/ST people who are genuinely disadvantaged unlike the OBC people, who, inspite of being well off contend that they need reservation. They are people who have work-ex in companies like IBM consulting, Headstrong consulting, Barclays, Titan, etc and are from well-off families as well. I really wonder why is it that they don&#039;t feel shameful for grabbing away the seats of genuinely poor and dis-advantaged OBCs. And of course there is the batch of people who have faked their way into IIMs, in the sense that they got fake caste certificates and made it to IIMs. In this context i hope that in future, IMs consider these facts when giving out admissions. Hope they select the genuinely disadvantaged instead of free riders..

2 Mar 2013, 08.34 AM

+Read Replies (1)


@non-freerider.. I do agree with most of ur comments. But, I would like to disagree with ur mention of the freerider tag for the reserved people. I know many general guys who don&#039;t even care to put in a single mail in the mail chain even in a 40% weightage group assignment. while, category ppl would do all the hard work to prepare reports, ppt&#039;s, etc. Of course, there r the logical stories as well (wid general guys putting in effort). But, the opposite trend is also starkly prominent nowadays in IIM&#039;s and growing as well..!

6 Mar 2013, 06.25 AM |


Ahh... Indians fighting over you guys will all remain backward forever!

2 Mar 2013, 10.02 AM

Be sensitive

Good article. But here are a few pointers it could be factually true that category people fare worse than others, simply because they needed lesser percentiles and lesser acads to reach an IIM. But having said that it is not right in the spirit, for they are not complacent and still work their ass off like anyone else. Now whether they deserve a seat or not is a different question which requires a deeper understanding of the socio-economic situation in the country. There was no need for the author to be biased (and indirectly suggest that they don&#039;t deserve a seat). Quite a few people from category have fared way better than the others and vice versa. There is no need to stereotype anyone- the best of the best the author refers to- ppl from IITs with 99.9 in CAT need not be necessarily be good at english or people skills. The author, I feel could have left out that innuendo about reserved category people. Not a healthy attitude to have. PS- People keep suggestions about using income for reservation and not caste- . The fact still remains that people from backward classes are still at a very significant disadvantage- (till reservation was made mandatory at IIMs and IITs, people from forward caste constituted about 90% of the batch while they represented less than 20% of the country). Now you can call it a simple coincidence- but that has happened for more than 50 years without fail. How do you explain that. Besides income based res is impossible and impractical and would assume that social equality has been achieved which is not the case. There are people who misuse this system to get in here, but there are also people who are genuinely disadvantaged and this intervention was their only chance. Lets be sensitive to them and not get carried away by our prejudices. Pls

2 Mar 2013, 12.07 PM

+Read Replies (2)

IIT Alumnus

I think your figures of 90% and 10 % are not correc.. Till OBC reservation was not in IIM and IIT still there was 15% + 7.5 % reservation for SC and ST in these institutes and not every candidate who got selected through general category was from forward caste, so in no case 90% of batch was full of forward caste. The very fact is that till a person will judge other person from wearing the spectacles of caste is the proof that no matter whatever is done for 50 years or 200 years, one will always look at caste and yet say that there should not be separation among masses based on castes.

3 Mar 2013, 02.21 PM |


I think what the author meant was 90% of non reserved seats. This is entirely true not just for educational institutions but for govt jobs as well. Besides the 15+7.5% only reserves the seats- the institution is not entitled to fill them. Even with low cutoffs- many of the SC/ST seats in IITs were not filled. This clearly implies that they still dont have basic access to proper education. According to Mandal commission, there were atleast 26000 vacancies in OBC reserved jobs in the govt for lack of qualified people. I agree that seeing people through caste spectacles might not be healthy but also understand that an unequal intervention is required till equality sets in. As long as we we are confident that everybody has access to quality education right from childhood, we cannot do away with unequal intervention. Reservation is definitely not very efficient- but probably the best among the available alternatives. Its easy for people to assume that reservations are just a political game. If only these people could just spend a few hours on the Mandal commision report that was both fairly comprehensive and empirically strong.

3 Mar 2013, 04.07 PM |


Do not blame the Institute and the history it has been proving since years, just because of 1 bad event you had to come across. The Institute is at the top of the pyramid. If the condition appears a little bad at the top and then imagine how would have been the situation at other institutes ranked lesser in the pyramid. The entire market is down, stop this stupid blame game.

2 Mar 2013, 02.43 PM


This is not warning but just spreading. pessimism and being utterly cynical(may be the author didn&#039;t succeed in a great placement). IIMs opens up a world of opportunities! if you make it to IIMs and work hard to create an unique identity no matter who you are you can succeed and go places. dont be bogged down by these stories of cynicism and failures. IIMs make you fighter, thats what B did to me. If you are a &quot;give up &quot; pay heed to this article and GIVE UP

2 Mar 2013, 07.30 PM


Most of the points in this short sighted article are indeed true. But the fact is they are institute independent. Across the board the placements take a hit when the economy goes for a downturn (yes for ABC too). You combine this with global pessimism, you&#039;ll get a near zero demand for B-School grads simply because they charge higher. You really should not be blaming an institute for poor operating environment. Given that you spent two years garnering &quot;inside view&quot; of placements, you should know that in 2006-2007 (and before that) people indeed got kickass front end jobs. Across the board investment banks are shutting down businesses so don&#039;t blame the placements/institutes for it. Most importantly, the goal of an IIM is not to get you placed. Please get that right and you would not walk away with a heart burn. It is an amazing place to build strong fundamentals in the domain you want to pursue for the rest of you life. If one were to pursue your line of argument then one should not go to an IIT either. The &quot;inside view&quot; of placements at IITs is similar if not poorer. But you would still go, isn&#039;t it? Why? A different league? Class? Long term value? Thanks for reducing quality education to shit value with a mediocre article. PS: It would be a nice exercise on your part to gather alumni (5+ yr) opinion on whether an IIM did good or bad to them.

2 Mar 2013, 09.58 PM


TRUE!! Every bit of it and it is not limited to IIM&#039;s only. It is with B schools across India with variations depending on their &quot;perceived value&quot; amongst aspirants and the Marketing skills of the B School.

2 Mar 2013, 10.48 PM


Hi All I am from Bangalore campus , I agree with most of the points mentioned in the article We had a few people from reserved category, went to crack the best jobs (conslulting Mck etc and Big I banks ) .All of them are not 80%ilers , many of them are 99%ilers as well and you can file RTI and get the same details . Reservation is highly debatable issue , BUT one BIG POINT we educated class never THINK , we want to remove reservation but we never want to remove CASTE DISCRIMINATION ,so many agitation against reservation but NONE against Caste Discrimination ,,,, whose responsibility is to remove Caste Discrimination ??? Just remove caste discrimination and we can do it if we really want to get rid of this . Reservation will die its own death , I support SC/ST reservation but not OBC because of obvious reason we all know .My best friend is an SC student , he is one of the brightest in the campus , but when other guys come to know about this , he hardly gets any respect or fair treatment from so called intellectual/best brain of India even though he is IIT Kanpur topper . He says that do not give me any admission or reservation ,just give me fair and just treatment like any other person .He says, give 100% reservation to all general people and treat them like oppressed class . People will not be ready for that .So any IIM degree or Harvard&#039;s etc is not even an iota of self respect , would you barter one thing for other ..? Caste Discrimination is a fact of life even today , who can remove this , it is we the people from upper caste , I am sometime surprised that we never took this seriously because it does NOT affect US , we took Reservation seriously because it affects US . All are requested to criticize if I said something wrong but we can never ignore the facts (if remember correctly , Ambedkar never demanded reservation , just verify facts before bashing me ,it was Gandhi who forced him under the guise of fast unto death .Ambedkar demanded separate country for them .. How many of us give him due credit that he deserved though he was educated at LSE , Columbia University , he had 4 different Phd degrees apart from multiple master degrees. How many of us know that he was also great economist and only person who confronted Mr.Keynes (UK Economist) over a debate economics theory that was the dividing point among great economist that point of time . You can get this info from google etc... Even Columbia/LSE has these records Dr. Ambedkar is highly misunderstood person in Indian history because he did not have sycophants or PR team as that of Gandhi family . He was really a great thinker who thought about India as a great country . I am not glorifying him and all these are facts that you can verify yourself . by the way I am from so called upper caste but have few SC friends , I can on any given day trade my IIM B degree with a deserving and needy person getting that degree . If i an good , I can definitely lead a very good life even without so called MBA from IIM B

3 Mar 2013, 12.20 AM

+Read Replies (6)


People don&#039;t have a problem with your friend being SC (they dont look down upon the fact that his caste maybe backward)...they look down upon the fact that he used the &quot;category&quot; quota to get in...An IIT-K topper would not need an SC quota to make it to B..had he taken admission under gen catg and was an SC/ST i dont think any1 wud have a problem. 23 yr olds dont care which caste u r from. The benefit of reservertion shud be had only once by one family member...why shud the govt. get an SC/ST an undergrad seat and then a postgrad seat and then also a job in a PSU (and maybe in the pvt. secctor if the 5% rule ever comes into force). Then his children will benefit at every level. and then maybe his children this the aim of reservation?

3 Mar 2013, 01.25 AM |


23 yr olds don&#039;t care which caste u r from, are u sure ? i tell u they are mature enough and they do care , dats the harsh reality

3 Mar 2013, 01.46 AM |


You did not get my point and you know SC/ST is a caste and it remains with that person till his/her life . You meant so that if someone gets admission through MERIT , then he becomes General Category student ? Are you kidding me ? People like you will never admit wrongdoings on your part that is reason of reservation .WHAT IF these people demand separate country then we can keep these iims , iits with us n be happy with these degrees . You are great dude , u did not see anything wrong in caste discrimination . btw these iims etc degrees are very small part of one&#039;s life . I think you are not matured enough to talk about this contentious issue , may be u never seen the ground realities in India . You know what discrimination (White vs Black )was rampant in US as well but think now , they have taken care of this evil in 50 yrs time . FYI Harvard etc has affirmative policies for blacks FYI our netas who studied in Harvard were on &quot;DONORS QUOTA &quot; we don not care about them because it does not affect us ..

3 Mar 2013, 11.32 AM |


Dude, It is a utopian dream to remove Caste Discrimination or discrimination based on factors like Money, skin colour, gender etc. It is the law of nature that one part of community will dominate the other. It will continue to happen. Even the nature didn&#039;t maintain equality while creating human beings. Why are we fighting to create artificial &quot;EQUALITY&#039;? No matter how hard you try, it is not possible. &amp; please you should not trade your degree with needy &amp; deserving student because you have earned it after a lot of hard work. We people from general category work harder to get into such ivy league institutes &amp; this we definitely deserve something more. P.S. Discussion of Ambedkar is irrelevant becasue exceptions shouldn&#039;t be quoted as examples.

3 Mar 2013, 04.59 PM |


My whole point is that level playing field is the pre-requisite for competition. I do not buy your argument , this is all man made issues , you meant to say just leave them on their own , I believe any one can achieve any thing provided he gets access to resources .

3 Mar 2013, 08.59 PM |


I would like to know whether did he take CAT under general category? Reservation generates hatred. If you friend has applied under gen category he deserves respect.

30 Apr 2013, 07.54 PM |


All this random and instinct driven shit mr maheshwaran says after getting a big fat job himself. yes placements were bleak this year, but that was situationacross campuses and was highly situation driven.

3 Mar 2013, 03.01 AM

IAS Aspirant

Investment Banking jobs in India are offered in India in the bulge bracket IIMs or other B schools FMS and XLRI as far as statistics figures in placement report shows. But those jobs are not even close to the Gordon Gecko kinda story of a Wall Street Banker or that USD 5mn bonus story. It looks great in the placement report that, &quot;Goldman Sachs recruited 4 people for its Investment Banking Division from IIM_XYZ&quot;. But the truth is,Indian IB operations are a cheap alternative for finding good talents at globally cheap rates, another version of outsourcing as you see in IT.You will work as support staff under your bosses in the core locations. You will work so hard but at the end of the day, they will take all the credits for your efforts and will try to climb up the ladder. Moving to core locations for IBs is a different story. It differs from IT where India has a knack in IT and clients respect Indians in IT too, so you could climb up the ladder or get promoted to your onsite core locations. While for IBs, its a different story, there are lot of people there vying for these jobs in the core locations itself. Even with a compilation of your CFA or FRM certifications, you will have to prove your mettle amongst your Indian counterparts and also please your bosses. And after moving to clients locations, survival depends on how u can already talk like Gordon Gecko and convince clients in US to invest money. I would suggest not opting for all these IB jobs in India where you will end up as a number junkie rather Gordon Gecko.

3 Mar 2013, 10.22 AM

IIT Alumnus

The Author has just tried to put his point.He is a particular caste Chauvinist or not, could not be proved from this. Now the problem is not of caste discrimination but of caste identification. Whenever a student completes his 12th class and fills his/her form for higher education the third thing in every form after Name and Father&#039;s name is to which caste/category he belongs. Now I agree that merit is not based on category, but obviously those students of general category, who could not make through after scoring good marks will always blame reservation system, because a similar fellow like them who is a son of an IAS /IPS /Doctor /Engineer got a seat just because he was born in a certain category and used it to his advantage. I agree CAT is not the full proof system, but it is the exam by which everyone has to go for joining IIM&#039;s. I know many of my friends who have worked in good jobs and are economically well off, but still used the reservation system for entering into IIM&#039;s. Reservation in Under Grads, then Reservation in Post Grads, Reservation in jobs, Reservation in promotions and an average student of general category feels the brunt, and yet when he tries to say something against this system, he is remarked as someone who supports caste discrimination. Now many will came and say that a particular section has been deprived of his/her rights therefore reservation is necessary. I agree to it but again classifying this section with caste will do no good. What about those general category students who have lost their parents/families and are economically weak, they do not know their caste, yet still they get the stamp of being in upper caste and end up in general category.

3 Mar 2013, 12.10 PM


I dont understand why the so called &quot;other categories&quot; object having a mention in the article. You guys dont object when you use it to get into the IIT&#039;s and the IIM&#039;s and all other places where the government has made special provisions for you guys. I think what the author mentions is only a statistical estimate which is profoundly true, otherwise why would you need reservation in the first place. I have a few friends who actually made it to IIT&#039;s and IIM&#039;s despite being from &quot;other categories&quot; by competing in the general category. I have nothing but only respect for them.

3 Mar 2013, 12.55 PM


A very well written post first of all.... Thanks to the insideiim team. Further why do people just look at the shorter game most of the time. I am an NIT and an IIM alumnus and I have always seen people cribbing that the institute did not do justice to their talent. One simple advice, forget that a diploma from an IIM or a degree from an IIT or even an NIT give you the right to be paid astronomical figures. If you are really worth it sooner or later you will find your place in the peking order. Its just a matter of time. We all have plenty of years to work ( anything between 30-40 years), why are most of the passouts so scared that they want the first perfect job with the shiny pay package. So just keep working hard and you will reach where you should be.... More than anything else being in a top league place gives you the opportunity to break your own barriers, know yourself and learn from your peers.. my personal advice do that , and if you dont you will regret later...

3 Mar 2013, 06.16 PM

+Read Replies (2)


If you are an iim alumnus, by now you would have realized first job really matters.....there are some profiles which are impossible to crack offcampus unless you have a strong reference...first job and starting salary is indeed important...if u work in a particular profile for more than an year or so (say sales or marketing) and then you want to become an investment banker, it is almost impossible.....

3 Mar 2013, 06.58 PM |


my dear friend, I passed out in 2010 and ended up with a PSU job in the 10% tax bracket (my bad), but eventually ended up in a much better place ( A fortune 10 company). Yes I agree it becomes a bit difficult to switch streams but if you are in a good company they will always give you chances to move across provided you have the background &amp; are ready to work for it. We all know how many versions of the same CV we all make, and if you are smart enough you will play your cards right in the interview. Almost 60% of my batch have switched jobs if not in the first year then a little later and even the lot who were handed out the worst jobs have eventually moved up in terms of CTC. PS : Am not a reserved category guy, have a decent profile in terms of education, acads and extra-currics and left a leading chip design company offer to experience an IIM and after 3 years I say it was really worth it. I agree all dont have the luck that I had but then working hard is all we can do, leave the luck part to destiny. Godspeed

3 Mar 2013, 07.23 PM |

MBA wala

Category guys have ruined many general category people guys, who are actually poor, they should face the music, I accept it, brand me chauvinist.

3 Mar 2013, 07.01 PM


KeepWalking: That&#039;s the right spirit man...But chest beating about the first job seems to be the more preferred option amongst B-schoolers, they forget that they have a career to build-a career of 30-40 years and it is that which tests your real mettle, not some initial job obtained through the placement process which is a farce in itself!!

3 Mar 2013, 07.12 PM


I find authors points very good and with a hint of pessimism.As an MBA aspirant with a Software engineer from DCE and working with Oracle for more than 2 years i just want to share my little experience. I think this whole concept of first job is very over-hyped and most of the time whole narrative of doing MBA is lost in this short shortsightedness. In our batch avg placement was in 10% tax bracket.Few lucky ones got in to dream companies(i also was one of those FEW..:P). I had many friends who landed up with below average first job but now two years down the line i find several of them getting salary in 30% tax bracket and doing some amazing work. So, what i feel is that, real value of MBA degree from IIM or any top B school cannot be measured with this one indicator and deserves a more nuanced debate.Entering into top B-school doesn&#039;t guarantee you a plush job but it will serve as a mean to meet the desired ends. PS:- There are no free lunches in life, even Amul Baby will have to face fierce competition(NAMO) to get the top job.

3 Mar 2013, 10.10 PM


the author is intentionally targeting socially disadvantaged people even general category students are not getting placed well at all instances

3 Mar 2013, 10.45 PM

+Read Replies (1)

null null

Nobody needs your permission to take reservation.Reservation is given by constitution.Laws are made in parliament with lots discussions keeping real indicators in mind unlike caste system which has no head nor tail ,Imagine someone giving birth to thousands people from head? Is it possible ? Biologically it means to have vag*na in head ! .Parliament laws are well researched , like Mandal commission. People should enjoy reservation , as it saves millions from dirty irrational system- caste system.Reservation is driving rationalism . Reservation is Nobel prize winning concept ! God bless RESERVATION.

29 Jul 2013, 04.39 AM |

Mahesh Navale

I am totally agree with author. He dared to put truth in front of aspirants... I think this is very big decision of leaving good job and getting into MBA with high hopes of getting double package but situation today is very differnt people with 3-4 yrs of experience are getting same package after MBA or even less than what they were earning before MBA. So it&#039;s time to open eyes and think before jumping in sea........

3 Mar 2013, 11.56 PM

Vishal Gohel

Very well written Mahesh, You have covered all aspects really well. Very proud that my colleague and ex-roomie is such a wizard :)

4 Mar 2013, 11.05 AM


Sad and stupid! At least be careful such articles will surely reach the eyes and ears of potential employers. Have somebody read before you post. Regarding afiirmative I am sure you will be one who will be trumped by majority of so called &#039;affirmative&#039; due to your negatives. You may earn approval from students, faculty at IIML for such as article but you are bound to be loser in life. Mark my words for it.

4 Mar 2013, 11.53 AM

+Read Replies (3)


Ridiculous comment at best!

4 Mar 2013, 07.04 PM |


Are you a prophet?? In that case, start a new religion.... and demand reservation too.

4 Mar 2013, 07.48 PM |


he is a loser!!! And what are you....facepalm!!!!!

9 Mar 2013, 11.48 PM |


@ All studying in a top IIM/ XL/ FMS --&gt; Respected Seniors, I will be appearing for the DREAM IIMs&#039; interviews shortly &amp; seeing this article really makes me very worried.... My Profile--&gt; Class 10 - 93 Class 12- 92 B.Tech- 75.4 &amp; that too from a &quot;less illustrious colg&quot; :( Now I am not gonna ask the annoying question- &quot;What are my chances etc etc&quot; but there is a specific statement about the less illustrious colgs which gives me the shivers.... Will my grad score &amp; colg destroy my chances in the TOP companies? :O I am a certified scuba diver, a certified water surfer &amp; a national level footballer....Are these gonna have any positive impact during placements? :O Plz reply to my query &amp; Plz no diplomatic BULL....I know NO ONE can save if i figure among the last 150 students in the batch but I am just talking about NORMAL circumstances &amp; whether my Graduation Section has doomed my chances of entry into the ELITE companies.... PS- When i post a question here, I take it for granted that its gonna remain unanswered as the participation is almost negligible here. But A beggar cannot be a chooser. Stepping into the BIGGEST month of my life so far, I try to have my doubts cleared, WHEREVER possible. I really hope that some of u reply to my query kindly &amp; help me get a clear picture.....

5 Mar 2013, 02.49 AM

+Read Replies (3)


Your Acads are Above average and so is Extracurrics. Consulting companies look for 4 things Acads Extracurrics POR ( Position of Responsibility ) Workex/Internship etc Try to get some good POR&#039;s and you should be good to get a shortlist but again it can&#039;t be guaranteed as everything is relative. If you have people with better profile in your college ( like it mostly happens in A and B ), you might lose out. Also if you are aiming to get into BCG, Mck, Bain etc try to be in the top 5% of your batch. This is because even if you miss the bus in summers, you stand a second chance during the finals.

5 Mar 2013, 09.43 AM |


Thanks a lot for ur timely reply sir :) Obviously no one can guarantee it but at the outset, u think its not a profile thats gonna be ineligible/ straight-rejected/ a burden for the Placecom, right sir? :o And what about the TOP MARKETING companies? :o Do I have a shot there? :o Plz reply 1 last time. I am not gonna bug u anymore....

5 Mar 2013, 12.49 PM |


Marketing companies mostly look at people less than 2 years workex preferably from non IT background. They also look at your POR&#039;s and hence make sure that you get into good clubs and committees in whichever college you go. You have a chance there definitely.

7 Mar 2013, 02.49 AM |


Just wanna add something to my query above, I am NOT interested in Finance. I am gonna go for Marketing or Consulting. So when I talk about the ELITE companies, I mean the BIGGEST companies in this field like the BIG 4, Accenture MC, ATK, Oliver Wyman, Arthur D Little (for Consulting) &amp; ITC, PnG, Colgate-Palmolive etc (for Marketing). Plz reply....

