Dr. Ranjan Chaudhuri has been voted the InsideIIM Professor of the Year from NITIE Mumbai!
About Professor Ranjan Chaudhuri
Associate Professor, NITIE, Mumbai
Subjects Taught: Marketing
Education: PhD in Management Sciences from NIT Durgapur
With an MBA in Marketing and a PhD in Management Sciences, Dr. Ranjan Chaudhuri has a vast experience of over sixteen years in teaching and research. Dr. Chaudhuri has been associated with National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) for over 12 years now and with majority votes, he has been declared as the Professor of the Year by the students of NITIE.
Prof. Sachin Kamble came next in the list of favourite professors that the students of NITIE voted for.
Retail Marketing, Rural Marketing and marketing management are the areas that Dr. Chaudhuri has expertise in and students in his class love his “holistic teaching with impactful insights on the subject”.
He conducts his sessions on subjects that are currently relevant in the global economy and makes in interactive for the students. ‘Excellent communication’, ‘in-depth knowledge’, ‘structured teaching methodology’ and ‘insightful lectures’ are a few responses that came in from the majority of the students who responded to us.
“His way of teaching is phenomenal. He just knows how to teach and engage his students,” wrote one of the students, about their favourite professor Dr. Chaudhuri.
Want to know more about Dr. Chaudhuri? Click here.
About the InsideIIM Professor of The Year competition:
While attending a class you might feel the sudden urge to check your phone chiming a notification, saying your crush has just accepted your friend request. You would probably neglect the professor for a while to sneak your phone out too. The professor, teaching in class, might look like the least important aspect of your life at this moment.
But, when faced with a business challenge, you would immediately go back to the teaching of that particular professor in your class. A mumbling thanks would naturally come on to your lips.
Hence we at InsideIIM decided to give an opportunity to students across MBA campuses in India to openly talk about their favourite professors and let others know how their contribution is making a significant impact to their respective lives.
Enthralled by the overwhelming 1000+ responses we received from MBA students across Indian business schools, we decided to share the names of all the professors with the highest number of votes from different B-schools.
Also read in our Professor of The Year series: