Bengaluru, Delhi, Calcutta, Ahmedabad, Lucknow – This is how a list of cities with top B Schools in the country looks like. Somewhere on this list is Jamshedpur – home to XLRI. Here, we wake up to the picturesque view of the Subarnarekha river in the morning. The privileged few who wake up early get to soothe their nerves with this view before the madness of the day sets in. At the end of the day, ruby red flames from the steel plant spread their tendrils into the darkness of the night. This time around, it’s the turn of the night owls to stretch their legs. This town is a quiet town. But for two days every year, the citizens pour out of their homes to witness the biggest event in town – MAXI Fair. It is in this respect that we stand apart from other b schools.
MAXI Fair – Meet the fair with a marketing flair
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