5 Mar 2013, 02.57 AM

+Read Replies (5)


You haven&#039;t mentioned about your work experience. If you have more than 3 years of work-ex, acads doesn&#039;t matter much. Some consulting companies may look for consistent acads, but you can offset it by getting a good CGPA after coming to IIM. Marketing companies never look for academics. They look for PORs, Co-curriculars (competitions, events), Extracurriculars (sports, culturals)....

5 Mar 2013, 10.39 AM |


Thanks a lot for ur prompt reply sir :) I have 19 months work-ex in IT.... 1 last question sir, when u talk about extra-curriculars &amp; profile, how do u judge mine? :o [I know its all relative but I am just asking for a general opinion]....Is it one thats gonna be a burden for the placecom/ one thats gonna be straight rejected by many? :o Does the 3 unique factors in my CV have any bearing during placements? :o Plz reply 1 last time....

5 Mar 2013, 12.55 PM |


calme down son... you seem to be very anxious... if you want to make a career in marketing / consult .. yes you stand a good chance provided you are good in extra currics or acads respectively (read top 5 % in acads). however no one can assure you about placements. its very arbit in nature. sometimes even the best ones fail to secure placement of their choice for incomprehensible reasons despite doing all the right things.. but if you are persistent you will make a fine career for your self, only thing which is assured. and if it brings any peace to you -- yes your extra currics and acads are fine. just get into a good IIM and work hard there and rest will be taken care of. dont fear the failure.

5 Mar 2013, 02.58 PM |


Thanks a lot for those calming words sir :) Actually my &#039;A&#039; interview is on the 9th, so I am very tensed as it is :P Reading this article (pnts 1 &amp; 4) along with the horror stories in the comment section of the PLACEMENT REPORTS of the top IIMs, where EVERY SINGLE YEAR, 2-3 guys cry foul &amp; how their career has been ruined---- reading these give me the chills as I belong from a pretty middle class family &amp; 15lakhs is going to be a huge burden on me &amp; my family.... Thanks alot for ur help :) Deeply appreciated :)

5 Mar 2013, 07.01 PM |


For the time, I would suggest you to focus on interviews. Do not think about placements now. No IIM is going to ask you to deposit INR 15 lakhs at the time of interviews. So chill! All the concerns could be addressed later.

5 Mar 2013, 08.21 PM |


I would like to take the advice of IIM junta on how I should approach my career. I am a passout from IIT KGP and have had 3.5 years of job experience since, but the nature of my experience is very unconventional. I have been teaching (and doing lots of administrative/managerial work) in one of the leading private universities in India. The salary is decent (8.5 Lpa). However, this work experience may not count for much once i am in a B-school. Further, going by your article, I may be at a disadvantage even compared to freshers at B-School. This year I have calls from FMS, MDI, SJMSoM , NITIE but none of the IIMs at 99.2 CAT percentile. My acads have been decent but not extraordinary - 85 , 87 % respectively in 10 and 12, 7.6 CGPA. What should i target. I am not satisfied with my calls and shall probably prepare for GMAT and look to apply for ISB. What would be your advice ?

6 Mar 2013, 01.22 PM

+Read Replies (4)


Since you are from IIT and have a different kind of experience I would suggest you to try for ISB. To be frank and honest, NITIE, MDI and SJMSOM wont give you a great placement. If the market remains to be down like this you might end up with a subpar salary too. FMS is worth a shot because of its high ROI and low fees. But its mostly known for marketing and with your experience it would be difficult to get a marketing shortlist. Still better than the options you have presently.

7 Mar 2013, 02.52 AM |


Thanks for your response. I have also registered for CFA L1 - December. Hope that would help. I had a doubt with regards to ISB. Does a one year program mean that my pre MBA job experience shall receive a large weightage at the time of final placements ?

7 Mar 2013, 02.22 PM |


Yes, But atleast in ISB companies will come looking for work ex junta. in IIMs 2 year programme they come with a &#039;fresher&#039; mindset. for you 1 year programme in IIM ABC or ISB will only be worth, unless you are decided on a career switch in which case 2 year programme in IIM ABCL will give u some opportunities but with some degree of risk.

8 Mar 2013, 11.51 PM |


I have passed out of MDI in the 2011-13 batch and had close to 3yrs IT work-ex. Marketing shortlists for summers are fewer but you do get some decent ones (&amp; some consulting) from my own experience.. but let&#039;s just say average or above average - not necessarily the plump-est! But finals give you more leeway even with marketing firms. Some 2-3 yrs work-ex guys had as many as 30 shortlists! I&#039;ll say that you can take a chance. There were a few IITians in my batch and all got decent placements. Freshers of course got better opportunities but even some work-ex ones (3-4 yrs) managed above 10-11. There were also 2 people in our batch with heavy operations work-ex (8-10 yrs)!.. yea wonder why they didn&#039;t go for exec. Anyway, both of them got 12-14L package (mostly fixed) - one in ops (spirits co.) and one in IT in well known companies. Nothing big but considering the slowdown and heavy workex I guess in the end they were relieved. So what I&#039;m saying is you could give it a shot with 3.5 yrs work-ex .. and your acads aren&#039;t bad. They are average to above average I&#039;d say.. but yes the kind of work-ex is less common. I guess in the end it&#039;s your call but the takeaway should be more than 8.5 (quite likely). However, if you end up with a 10-12L package (average case) after 2yrs and paying a high fee, would u be satisfied? .. that&#039;s the question.

11 Apr 2013, 11.18 PM |


Yes, But atleast in ISB companies will come looking for work ex junta. in IIMs 2 year programme they come with a &#039;fresher&#039; mindset. for you 1 year programme in IIM ABC or ISB will only be worth, unless you are decided on a career switch in which case 2 year programme in IIM ABCL will give u some opportunities but with some degree of risk.

8 Mar 2013, 11.51 PM

Shuvam Sanyal

@ All studying in a top IIMs-&gt; Respected Seniors, I will be appearing for the CAT 2013 JUST AFTER MY GRADUATION ..with the dream of making it to top IIMs ... My Profile--&gt; Class 10 - 96(overall)(from west bengal state board) Class 12- 92.5(BEST OF 5) AND 90 (overall)(from west bengal state board) In both the board examS having rank within top 100 in the state WB. NON-ENGINEER and Bsc Grad=6.2 CGPA (Till Now) and in my final year of graduation(4 more papers left)...and that is too from 3 rd best Science clg &amp; 2 nd best commerce(after SRCC) college of India St.Xavier&#039;s College(Kolkata). according to India Today Ranking. Now I am not gonna ask the annoying question- &quot;What are my chances .. Will my less grad score than ENGINEERS my chances in the TOP companies if i will be able to make it to IIM in cuming future?? :O my extra acd includes Campus ambassador of IIT KGP,2 time district champion in recitation ,NTSE scholar,was a represtative of my clg in back to back Global Entrepreneurship summit 2011 and 2012@IIT KGP during my 1 st and 2 nd year,got more than 35 prizes(including books,medal and money) from school for academic and non academic purposes every year in the whole school life ..and many more... ....:O Plz reply to my query .. whether my Graduation marks has doomed my chances of entry into the ELITE companies....... and some one similar to my profile after making it to IIM one day score among top 20 of the IIM batch......then will it reimburshed my compatatively low grad score?(my only low point)....any reply would be really appreciated!as my low grad score is haunting me during my cat prep and it is getting affected as should i target cat or not.... P.S-I had given cat in my 2 nd year and got 80 percentile..

9 Mar 2013, 12.57 PM

+Read Replies (5)


Heyy.. Don&#039;t worry man.. there are many ppl like u.. All u need is gud aptitude.. Even this year&#039;s CAT topper Ravi Teja Palla was a 6 pointer from IITM.. Though his JEE rank was very gud (AIR 236).. he has got all 13 IIM calls.. So, u can see ur grad marks don&#039;t really matter if u score well in cat.. of course, a few colleges like B, K, etc do take ur grad scores, but then don&#039;t think of those things now. kindly, concentrate on ur CAT score. those are secondary. &amp; commerce &amp; arts grads are preferred for admissions esp. from St. Stephens, SRCC, St. Xaviers, Hindu, SSCBM, Loyola, etc.. &amp; lastly, do u hv work-ex? coz it does matter quite a lot.. a 2 yr work-ex can outgun ur grad score.!

9 Mar 2013, 05.14 PM |


wid my 1st few lines, wht I meant to say was that there is absolutely no correlation between a gud aptitude and a gud CGPA. Even top JEE rankers can perform poorly in college, but u shud never lose ur composure. the main success mantra is never to lose hope &amp; quit. Just kip trying hard.!

9 Mar 2013, 05.20 PM |


If I am not wrong, Ravi did&#039;nt get calls from A,K,I,S. For A &amp; K, its mathematically not possible to clear their cut-off. For S, the engineering cut-off was 87.3 (or 86.7, something like that!!!).

9 Mar 2013, 09.37 PM |


Going by THIS year&#039;s statistics, if I had to put my money on u, ABKIS is straight out of the window (Considering u are a fresher!).... In K, u may get a call as it favours WB students in normalisation but u are gonna find it very difficult in the PI against the like of DU &amp; SRCC Commerce grads with MUCH MUCH more marks than u.... But don&#039;t get disheartened as C &amp; L are there &amp; will give u a call IF U CLEAR THEIR CUT-OFF. And trust me, the jump from a mere 80%ile to 99.5+ is gonna be a massive task. So stop focusing on this &amp; work hard on ur prep as its clearly gonna take a lot. For Reference, u can go through PG threads on the converts (once it is published). U will get a clear idea of the quality of Commerce students that make it.... Best of luck :)

9 Mar 2013, 09.51 PM |

Shuvam Sanyal


11 Mar 2013, 07.42 PM |


Sorry for the grammatical mistakes :p Apparently u cant edit a post after submitting it. *against the LIKES of* &amp; *PG threads OF the final converts* ----&gt; these two phrases!!! :)

9 Mar 2013, 09.57 PM


My english is nt good i am working on it i'll join english class, so please pardon me, i am going to ask my questions in Hindi I really hope that some of u reply to my querykindly &amp; help me get a clear picture my profile I really hope that some of u reply to my querykindly &amp; help me get a clear picture….My Profile–&gt; Class 10 – 54%(overall)(from maharashtra state board) Class 12- 76% same board . I had completed my 12th in 2009,maine life ke 3 years waste kardiye Now i am pursuing my BA from pune university i am in FY .. But mai ab 3 saal cat prepare karke acha score karunga but kya mera 10th ka score aur 3 years mera Acha %itle hone par bi iim me aneme obstacle banege?Hope u'l reply to queries

12 Mar 2013, 03.14 AM

The Rustic

Maheswaran iii) Those looking to interact with some of the brightest and most accomplished minds and who are ready to not be overawed (or drown in their own jealousy/inferiority complex) but learn from the Above statement is ego massaging.I didn&#039;t find any bright candidates except for the fact that IIM junta have rich vocabulary. Also you forgot to mention that 80 % of the batch is from good cities with lot of exposure.Also they are fortunate enough to be educated from English medium schools.

13 Mar 2013, 10.53 PM


What do you thing about the businessman Is really the IIM degree can stand the One Business ? What about the Tata, Birla, Ambani, MIttal, Bajaj? Are they having good academic record in the life Or they are the Alumni of IIM A,B &amp; C ...........Is really the good Academic Records Necessary for Top B- School ? Is really the Good English Is needed for Opening of New Business ? &amp; what about the current placement of IIM in General as well as SC/ST, OBS category. Is it similar in the Corporate sector or May be any difference in the Corporate sector ? talk about this If the people are only thing that candidate passout from IIM can get better package in the corporate sector then I think we are going to Wrong side. IIM is not stand for better Job but for the better education so that we can make the future bright of Indian People but most of them getting the higher salary from the abroad Company &amp; leaving the country Is it the Agenda of IIM ? Is it the Gov policy to implement the Scholarship scheme in Higher Study ?

14 Mar 2013, 11.16 PM


Wow Mr Maheshwaran so you came to the IIM only for money. No wonder people like you have been responsible for the current global situation. Money Money Money and more money ...... this is what all matters, no wonder the thanks to your stupid decisions many more organisations are going to get shut.

15 Mar 2013, 12.07 PM


For those who feel that the author is targeting some particular social groups: An entry backed by his/her quota means that the student does not possess the skills( aptitude and communication both) which, coupled with the B-school experience, ensures a general candidate&#039;s getting those top jobs. No surprises then, if these &#039;reserved&#039; students do not get the same quality placements. But let&#039;s not lose hope, our government&#039;s policy to support the &#039;less privileged&#039; and the glorious hadtals that the &#039;less privileged&#039; groups organize to ensure their continuing quota will one day force quota down the throats of private firms too and will make India a model &#039;Socialist Casteist&#039; country. P.S. A tag of top engg. college of the country, great grades and 99 percentile in CAT, nothing could absolve me of the crime of being born in an unreserved caste family that I committed, I didn&#039;t get calls from any of the top 4 IIMs. And yes, I need to vent my frustration in these kinds of platforms. This is what stops me from taking to the streets.

18 Mar 2013, 07.05 PM

+Read Replies (4)


Hey. pls don&#039;t boast abt ur credentials. okk. great grades, 99 percentile. granted that u&#039;ve higher competition, but ur also being helped by the system./ I&#039;ve seen SC&#039;s from IITB,D,K who earlier had 90+ acads pass out wid 5.1, 5.5 GPA&#039;s. But, subsequently, they score 98-99+ percentiles in CAT. How do u explain dat? A reserved surname &amp; ur being blatantly discriminated against, be it grades or public life. In this way, reservation will surely never end. there&#039;s a saying wich goes, &quot;change starts wid oneself&quot;. If we&#039;re to change the society, first we&#039;ve to change ourselves.

19 Mar 2013, 12.21 AM |


First of all, can you please explain HOW AM I BEING HELPED BY THE SYSTEM? And what you called boasting was stating my credentials to support my argument. Unfortunately you could, due to reasons clear, not do the same. Now, coming to the SCs from IITs. Did you just say that a reserved surname makes professors discriminate against you while giving grades??? This is the most preposterous and stupid statement made on this forum, probably this is how you justify your own incompetence while competing on a neutral platform. If you really think that category students at IITs do not get good grades because professors hold them back then please do spread this word because this is what will end reservation. And please do not give examples such as &#039;I know SOME ST/SCs who have done this and that&#039; because for every &#039;some&#039; there are &#039;many&#039; who haven&#039;t done anything. Exceptions exist everywhere. Someone had posted that of the bottom 100 in an IIM 90 were category students. You cannot point to the remaining 10 and say that I know some general students too who lie at the bottom. Get stats from both the sides and then dare to make a comment. And why &#039;change starts with oneself&#039; statement is relevant, I really don&#039;t know. Do suggest what change I should bring in me to help end the reservations.

19 Mar 2013, 09.20 AM |


U wer saying that now reserved candidates will make the private companies murkier by diluting their quality &amp; instituting lower levels of professionalism &amp; competencies in Indian companies. But, I was saying that such kind of condescending attitude towards reserved categories will not help. In order to remove reservations, we&#039;ve to change ourselves. After all, they also hv a right to work in pvt. companies just like everybody else ryt. &amp; pls don&#039;t take my 1st sentence seriously, ok. It was said in the heat of the moment. hehe. Obviously, ur deserving. I don&#039;t deny that. But, please don&#039;t say that ur situation has come because of the reserved candidates. Do u mean to say that u want 90% seats in all insti&#039;s? There r cutoffs everywher. If u can&#039;t get a call, dere r dose from the other side also who haven&#039;&#039;t got a call. Kindly bear wid all. If ur frustrated, then dere r ppl on the other side too who r frustrated as well.

19 Mar 2013, 03.53 PM |


I am not at all implying that deserving candidates of reserved category are going to dilute the standards of any company. And I doubt that any private company questions their right to work at par with others. Nothing could be more wrong than questioning someone&#039;s capability on the basis of his caste . What I mean is that if you try to put people in positions that they would otherwise not qualify for, inefficiency is going to creep in. This has nothing to do with caste. If you try to put general category students with low percentiles in top colleges, they are going to perform bad as well. Competitive exams, though not perfect, try to segregate people on the basis of their aptitude for specific fields such as engg. or mgmt so that students with similar aptitude can compete against each other in an healthy environment. And I am not saying that I need 90 percent of the seats, I need 100 percent of seats for all the students, irrespective of their caste. There should be no question of people from the other side. Everyone should be on the same side with similar cutoffs. It is this reservation that is forcing us, educated people, to even think about the caste system and thus, instead of bridging the gap, is creating two sides. Had it not been for this differential treatment, I would not have even thought about the caste system and there would have been no need to separate people as being from this side or the other side. Students from &#039;the other side&#039; have an opportunity to reject this system and the coming generations will never even use the word caste except for in the history textbooks. I too regret if the previous posts made me sound like a casteist, will take care of my words in future :)

19 Mar 2013, 07.53 PM |


Criticizing someone for the heck of it has become so popular. Reread this sentence &quot;If you are among the select few looking to study in an IIM purely for the love for learning, quit reading now&quot;. I hope you get the message now.

22 Mar 2013, 09.46 AM


Can I just say what a relief to acquire somebody who in fact knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You surely know methods to bring an concern to light and make it significant. A lot more people have to read this and comprehend this side of the story. I cant think youre not alot more preferred simply because you undoubtedly have the gift. <a href="" rel="nofollow">mickael kors</a>

10 Apr 2013, 09.23 AM


Candidates with poor academic record (those with say, less than 70% in their Class X, XII and UG) and from less illustrious colleges ----- This is rubbish Am a student with 65% marks in X,XII and UG and i indded was the last bench student in IIM - B. Am now VP for the Saudi Oger Group and with yearly salary of INR 1.5 Cr It depends on how you face your job and not how you tackle it.

10 Apr 2013, 12.52 PM

+Read Replies (1)

sachin Thakur

composed person

sir u nailed it!! i was so so anxious about this. i have 10th 89.2 , 12th 75 , btech 65!!! and working very very very hard to get into an old iim.

5 Aug 2015, 01.12 AM |


iwant to do iim .so can any one reply me what the process to join iim

16 Apr 2013, 06.34 PM


Dear Friends, I am IT Male with 5+ of work experience(Engineer from a Private College). I am writing CAT for the past 2 years and i was not able to crack. I am preparing for CAT2013 also. After reading this report i am very much confused.It is nothing wrong on your part as your clearly shown the current scenario. Could you guys what should i do? Should i go ahead and sit for CAT13. Please note i much concerned about the IIM Degree which i am passionate.(not the salary) P.S - I have read some IIM C accept guys with high work exp. Not sure whether this is true. (with 99+ CAT Score) Thanks

16 Apr 2013, 07.00 PM

+Read Replies (2)


If you are passionate about studying in IIM then go ahead and prepare for CAT. But if you feel that an IIM degree should give you great salary after you pass out then it will be a dicey situation because either you may get good package or not. I think you will see the fruits of your degree only in the later years. But from campus dont be surprised if you do not crack a high paying job or earn a salary less than your pre-MBA salary(which I believe to be arnd 10 lpa considering your workex). As I said in one of the posts earlier on this site, YOUR GRAD INSTITUTE DOES MATTER A LOT and also your workex and grades. Take an informed decision.

19 Apr 2013, 08.03 AM |


Thnk you

23 Apr 2013, 12.01 AM |


Friends, Can someone reply to my above post? Thank you

18 Apr 2013, 06.34 PM

Aam Admi

Dear IIM Junta, I am working in an IT MNC and have a 9.5LPA + 1lpa bonus in current company. I have been offered IIMC PGDM. I have decent 10th, 12th and btech(92,89,77%). What chances do I stand to secure a good placement after MBA based on my profile?

21 Apr 2013, 11.20 PM

+Read Replies (4)

IIMB Student

Dear Aam Admi, I would say go for it if you have &lt; 2 years of work-ex. No one can predict your chances of a good placement at this moment :)

22 Apr 2013, 01.23 PM |


Hi i have a similar situation but have a workex of 3 years will that affect my chances?

22 Apr 2013, 03.51 PM |

Aam Admi

Hi IIMB student, Thanks for your reply. What about my prospects in finance/banking sector. Wont the companies prefer someone from finance/commerce background over me? Also one more thing I wanted to know was whether salaries mentioned in the various post for IIM placements are CTC or gross?

22 Apr 2013, 06.29 PM |

Humble Alumni

@aam admi - 9.5 lpa gross is a good starting salary(1-2 years) - So I assume you have good background. You can expect a similar placement at B-school if you laze around and sky is the limit if you network well and learn what is out there. However, If you have sizeable work experience- Concentrate on acads, build your pr inside C and you can get good lats placement. In both cases, Choice of C will be justified - short term as well as long term. And remember - (C/A/B) offer you three things that other B-school in India don&#039;t to the same extent- Range (maximum that you can stretch) and being part of a college that is best of the best in India currently and a great alumni network. Decide for yourself! If you have confidence in yourself and profile - this question is a non-starter. Only those with poor/less than average profile need to weigh in ROI etc at this CTC

22 Apr 2013, 09.47 PM |

Aam Admi

thanx a lot @Humble Alumni

22 Apr 2013, 10.05 PM


Hi, I want to ask all IIM students and alumni a question. What is the min Work.Ex that one should carry while entering into IIM ABCL. How is that going to matter in your career and hows that going to help you in the placements there? Is there any separate placement process for people having experience of more than 2 years ? and what is minimum salary we can expect after getting out there according to experience ?

23 Apr 2013, 12.23 AM


i have 4+ yrs experience in telecomm psu, should i go for iim

8 May 2013, 03.39 PM


Very negative approach I must say. Never expected an IIM alumnus to write in such a negative and frustrated tone. The article doesn&#039;t have any insights into any facets of studies, hardwork, admission or anything at the IIMs. It&#039;s the reflection of a shallow personality.

18 May 2013, 04.13 PM

null null

hey! I am a Biotechnology graduate from IIT Guwahati (2012) CGPI: 8.5 10th CBSE: 96.4% 12th AP state board: 94 % I have been pursuing a PhD degree in Immunology in The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center ( Ranked 10th in the field) since a year. Now I have realized that I am not really passionate about a career in academia. Also I have always had an interest in management. So I have decided to quit Med school and go for an MBA instead. My GMAT score is 760. Is it possible to get an admission in IIMs with this profile? Is my stint in research going to have a negative effect?

