In numerous other similar accidents, in places like Gaza, Iraq and so on, how insensitive we become when it comes to people from different religion, different backgrounds, and different countries. We are at a point where human lives are no more than a number to us. 120 were killed in Pakistan, 80 killed in Iraq, 2 Indian students were killed in Australia. Wait, something buzzed in your mind, didn't it? 2 Indians were killed, let’s start abhorring all the people of Australia for the same, keep cursing the fates of our students and provide our condolences to the families; which rightly deserve this gesture I suppose. But in the midst of being an Indian, I (we) somewhere forget to be a human, don’t we? Between the politics, economics, and statistics of the world, I (we) seem to have lost my (our) ethics. And it feels sad to admit, but the humanity is lost somewhere between the borders..