The third phase was the interview. It was supposed to be a video conference with the interviewer. But, on the day of the interview, the video conference software decided to break up with us and it ended up being a telephonic interview. Remember the psychometric exam! Other scholars I met told us that the results are with your interviewer before you begin the interview.
I was the last among the five candidates to be interviewed and asked everyone about their experience as and when they were done. Every experience scared me more. Many of questions were around the current affairs, and I was clueless about all of them. The interview began with my basic introduction. I was asked to run through my CV and any other point which I wished to mention. Apart from my CV, I mentioned that I plan to learn more about finance and eventually move to paper industry working on alternative sources of paper instead of wood. So, many of the questions were based on the current paper industry and what I think drives it. There was a guesstimate as well where I was asked to calculate the current number of A4 notebooks in the country :-O. The most important portion of a guesstimate which I understand is to take feedback from the interviewer about your approach. Whenever I felt unsure about the percentages I was assuming, I asked for help, and the interviewer was gracious enough to help me with my questions and confusions. The interviewer also asked my views on the success of demonetization and what is the reason for my answer. Overall, it was a gradual discussion about my plans of the future and my thinking process.
Finally, the results came and both me and Anjal were selected from IIM Shillong. We were invited to Mumbai by Yes Bank for a felicitation ceremony. I have never seen a better-organised event. I am extremely grateful to Yes bank for the opportunity. Apart from the scholarship amount we have been given access to Yes Bank Tech course of our choice on Coursera to help us in our career. But the most attractive part of the scholarship is the mentorship program where each scholar will be given a mentor, running a business unit in Yes Bank. We received a short demo of the same during the felicitation ceremony when we got to meet two mentors for ten minutes each during the speed mentoring session. We could ask them anything from their success to very specific questions around our aims for the future. It has been a wonderful experience so far and each one of us is looking forward to the program ahead.