3 Jul 2013, 04.46 PM

Arpit ShArma

IF SoMe oNe dOn'T cArE aBoUt . . yOu . . FOrgET . . .It . . FIve . . FIngER . . aRe . .NoT . . sAmE . . DOn't . . EvEr . .kILL . . fEeLinNgS . . FoR . . aNyOnE iT ' s . .HuRt . . LaTeR . . LIFE IS TO SHORT . . .ENJOY IT BEFORE LIGHT TURN OFF I am very friendly, I am little aggresive, I am straight forward. and believe to tell wht I feel.... bcoz I don't believe in living in illusion I never shows whether I m happy or sad, I always be happy with my frnds well I don't know whether people will agree with me or not but I am wht I shows to other..Emotional , sensitive

Thankyou so much for your guidance ! Sincerely IIM ASPIRANT !!!

16 Jul 2013, 04.42 PM

null null

it is an excellent advise . As a father , I spent about 11 laks to my son who has studied in IIM Lucknow but not happy with present the job. Whatever the author has written , I fully agreed with him. I hope he is not talking about minority people or poor people. He is giving the right clear picture. but making this caste issue is , we are going out of sight and here he is giving the idea who can venture into MBA or not. When my son who is topper in the school, having very good personality, exceptionally brilliant in study, general knowledge , and spoken english, hindi etc and having 2 years experience as Assitant Manager in a furtune 500 company. Yet he left the job and spent about 11 lakhs and got the job offer of 10 lakhs per annum. Just imagine, before he joined IIM he used get Rs.7 lakhs per annum package but now he got only 4 lakhs more. But to be very precious, he is going to repay the education loan of Rs.20000/- per month for the next 7 years. Ultimately, he is drawing lesser income now i.e. before his iim study he used earn Rs.50-to 60 thousands per months now after IIM he is getting Rs.50 to 55 thousand. what is the use of this IIM. I found , there are so many students from poor background got loan and trapped becuase of their not getting good job. I am not talking about the community level students but from poor background irrespective of caste, religion. Ofcoure, English is the must to get the good job opportunity but that is not the only criteria , your personality may get you good posiition even if you are not good at D day. Just imagine, without the job with the borriwing, and burden of repaying thousands every months years to gether , made you rethink is it absolutely necessary to go for such a glamour study . The best part of the study, I fail to understand, How can a person can be shapped best in the industry within two years of study. Horrible,. this is almost crushing the poor students and their family with the help of Government.

19 Jul 2013, 04.23 PM

null null

Seems reservation has nailed him years !! Reservation is given by constitution.Laws are made in parliament with lots discussions keeping real indicators in mind unlike caste system which has no head nor tail ,Imagine someone giving birth to thousands people from head? Is it possible ? Biologically it means to have vag*na in head ! .Parliament laws are well researched , like Mandal commission. People should enjoy reservation , as it saves millions from dirty irrational system- caste system.Reservation is driving rationalism . Reservation is Nobel prize winning concept ! God bless RESERVATION.

29 Jul 2013, 04.41 AM

Krishna Naik

the man with never ending thirst for knowledge and quest for meaning of life

i have a straight answer to all of the reservation queries....let me put my story... I belong to a res category, and ST, Problems faced. 1. Right from child hood was very poor, not even to eat some times,worked in hotels, small petty jobs etc, ---my question is how could i compete with a higher caste one, who from childhood gets good education ,skill, english everything from good schools(may not be everybody but most of them), how would be my grads,cores be better than general cat. my scores,skills, english was not by choice, but becoz of no option to learn 2. Right from child hood even in gov schools, i faced descrimination, i had mental trauma, emotional as well, becoz i made a crime of being born in lower caste, i couldnt perfom well,, as there was lot of groupism, i/we were left alone to perish. gen cat students use to feel jealous in many things, use to comment us a lot, 3. well as many are boasting of merit here in the blog, if reservations are removed and only measures are taken to uplift the poor on income basis, ----will it work in indian scenario, where is corruption from a to z in beaurocracy, no single penny reaches to poor/resr category ,....its fact guys, be practical,, so only reservation is the soultion.,, as u cant steal a reserved seat. 4. Message to all un-reserved guys, first make india a corruption less and real democratic country--which is impossible, the talk abt removing reservation. or commenting on them. Dont u care when some of ur country men/brothers are in utter poverty/descrimination. 5. As we have a saying in our state,a filled stomach never knows hungry stomach. a well settled guy (comparitively) writing some thing from an air conditioned room ,commenting on the grads, english speaking skills doesnt make any sense at all. 6. Rather than feeling jealous, why cant we work towards better india, where we can make a better country, later on when we feel, we are at par with west, we can surely take off reservation... i dont think ambedkar is a fool,.......he is a national hero. He imagined future. 7. Although i cracked many of the top institutes with top scores, i still feel , where is the empathy for the poor and lowely categorised. 8. u have to be in my shoes to feel the pain, its no fun to be a reserved category fellow. my point is not all unreserved fellows are rich and bad, and not all reserved fellows are poor and good, what i mean is the percentage and numnbers matters. 10. before bloggin in here i still wonder, why cant many ppl google, of what exactly the economic and social situation of reserved category guys in comparision to general categoris in india. 11.until descrimination is removed, untouchbility is eliminated and social and economic eqality is brought, reservation is the only answer .... Jai hind

19 Aug 2013, 12.31 AM


IIM Calcutta which is widely known to fake its salary figures is in a soup now. 50 unplaced students have been made to sign out of placement as they were no takers. These guys are now working as credit card direct sales associates at meagre salary of 4 lacs per annum. Beware of fraud claims of IIM Calcutta regarding placements. The unplaced students were not having required grade to be promoted to second year but somehow they negotiated grade increase with the Bengali professors and managed to pass. Spread this message. Not only they inflate salaries big time, Marketing faculty is pathetic. Inept students manage to get walkover just by requesting their professors. 20% students have pathetic communication skills. Media just reports what Public relations cell tell then. Media doesn't verify figures at all.

2 Sep 2013, 08.50 AM

+Read Replies (2)

null null

@Who_ruined_iims sir i have a problem.!!! plz help me to sort out that problem. The thing is that i secured 77% in class 10 and 82% in class 12 and got 65% in Btech. Is there any chance for IIM? plz reply me soon!! Because it will help me to decide my placement startegy...

