Class Participation also known as CP, was a term that I heard after joining a B-school. Well yes, I did know what class participation was but I never knew how important it was. When I joined NMIMS Mumbai, I was formally introduced to the term Class Participation. I always thought, was it really important to participate in a class? Wouldn't it suffice If I was more of a listener? However, as the days passed by I realised the importance of class participation. I realised its important to be a part of the discussion to gain value out of it. So here's my take on why I feel class participation is very important.
1. Confidence booster - I've always been a confident person. Never felt nervous about putting across my point. However, that's not how it is for all. A lot of them take time to actually put forth what they want to. It may be because they think what they'd eventually end up saying might not be a value addition, which in no case is true. I've always seen the best of inputs coming from the ones who hesitate to talk. CP gives you an opportunity to overcome this fear. You do it once, you no longer have that fear. That's what I love about CP. It boosts your confidence to a level that you'd never hesitate to provide inputs.
2. Perspective builder - What I love about b-schools is the diversity it brings in. There are people from different educational backgrounds, different work experiences and this contributes to the perspective building. When people from a diverse background have a discussion it takes the discussion to a different level. There's so much you get to know, that you wouldn't have known had you not been a part of that discussion.
3. Drives a constructive discussion - It's my second here at NMIMS Mumbai and what I've noticed is that each time someone contributes to a discussion there's a new value addition when another person contributes his/ her inputs to it. This drives a constructive discussion. Very often we hear our friends making statements, "adding on to that". This "adding on" is actually a huge value addition. You end up discussing things that may not have been the crux of the discussion but is still valuable.
4. Makes the class more interesting - Class participation for sure has a lot of value addition and at times I could be such fun. I've been a part of discussions where the students have given inputs that has taken the discussion to altogether a new topic. Sitting there, I know we're digressing but then there's so much knowledge you get out of it. One thing for sure I can say is that when you are a part of a discussion, you are floating in a knowledge pool. You get so surprised to know how people can think so differently. Classes would have never been this interesting if the bunch comprised of the same people. (similar in the way they think)
5. Helps you realise that every input is valuable - Oh oh! If you think your inputs are not valuable, then you are wrong my friend. Trust me when I say this. The reason I say this is, as time passes you realise that CP exists for a reason. We all think differently and CP embraces that fact. The more you participate, the more you realise that no contribution is big or small.
This is my opinion on my I think class partipcation is important. Frankly, for me, it has been really helpful. I've gained so much from the discussions. In fact, decision-making process has changed so much. I take perspectives into consideration because I realise that fact that we are all not the same, when it comes to thinking. We think differently, and that's the beauty!