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“The Obstacle Is Indeed The Way” - Mr. Vinay Gupta, Global Finance Director, Group CIO, Deutsche Bank



The Campus Ambassador for The Red Brick Summit | Internshala Student Partner | Coordinator at HRithvi Club | HR & Sales Intern at HRHELP DESK | Junior Sales Executive at Bajaj Services

For me , the greatest learning was staying humble and keep pushing yourself to achieve whatever you aspire to. Very engaging article though.

18 Jan 2019, 10.12 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks Madhu.

20 Jan 2019, 02.10 AM |

Saloni Singh

IIM Amritsar Marketing student

Really interesting. Failure indeed is a great learning experience in most cases: personal & professional.

19 Jan 2019, 12.23 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Saloni.

20 Jan 2019, 02.10 AM |

Ashish Kapoor

Loco no me mata solo mei hara mas fuerte

Reading and deriving actionable insights from articles has always been my cup of tea, and this article certainly lived up to my expectations. Great Work.

19 Jan 2019, 12.30 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad Ashish that the article lived up to your expectations :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.11 AM |

Omkar Mishra

Nice piece Tarun.

19 Jan 2019, 12.44 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Omkar :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.11 AM |

Shubhra Sharma

Very well written Tarun. I really appreciate the thoughts shared. Certainly, failure is just a step in a ladder to success.

19 Jan 2019, 01.14 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Shubhra, Really appreciate your feedback :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.12 AM |

Gaurav Kumar

Great insights. Success is indeed hidden in the small steps rather than the big decisions

19 Jan 2019, 01.15 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Absolutely right, Gaurav.

20 Jan 2019, 02.12 AM |

medhavi kumar

Student at IIM Amritsar.

Very well written

19 Jan 2019, 01.16 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Medhavi :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.13 AM |

Mathew Kj

Beautifully written :) Success begins the moment you start embracing failures.

19 Jan 2019, 01.24 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Mathew. Glad you liked it.

20 Jan 2019, 02.14 AM |

Abhijit Vivek

No matter the dichotomy between being ambitious and humble, the latter helps one go a long way. Well written Tarun!

19 Jan 2019, 01.30 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Abhijit. Really appreciate you for taking your time out and sharing your feedback :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.14 AM |

Vaibhav Kathuria

Management student at IIM Amritsar | Warwick economics graduate

Well said. We must persist and challenge ourselves to do better every day.

19 Jan 2019, 02.40 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Right. Thanks, Vaibhav ,

20 Jan 2019, 02.15 AM |

sumit harjani

After reading this i can say that being humble and always focuss to stand up inspite of so many obstacles is the most important thing ...

19 Jan 2019, 09.23 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad the article helped you reaching there :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.15 AM |

Agum Singh Miglani

An inspiring read...very aptly described the realities and paved the right direction to pursue for budding and aspiring enthusiasts like us...the one and the most important learning or take away from his talk is that everything depends upon our attitude and mindset which is then driven by our inner consciousness/awareness about ourselves. The one who works over it, irrespective of the institute he comes from...will definitely do wonders. Thanks tarun for posting this talk for us...

19 Jan 2019, 09.35 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Agum for sharing your learnings and feedback. Really means a lot coming from you :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.16 AM |

Apoorv Tiwari

That one incident in our lives, is indeed the turning point which shapes our future. Excellent work.

19 Jan 2019, 11.42 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Apoorv.

20 Jan 2019, 02.17 AM |


Well written Tarun ,there always a trade off in the path of success

19 Jan 2019, 04.13 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.


20 Jan 2019, 02.17 AM |


Action indeed speaks louder than words. Nicely put.

19 Jan 2019, 04.35 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Right, Sanyam.

20 Jan 2019, 02.17 AM |

Sarth Muley

Great read. Really inspiring

19 Jan 2019, 04.41 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Sarth.

20 Jan 2019, 02.18 AM |


IIM Amritsar | Event Manager | Co-ordinator- Centre of Entrepreneurship

Great Article Tarun. It is indeed a great talent you have to filter out the most relevant and exciting stuff from the lot.

19 Jan 2019, 04.55 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Mayank.

20 Jan 2019, 02.18 AM |

Shubham Verma

I am very calm and placid person. Apart from being a self motivator I am also open to learn new ideas. I am a optimistic person. I always try to extend my cent percent effort to the task given and achieve the goal.

Excellent piece of work. Well done Tarun

19 Jan 2019, 04.59 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Shubham.

20 Jan 2019, 02.18 AM |

Akshay Goel

Every aspect is almost covered. Beautiful piece of work.

19 Jan 2019, 05.03 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad you liked it Akshay.

20 Jan 2019, 02.18 AM |

Rohit Chaturvedi

Very well written Tarun, Indeed "Success is not final; neither failure is final", Its all about courage to always look for new opportunities that counts, as Vinay sir has mentioned.

19 Jan 2019, 05.05 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Courage indeed keeps you going. Thanks for sharing your feedback Rohit.

20 Jan 2019, 02.19 AM |

Vikram Chatterjee

Very well written

19 Jan 2019, 05.07 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Vikram.

20 Jan 2019, 02.19 AM |

M Tanveer Sheriff

Student at Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar

Great food for thought!! We fall to pick ourselves up.

19 Jan 2019, 05.08 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

We absolutely do. Thanks, Tanveer.

20 Jan 2019, 02.20 AM |


Good work tarun nicely articulated!!

19 Jan 2019, 05.12 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Rahul.

20 Jan 2019, 02.20 AM |

AmAn Gandotra

True !!

19 Jan 2019, 05.12 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

:D thank you, Aman.

20 Jan 2019, 02.21 AM |

sandeep kumar

The article is so engaging and brings up the unknown side of learning and growing to many of us.

19 Jan 2019, 05.13 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Sandeep.

20 Jan 2019, 02.21 AM |

Shreyasi Deore

Student at Pune Institute of Computer Technology

Excellent read. Inspiring. :)

19 Jan 2019, 05.16 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks , Shreyasi :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.22 AM |

sanchit Maheshwari

Indeed a great article.

19 Jan 2019, 05.25 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Sanchit.

20 Jan 2019, 02.22 AM |

Prateek Saini

Really nice thoughts penned down by you Tarun. Vinay is such an inspiring person for all the young aspirational leaders of tomorrow.

19 Jan 2019, 05.28 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Damn right, he is. Thanks, Prateek.

20 Jan 2019, 02.22 AM |

sawan khapne

"Keep Stretching,never settle and appreciate faliures" a perfect combo for success and a reminder that our best is yet to come.Well said and Very well written Tarun..!!

19 Jan 2019, 05.31 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

One of my favorite lines as well Sawan. Thanks :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.23 AM |

Ankit Sengar

I am an Mechanical engineer. I love to read. I love watching sunrise and sun set , Its like doing meditation for me. My hobbies are sketching, photography, reading.

An inspiring read.

19 Jan 2019, 05.37 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Ankit.

20 Jan 2019, 02.23 AM |

Subhodeep Chatterjee

Very well written!!

19 Jan 2019, 05.37 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Subhodeep.

20 Jan 2019, 02.23 AM |

Jitu Kalita

A well written piece.It rightfully captures the essence of insights and learnings of guest lectures in our college.

19 Jan 2019, 05.46 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

As an IIC member, I am glad Jitu you can relate it with the Guest Lectures in IIM Amritsar. :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.24 AM |

Arvind Kumar

Nicely put

19 Jan 2019, 06.06 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Arvind.

20 Jan 2019, 02.24 AM |

Sanju Madhumitha

Marketing and strategy student at IIM Amritsar. A public Speaker and script writer. Also a Grammar Nazi and a Cynophilist.

A very interesting read Tarun. The approach to life, success and failure is definitely deterministic of the personalities we transform into. Also, Mr Vinay is truly an inspiration for all the aspiring and ambitious leaders of tomorrow.

19 Jan 2019, 06.41 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Sanju. Vinay is indeed one of the thought leaders of our time.

20 Jan 2019, 02.25 AM |


Campus Ambassador at MySmartPrice.com I Summer Intern at Modi Naturals Limited | IIM Amritsar.

Very nice Article Tarun !

19 Jan 2019, 07.11 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Ravi

20 Jan 2019, 02.26 AM |


An aspiring marketer along with knowledgeability about finance. Outgoing and quick on the feet. Aiming to reach heights and change the world.

Keep working and make your failures the pillars for your ultimate success!

19 Jan 2019, 07.30 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.


20 Jan 2019, 02.27 AM |

Rohan Raj

Nice insights Tarun

19 Jan 2019, 07.38 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Rohan.

20 Jan 2019, 02.27 AM |

Vipin Singh

Great piece indeed. Vinay is such a gem of a person.

19 Jan 2019, 07.40 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Vipin. I know right.

20 Jan 2019, 02.27 AM |

Vinay Gupta

Qualified professional

A very good article describing myself and also bringing a very good message out. Thanks Tarun

19 Jan 2019, 08.32 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you so much, sir, for sharing your feedback here. Means a lot coming from you.

20 Jan 2019, 02.28 AM |

Dinesh Sirwani

A lovely piece indeed Tarun. Reminds me of our tuition teacher.

19 Jan 2019, 11.46 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Dinesh. Yes, I know you are referring to Dua Sir :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.29 AM |

John Coelho

"if you don’t fail, you certainly can’t succeed. The trick is to always move forward." For me this was the key learning.

19 Jan 2019, 11.53 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad John this article was helpful for you :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.29 AM |

Anurag Gupta

Very well written buddy..n learning for me "it’s the great interpersonal skills and empathy for others that matter most" :)

20 Jan 2019, 12.02 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Great Anurag. We all can learn and grow from the professional success of Mr. Vinay.

20 Jan 2019, 02.30 AM |

Yesampalli Pradeep Kumar

Well groomed ethical man who is passionate for sports and believes that the purpose of a human being is to forgive and love.

Great insights and yeah one should appreciate their failures and keep up the positive attitude all your way.

20 Jan 2019, 12.05 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Pradeep.

20 Jan 2019, 02.30 AM |

Vibhor Jain


Great Insights.. keep sharing such thoughts.

20 Jan 2019, 12.14 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Will surely do. Thanks, Vibhor.

20 Jan 2019, 02.30 AM |

pratik aneja

Very well written Tarun. Indeed we can learn from anyone and everyone and achieve success with consistency and persistence.

20 Jan 2019, 12.27 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.


20 Jan 2019, 02.31 AM |

Adesh Gajbhiye

Coordinator at OperaZeal - IIM Amritsar | BPL Medical Technologies | Faith Biotech

Wonderful reading Tarun ! Upgrading and updating yourself is the key to success.

20 Jan 2019, 12.29 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Adesh ,

20 Jan 2019, 02.31 AM |

Dhanushan R

IIM Alumnus | XBRL | EU Compliance | Regulatory filing and reporting

Even I believe, resilience is the strongest of virtues one can possess because it can coexists only with lot of other positive virtues. When I hear stories of how people bounced back at a particular situation in their life. It shows how optimistic, strong willed and deterministic they are. Beautifully summed up article Tarun. Way to go!

20 Jan 2019, 12.45 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Well said Dhanushan. And thank you so much :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.32 AM |

komal sharma

This reminds of my favorite quote that keeps me going, it ain't about how hard you hit, its about hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

20 Jan 2019, 12.45 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

oh wow! Indeed a great quote Komal.

20 Jan 2019, 02.32 AM |

Pooja Harjani

That was one captivating read. I learnt that everyone has something to learn from everyone yet should know how to pragmatically approach with that. Though it would be nice to have someone to look up to.

20 Jan 2019, 12.45 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad the article was a fruitful read for you Pooja. Really appreciate you sharing your feedback here :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.33 AM |

Indrani Mili

HPCL Summer Intern | IIM Amritsar

Really an inspiring read Tarun.

20 Jan 2019, 12.50 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks Indrani :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.33 AM |

suresh nehelani

My learning - "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

20 Jan 2019, 12.56 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks for sharing those inspirational words brother.

20 Jan 2019, 02.34 AM |

Rakesh Korwani

Well done bro, Vinay's humbleness is worth admiring.

20 Jan 2019, 01.01 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

From one Tarun to another, thanks :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.34 AM |

Palak Lakhotia

Great Sir..It was great working under a leader like you in the initial stage of my career. You are a true inspiration and a great mentor. Great read!!!

20 Jan 2019, 01.51 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad you liked the article Palak. Vinay sir is indeed an inspiration.

20 Jan 2019, 02.35 AM |


Well done Tarun! This article wonderfully reflects the learnings we gathered from the insightful session by Mr. Vinay Gupta.

20 Jan 2019, 02.49 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Vivek, yes even during the conclave he shared some of these inspiring words. And later, I was fortunate enough to conduct an interview with him to understand his thought process and his journey.

20 Jan 2019, 02.51 AM |


Very well framed and written, Tarun. Always a pleasure to read.

20 Jan 2019, 09.46 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Rahul.

20 Jan 2019, 03.56 PM |

Poonam Jain

Very Well Penned Tarun! The article contains sound and practical advice. Vinay has been an inspiring leader. He is one-of-a-kind Boss!!

20 Jan 2019, 10.59 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Poonam. I am glad there were some takeaways for you :)

20 Jan 2019, 04.01 PM |

Sweta Ramuka

Very well said. Failures can be turned into opportunities with our courage and determination.

20 Jan 2019, 12.24 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Shweta :)

20 Jan 2019, 04.02 PM |

chandru sizzles

Nicely put!

20 Jan 2019, 03.05 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Chandru.

20 Jan 2019, 04.05 PM |


Interesting piece of work,well articulated covering all aspects of the lecture!!

20 Jan 2019, 03.57 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Sushant.

20 Jan 2019, 04.02 PM |

Savyasachi Singh

Very good Tarun

20 Jan 2019, 03.58 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Savyasachi :)

20 Jan 2019, 04.03 PM |

Chetan Bharadwaj

Insightful thoughts being shared by Vinay during the session. It was good to know your views on the financial industry and about building a professional career in general. Nice piece Tarun. It is great to work with you in the same team for our institute.

20 Jan 2019, 04.02 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Same here, Chetan.

20 Jan 2019, 04.04 PM |


I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. Quite informative. Good one Tarun.

20 Jan 2019, 04.08 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Panchsheel.

20 Jan 2019, 04.27 PM |

Vishal Pandey

PGPM Student IIM Amritsar

Well written, Tarun

20 Jan 2019, 05.21 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Vishal for sharing your feedback.

20 Jan 2019, 05.49 PM |

siraj ahmed

A MBA student.

A well written and informative article.

20 Jan 2019, 05.52 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Siraj.

20 Jan 2019, 05.56 PM |

Super Siwan

Great article Tarun. And I too think that Failure is not the opposite of success but it is a part of success. We shouldn't get disappointed by failure rather we should be motivated by it.

20 Jan 2019, 06.31 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Siwan. And yes failure is indeed a part of success.

20 Jan 2019, 06.32 PM |

Ayan Paul

Absolutely enthralled, Tarun. The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.

20 Jan 2019, 07.07 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Ayan for sharing such inspirational words.

20 Jan 2019, 08.08 PM |

Priyanka Patankar

Student at Indian Institute of Management Amritsar

Great Work Tarun. Beautifully written. Keep it going

20 Jan 2019, 07.28 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Priyanka.

20 Jan 2019, 08.09 PM |

Dusa Pihoji

It's simple, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right". Apt for this article.

20 Jan 2019, 08.22 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Dusa.

20 Jan 2019, 08.32 PM |

Saikat Dasgupta

Hostel and Mess Committee | IIM Amritsar | Monocept | OYO Rooms | UnAcademy

Thank you Tarun for beautifully summing up the session and sharing these valuable insights.

20 Jan 2019, 08.55 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Saikat, yes even during the session he shared some of these inspiring words. And later, I was fortunate enough to conduct an interview with him to understand his thought process and his journey.

20 Jan 2019, 09.32 PM |

Punit Harjani

I really like the way you’ve written this article. Great readIndeed, staying humble always helps personally and professionally. Great read. Keep writing such inspiring articles, I get so much of positivity and motivation from these kind of articles. Kudos.

20 Jan 2019, 09.35 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Punit. I am glad that the article was able to inspire you.

20 Jan 2019, 10.03 PM |

Lakshit Dube

Great work, Tarun. Good to see you writing such inspirational tales.

21 Jan 2019, 12.43 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Lakshit.

21 Jan 2019, 01.34 AM |

Rishikesh Sen

Vinay failed an exam and then topped the CA examination. That gave me goosebumps. Amazing Vinay, you showed us anything is possible.

21 Jan 2019, 12.48 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Yes, it really does. Thanks, Rishi.

21 Jan 2019, 01.34 AM |

Manoj Verma

IIM Alumnus | Sanguine | Assertive

Very well written Tarun. In fact, I can relate this article with my life as the motivation to achieve something came to me only when I faced back to back failures and the joy of an achievement after failures was unparalleled for me. Secondly, the empathy for others does work because behind every professional (however his reputation may be), there's a human being first and we must look for that human being in any kind of relationship with others. Keep up this good work, dude :)

23 Jan 2019, 12.08 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Manoj. I am glad that the article was relatable for you :)

23 Jan 2019, 05.26 PM |



Very well written tarun

24 Jan 2019, 07.49 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Sandesh.

28 Jan 2019, 03.05 PM |

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The Campus Ambassador for The Red Brick Summit | Internshala Student Partner | Coordinator at HRithvi Club | HR & Sales Intern at HRHELP DESK | Junior Sales Executive at Bajaj Services

For me , the greatest learning was staying humble and keep pushing yourself to achieve whatever you aspire to. Very engaging article though.

18 Jan 2019, 10.12 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks Madhu.

20 Jan 2019, 02.10 AM |

Saloni Singh

IIM Amritsar Marketing student

Really interesting. Failure indeed is a great learning experience in most cases: personal & professional.

19 Jan 2019, 12.23 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Saloni.

20 Jan 2019, 02.10 AM |

Ashish Kapoor

Loco no me mata solo mei hara mas fuerte

Reading and deriving actionable insights from articles has always been my cup of tea, and this article certainly lived up to my expectations. Great Work.

19 Jan 2019, 12.30 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad Ashish that the article lived up to your expectations :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.11 AM |

Omkar Mishra

Nice piece Tarun.

19 Jan 2019, 12.44 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Omkar :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.11 AM |

Shubhra Sharma

Very well written Tarun. I really appreciate the thoughts shared. Certainly, failure is just a step in a ladder to success.

19 Jan 2019, 01.14 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Shubhra, Really appreciate your feedback :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.12 AM |

Gaurav Kumar

Great insights. Success is indeed hidden in the small steps rather than the big decisions

19 Jan 2019, 01.15 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Absolutely right, Gaurav.

20 Jan 2019, 02.12 AM |

medhavi kumar

Student at IIM Amritsar.

Very well written

19 Jan 2019, 01.16 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Medhavi :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.13 AM |

Mathew Kj

Beautifully written :) Success begins the moment you start embracing failures.

19 Jan 2019, 01.24 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Mathew. Glad you liked it.

20 Jan 2019, 02.14 AM |

Abhijit Vivek

No matter the dichotomy between being ambitious and humble, the latter helps one go a long way. Well written Tarun!

19 Jan 2019, 01.30 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Abhijit. Really appreciate you for taking your time out and sharing your feedback :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.14 AM |

Vaibhav Kathuria

Management student at IIM Amritsar | Warwick economics graduate

Well said. We must persist and challenge ourselves to do better every day.

19 Jan 2019, 02.40 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Right. Thanks, Vaibhav ,

20 Jan 2019, 02.15 AM |

sumit harjani

After reading this i can say that being humble and always focuss to stand up inspite of so many obstacles is the most important thing ...

19 Jan 2019, 09.23 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad the article helped you reaching there :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.15 AM |

Agum Singh Miglani

An inspiring read...very aptly described the realities and paved the right direction to pursue for budding and aspiring enthusiasts like us...the one and the most important learning or take away from his talk is that everything depends upon our attitude and mindset which is then driven by our inner consciousness/awareness about ourselves. The one who works over it, irrespective of the institute he comes from...will definitely do wonders. Thanks tarun for posting this talk for us...

19 Jan 2019, 09.35 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Agum for sharing your learnings and feedback. Really means a lot coming from you :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.16 AM |

Apoorv Tiwari

That one incident in our lives, is indeed the turning point which shapes our future. Excellent work.

19 Jan 2019, 11.42 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Apoorv.

20 Jan 2019, 02.17 AM |


Well written Tarun ,there always a trade off in the path of success

19 Jan 2019, 04.13 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.


20 Jan 2019, 02.17 AM |


Action indeed speaks louder than words. Nicely put.

19 Jan 2019, 04.35 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Right, Sanyam.

20 Jan 2019, 02.17 AM |

Sarth Muley

Great read. Really inspiring

19 Jan 2019, 04.41 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Sarth.

20 Jan 2019, 02.18 AM |


IIM Amritsar | Event Manager | Co-ordinator- Centre of Entrepreneurship

Great Article Tarun. It is indeed a great talent you have to filter out the most relevant and exciting stuff from the lot.

19 Jan 2019, 04.55 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Mayank.

20 Jan 2019, 02.18 AM |

Shubham Verma

I am very calm and placid person. Apart from being a self motivator I am also open to learn new ideas. I am a optimistic person. I always try to extend my cent percent effort to the task given and achieve the goal.

Excellent piece of work. Well done Tarun

19 Jan 2019, 04.59 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Shubham.

20 Jan 2019, 02.18 AM |

Akshay Goel

Every aspect is almost covered. Beautiful piece of work.

19 Jan 2019, 05.03 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad you liked it Akshay.

20 Jan 2019, 02.18 AM |

Rohit Chaturvedi

Very well written Tarun, Indeed "Success is not final; neither failure is final", Its all about courage to always look for new opportunities that counts, as Vinay sir has mentioned.

19 Jan 2019, 05.05 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Courage indeed keeps you going. Thanks for sharing your feedback Rohit.

20 Jan 2019, 02.19 AM |

Vikram Chatterjee

Very well written

19 Jan 2019, 05.07 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Vikram.

20 Jan 2019, 02.19 AM |

M Tanveer Sheriff

Student at Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar

Great food for thought!! We fall to pick ourselves up.

19 Jan 2019, 05.08 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

We absolutely do. Thanks, Tanveer.

20 Jan 2019, 02.20 AM |


Good work tarun nicely articulated!!

19 Jan 2019, 05.12 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Rahul.

20 Jan 2019, 02.20 AM |

AmAn Gandotra

True !!

19 Jan 2019, 05.12 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

:D thank you, Aman.

20 Jan 2019, 02.21 AM |

sandeep kumar

The article is so engaging and brings up the unknown side of learning and growing to many of us.

19 Jan 2019, 05.13 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Sandeep.

20 Jan 2019, 02.21 AM |

Shreyasi Deore

Student at Pune Institute of Computer Technology

Excellent read. Inspiring. :)

19 Jan 2019, 05.16 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks , Shreyasi :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.22 AM |

sanchit Maheshwari

Indeed a great article.

19 Jan 2019, 05.25 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Sanchit.

20 Jan 2019, 02.22 AM |

Prateek Saini

Really nice thoughts penned down by you Tarun. Vinay is such an inspiring person for all the young aspirational leaders of tomorrow.

19 Jan 2019, 05.28 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Damn right, he is. Thanks, Prateek.

20 Jan 2019, 02.22 AM |

sawan khapne

"Keep Stretching,never settle and appreciate faliures" a perfect combo for success and a reminder that our best is yet to come.Well said and Very well written Tarun..!!

19 Jan 2019, 05.31 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

One of my favorite lines as well Sawan. Thanks :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.23 AM |

Ankit Sengar

I am an Mechanical engineer. I love to read. I love watching sunrise and sun set , Its like doing meditation for me. My hobbies are sketching, photography, reading.

An inspiring read.

19 Jan 2019, 05.37 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Ankit.

20 Jan 2019, 02.23 AM |

Subhodeep Chatterjee

Very well written!!

19 Jan 2019, 05.37 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Subhodeep.

20 Jan 2019, 02.23 AM |

Jitu Kalita

A well written piece.It rightfully captures the essence of insights and learnings of guest lectures in our college.

19 Jan 2019, 05.46 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

As an IIC member, I am glad Jitu you can relate it with the Guest Lectures in IIM Amritsar. :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.24 AM |

Arvind Kumar

Nicely put

19 Jan 2019, 06.06 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Arvind.

20 Jan 2019, 02.24 AM |

Sanju Madhumitha

Marketing and strategy student at IIM Amritsar. A public Speaker and script writer. Also a Grammar Nazi and a Cynophilist.

A very interesting read Tarun. The approach to life, success and failure is definitely deterministic of the personalities we transform into. Also, Mr Vinay is truly an inspiration for all the aspiring and ambitious leaders of tomorrow.

19 Jan 2019, 06.41 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Sanju. Vinay is indeed one of the thought leaders of our time.

20 Jan 2019, 02.25 AM |


Campus Ambassador at MySmartPrice.com I Summer Intern at Modi Naturals Limited | IIM Amritsar.

Very nice Article Tarun !

19 Jan 2019, 07.11 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Ravi

20 Jan 2019, 02.26 AM |


An aspiring marketer along with knowledgeability about finance. Outgoing and quick on the feet. Aiming to reach heights and change the world.

Keep working and make your failures the pillars for your ultimate success!

19 Jan 2019, 07.30 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.


20 Jan 2019, 02.27 AM |

Rohan Raj

Nice insights Tarun

19 Jan 2019, 07.38 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Rohan.

20 Jan 2019, 02.27 AM |

Vipin Singh

Great piece indeed. Vinay is such a gem of a person.

19 Jan 2019, 07.40 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Vipin. I know right.

20 Jan 2019, 02.27 AM |

Vinay Gupta

Qualified professional

A very good article describing myself and also bringing a very good message out. Thanks Tarun

19 Jan 2019, 08.32 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you so much, sir, for sharing your feedback here. Means a lot coming from you.

20 Jan 2019, 02.28 AM |

Dinesh Sirwani

A lovely piece indeed Tarun. Reminds me of our tuition teacher.

19 Jan 2019, 11.46 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Dinesh. Yes, I know you are referring to Dua Sir :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.29 AM |

John Coelho

"if you don’t fail, you certainly can’t succeed. The trick is to always move forward." For me this was the key learning.

19 Jan 2019, 11.53 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad John this article was helpful for you :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.29 AM |

Anurag Gupta

Very well written buddy..n learning for me "it’s the great interpersonal skills and empathy for others that matter most" :)

20 Jan 2019, 12.02 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Great Anurag. We all can learn and grow from the professional success of Mr. Vinay.

20 Jan 2019, 02.30 AM |

Yesampalli Pradeep Kumar

Well groomed ethical man who is passionate for sports and believes that the purpose of a human being is to forgive and love.

Great insights and yeah one should appreciate their failures and keep up the positive attitude all your way.

20 Jan 2019, 12.05 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Pradeep.

20 Jan 2019, 02.30 AM |

Vibhor Jain


Great Insights.. keep sharing such thoughts.

20 Jan 2019, 12.14 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Will surely do. Thanks, Vibhor.

20 Jan 2019, 02.30 AM |

pratik aneja

Very well written Tarun. Indeed we can learn from anyone and everyone and achieve success with consistency and persistence.

20 Jan 2019, 12.27 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.


20 Jan 2019, 02.31 AM |

Adesh Gajbhiye

Coordinator at OperaZeal - IIM Amritsar | BPL Medical Technologies | Faith Biotech

Wonderful reading Tarun ! Upgrading and updating yourself is the key to success.

20 Jan 2019, 12.29 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Adesh ,

20 Jan 2019, 02.31 AM |

Dhanushan R

IIM Alumnus | XBRL | EU Compliance | Regulatory filing and reporting

Even I believe, resilience is the strongest of virtues one can possess because it can coexists only with lot of other positive virtues. When I hear stories of how people bounced back at a particular situation in their life. It shows how optimistic, strong willed and deterministic they are. Beautifully summed up article Tarun. Way to go!

20 Jan 2019, 12.45 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Well said Dhanushan. And thank you so much :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.32 AM |

komal sharma

This reminds of my favorite quote that keeps me going, it ain't about how hard you hit, its about hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

20 Jan 2019, 12.45 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

oh wow! Indeed a great quote Komal.

20 Jan 2019, 02.32 AM |

Pooja Harjani

That was one captivating read. I learnt that everyone has something to learn from everyone yet should know how to pragmatically approach with that. Though it would be nice to have someone to look up to.

20 Jan 2019, 12.45 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad the article was a fruitful read for you Pooja. Really appreciate you sharing your feedback here :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.33 AM |

Indrani Mili

HPCL Summer Intern | IIM Amritsar

Really an inspiring read Tarun.

20 Jan 2019, 12.50 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks Indrani :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.33 AM |

suresh nehelani

My learning - "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

20 Jan 2019, 12.56 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks for sharing those inspirational words brother.

20 Jan 2019, 02.34 AM |

Rakesh Korwani

Well done bro, Vinay's humbleness is worth admiring.

20 Jan 2019, 01.01 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

From one Tarun to another, thanks :)

20 Jan 2019, 02.34 AM |

Palak Lakhotia

Great Sir..It was great working under a leader like you in the initial stage of my career. You are a true inspiration and a great mentor. Great read!!!

20 Jan 2019, 01.51 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

I am glad you liked the article Palak. Vinay sir is indeed an inspiration.

20 Jan 2019, 02.35 AM |


Well done Tarun! This article wonderfully reflects the learnings we gathered from the insightful session by Mr. Vinay Gupta.

20 Jan 2019, 02.49 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Vivek, yes even during the conclave he shared some of these inspiring words. And later, I was fortunate enough to conduct an interview with him to understand his thought process and his journey.

20 Jan 2019, 02.51 AM |


Very well framed and written, Tarun. Always a pleasure to read.

20 Jan 2019, 09.46 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Rahul.

20 Jan 2019, 03.56 PM |

Poonam Jain

Very Well Penned Tarun! The article contains sound and practical advice. Vinay has been an inspiring leader. He is one-of-a-kind Boss!!

20 Jan 2019, 10.59 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Poonam. I am glad there were some takeaways for you :)

20 Jan 2019, 04.01 PM |

Sweta Ramuka

Very well said. Failures can be turned into opportunities with our courage and determination.

20 Jan 2019, 12.24 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Shweta :)

20 Jan 2019, 04.02 PM |

chandru sizzles

Nicely put!

20 Jan 2019, 03.05 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Chandru.

20 Jan 2019, 04.05 PM |


Interesting piece of work,well articulated covering all aspects of the lecture!!

20 Jan 2019, 03.57 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Sushant.

20 Jan 2019, 04.02 PM |

Savyasachi Singh

Very good Tarun

20 Jan 2019, 03.58 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Savyasachi :)

20 Jan 2019, 04.03 PM |

Chetan Bharadwaj

Insightful thoughts being shared by Vinay during the session. It was good to know your views on the financial industry and about building a professional career in general. Nice piece Tarun. It is great to work with you in the same team for our institute.

20 Jan 2019, 04.02 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Same here, Chetan.

20 Jan 2019, 04.04 PM |


I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. Quite informative. Good one Tarun.

20 Jan 2019, 04.08 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Panchsheel.

20 Jan 2019, 04.27 PM |

Vishal Pandey

PGPM Student IIM Amritsar

Well written, Tarun

20 Jan 2019, 05.21 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Vishal for sharing your feedback.

20 Jan 2019, 05.49 PM |

siraj ahmed

A MBA student.

A well written and informative article.

20 Jan 2019, 05.52 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Siraj.

20 Jan 2019, 05.56 PM |

Super Siwan

Great article Tarun. And I too think that Failure is not the opposite of success but it is a part of success. We shouldn't get disappointed by failure rather we should be motivated by it.

20 Jan 2019, 06.31 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Siwan. And yes failure is indeed a part of success.

20 Jan 2019, 06.32 PM |

Ayan Paul

Absolutely enthralled, Tarun. The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.

20 Jan 2019, 07.07 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Ayan for sharing such inspirational words.

20 Jan 2019, 08.08 PM |

Priyanka Patankar

Student at Indian Institute of Management Amritsar

Great Work Tarun. Beautifully written. Keep it going

20 Jan 2019, 07.28 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Priyanka.

20 Jan 2019, 08.09 PM |

Dusa Pihoji

It's simple, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right". Apt for this article.

20 Jan 2019, 08.22 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Dusa.

20 Jan 2019, 08.32 PM |

Saikat Dasgupta

Hostel and Mess Committee | IIM Amritsar | Monocept | OYO Rooms | UnAcademy

Thank you Tarun for beautifully summing up the session and sharing these valuable insights.

20 Jan 2019, 08.55 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Saikat, yes even during the session he shared some of these inspiring words. And later, I was fortunate enough to conduct an interview with him to understand his thought process and his journey.

20 Jan 2019, 09.32 PM |

Punit Harjani

I really like the way you’ve written this article. Great readIndeed, staying humble always helps personally and professionally. Great read. Keep writing such inspiring articles, I get so much of positivity and motivation from these kind of articles. Kudos.

20 Jan 2019, 09.35 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Punit. I am glad that the article was able to inspire you.

20 Jan 2019, 10.03 PM |

Lakshit Dube

Great work, Tarun. Good to see you writing such inspirational tales.

21 Jan 2019, 12.43 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thanks, Lakshit.

21 Jan 2019, 01.34 AM |

Rishikesh Sen

Vinay failed an exam and then topped the CA examination. That gave me goosebumps. Amazing Vinay, you showed us anything is possible.

21 Jan 2019, 12.48 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Yes, it really does. Thanks, Rishi.

21 Jan 2019, 01.34 AM |

Manoj Verma

IIM Alumnus | Sanguine | Assertive

Very well written Tarun. In fact, I can relate this article with my life as the motivation to achieve something came to me only when I faced back to back failures and the joy of an achievement after failures was unparalleled for me. Secondly, the empathy for others does work because behind every professional (however his reputation may be), there's a human being first and we must look for that human being in any kind of relationship with others. Keep up this good work, dude :)

23 Jan 2019, 12.08 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Manoj. I am glad that the article was relatable for you :)

23 Jan 2019, 05.26 PM |



Very well written tarun

24 Jan 2019, 07.49 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Tarun Budhwani

Student at IIM Amritsar, Writer, Stand Up Comedian and an aspiring Marketer. Life's Motto - Live, Love, Laugh, Inspire.

Thank you, Sandesh.

28 Jan 2019, 03.05 PM |