9 Sep 2013, 02.22 PM |

null null

sry it's not placement its 'preparation' strategy

9 Sep 2013, 02.23 PM |

beginner looser

Maheswaran !! thanks for the your reality exposing documentary , but i smell a bit of frustration. that you could not make it up to your expectations. and let me tell you my story i hope any of above might read it , in primary school time i was among the smartest kids then i jumped to a better level school, there my performance went down, but my morals were high as i was a kid but even being at realy very neat and clean world you call bloody blue blooded people , i was molested on the basis of my community, i was not less in any aspect, not money, not marks, not even living standard but i was made to think that i was less then them , well no one can feel the way i do when people used my community as a slang, but instead i was better then them so jumped into a better school but there were more royal people they again looked my community in more hatred way, i kept silent, coz there were all other making noises, and and on first day i was better then 50% of them but due to the love of your so called royal blood, i slide down among to the lowest then in high school i performed average , then at senior secondary level i was just just 60% , then i realizes that i must win the world with its term, but when i joined the coaching center i was again looked by hatred as my community name was changed from ... to reserved so i felt sad i was doing good, many royal guys were parallel to me but i screwed up my JEE and eee so reservation saved me to get into a eee college called nit there i found all India top ranker mine was in 5 there were just few figures i thought these are the best brains but later i found they are not even half good as me but many of them struggled to pass i smoothly got 7 points , but still i felt the topper and me dint had much differences, you might say that what i think does not make any scene but believe me i am speaking truth out. we all got jobs but few dint made it, i faced a tragedy so missed my job and that royal blood person(my TPO) dint help me at all my bad luck i guess but the people who had lesser % in all records just better eee ranks came out with better references though there living standard was not even touching mine but they had royal blood connection, so they manged to get into top MNCs and i worked in a local company there i again found the hatred though none of them was even touching the potential i am having but they think their life chance is all screwed because of reservation , so i gave up that job , but do you know the real problem is not the reservation but the population , its just cat which doesn't have parallel cutoff but other exams are catching up the equal topper marks go check out PSCs category and uncategorised candidate marks difference , its not like reseved catgory people are not capable but the people make them to feel lower, and such people are facing the consequences in the form of jealousy. so to blame the reservation is worth less rather you should blame the policy makers who governed our nation to generate to this huge massive numbers, and tragedy lies within here only that most policy makers are from so called "royal society of this nation". and so far now most reserved guys i guess has not been part of policy making as they all are being hatred. so far now only one policy maker came up with reserved community with out reservation or i should say, struggling so many , i am sure you can not even name that person but the perks of his policy is helping a lot of people survive, and i swear my next gen wont be using reservation and will occupy at least one royal seats . And i know i could have made it through no reservation but the society out here made me aware of my reservation by making me weaker !!! but i shall rise again with in next year you might find me in your firm working as an official under you. seniors i hope you have at least grown above that blue blood mentality and i will be treated fairly

4 Jan 2014, 01.22 AM

Rajni Kumari

its request to category wale students who are excepting some respect from us, do some thing without the help of reservation not just Indian whole world will respect you, as in sports and bollywood no one as for cast the best one get respect as amitabh or I knows many personalities but not by cast, they are doing without the help of reservation so that's why they are respected by world, same case comes in all fields give respect to your self first then whole world will respect you and no one will ask your categery( remove the category colume from all govt. forms) when this happens you guys will deserve equality till then keep asking for some respect, with one line,.... bina mange to moti mill jata hai mange te mile na bhikh. stop asking start doing,

30 May 2016, 01.58 AM

Rajni Kumari

hello category wale peoples, as you guys r representing ur selves as most miserable persons , and continusly concentrating on words like reservation is like noble winning act, fuck this shit, as inspired by the story of beginning loser, here is a story of general cast people, what we have face today, as I am a general cast boy belongs with a middle class family and studied from a govt. school as up to the class of 12th I was not really known too much by the cast systems and even don't knows the cast of friends and never tried to known as all looks cool as like me most of or nearly all have equal financial situation, not too rich not too poor so we feel them as one of as (its current status in schools, every boys have towards scheduled) so we friends have dream same as to go in good govt. college as can't afford private colleges or to join any govt. job or it wad looked easy at that time because we were not known about after school life, so finally we passed our SSR exam with a percentage of 79% (not much according to general boys percentage but far enough by reserved students) so when we guys went for govt colleges my each friend got enrolled instead of having lowwer percentages than me, each and every, even one who has 45℅ marks but I didn't why I came to find reason that we guys learned from same school teach by same teacher even many friends father works with my father, we enjoyed life together, so where came difference, so answer was, while filing the form they filled categery as sc instead mine was general, so they came to me to sympetize that I surely get admission and I got at last and at worsed college,(, knows no college is worse but ........) in my first I year found few students they who were taking math class and after asking question by sir that differentiate x square he was answer less and he was student with 40℅ percent in SSR exam was setted in class of govt. college math, all thanks to cota, it really deserve noble prize, and there was penalty of student likes him, again I explore few more friends belongs sc cast they always says colleges are for fun what to need to read, they guys got yearly 25,000 Rs school at ship because they belongs from sc cast or St, what they did with that( perchase wood land shoe , shopping for gf) not all but atmost 75℅ of students many of them have not cleared their gerduation till now, but whenever they clear grad. they surely get job or admission in post graduation and after that a teacher job any govt. institute, any will start to write destiny of many students and the destiny of India, and what about me whose father can't afford further studies can't send me in any good institute, constantly watching my friends getting job in govt. field so friends now what I have to think about casted friends , next time I when I will meet such one I will surely discriminate with them, because they deserve,suppose if I be a teacher I will distinguish between gen, students and reserved, not because I wants this to do but because of this noble prize winning system tends to do me, general has to toil, and above condition makes difference, so I will like to thank this noble prize winning system to give us opportunity to always be best than to resev. people.

30 May 2016, 02.00 AM

Ram Agrawal

suggestion for author जाती ना पूछो साधु की ,पूछ लीजिए ज्ञान । मोल करो तलवार का, पड़ा रहन दो म्यान ॥

12 Jun 2016, 08.31 PM

Dharmendra Singh

Aptly written. Being an IIMA alumni, i can resonate with each and every word of you Mr. Maheshwaran. But there is lot more to say which has not been included in your article. Looking forward to get similar awesome articles in future with more descriptive and deep information.

17 Jul 2016, 10.35 PM

Saurav Haldar

What about GAP for 2 years? I graduated in 2017 and tried for GATE and ESE, failed. Now, I want to give CAT 2019, is it possible?

16 Mar 2019, 11.08 AM

Rakesh Kunbi

I m a b. Com graduate. I have 5 yrs of wrkex willing to do masters

Thank you for the information, Was worth reading it. What if the candidate belongs to category (sc) - Not financialy strong though to take pgpex, has low acads and 5 years of experience at executive level. What would you suggest?

17 Mar 2019, 04.53 PM


I have decent acads- 88.83(ICSE), 91.2(ISC) and 7.93 (Btech) but from a tier 3 Engineering college. So I am screwed? Please someone clear my doubt

23 Sep 2019, 12.00 PM

aastha malviya

i have 10 cgpa in 10th, 88.2 in 12th(commerce stream) and i have 6ish cgpa in college so far(bcom h). do you think i have a chance?

25 Apr 2020, 04.07 PM

Vats Saraf

I belong to the first category of students, i have low score in my 10th and 12th although grades in my grad are good. I also don't belong to any good college, i belong to a small city, what would be your advise to me to get a good placement/internship.

25 Apr 2020, 05.40 PM

Vats Saraf

I belong to the first category of students, i have low score in my 10th and 12th although grades in my grad are good. I also don't belong to any good college, i belong to a small city, what would be your advise to me to get a good placement/internship.

25 Apr 2020, 05.51 PM

jabrukesh kesham



28 Apr 2020, 08.32 AM

sampath kumar

Then how should we change our mindset or character inorder to go for Top bschools How much we should be week versed 8n academic for opting iim

24 Sep 2020, 04.03 PM


I belongs to 2 categories out of 5 of the above mentioned by you in present, but I have promised myself that I will work hard and make the best out of from this 2 year very costly mba from a top b-school. I will be in the top 10% of the batch, I will be in the best committees and clubs, I will participate in as many as case companies possible and try really hard to win those competitions. I know very well that my b-school degree paid of to me at a later stage of my life, probably, 5-10 after passing out of b-school. Thanks for making me aware of about it as early as 18 years old in my life. Thanks a lot. And intellectually I am an atheist also.

27 Apr 2021, 04.45 PMEdited