Neeta Dujari has over 10 years of experience in the Internet industry, including 6.5 years with Google India. She has worked in all areas of digital marketing including Pay Per Click (Google AdWords Professional), Search Engine Optimisation, email marketing, web analytics and much more.
She was one of the first few hires of Google India working initially in Hyderabad and later helped set up the Gurgaon office. In this capacity, she has mentored and trained many of the new hires and helped the team grow.
Additionally, she has experience in planning campaign strategy, effective execution and detailed analysis for running successful campaigns.
What was high school/ college/ university like for you? How did it contribute to your personality/ the person you are right now?
In high school, I was constantly ridiculed for being a poor student and subjected to humiliation. I became very demotivated and lost any eagerness to perform. After my Class X exams, I switched schools, because I wanted a particular subject combination that wasn’t available in my school. For the next two years, I consistently topped my class.
It took me a while to believe that I could perform well in my studies, and at times, I still continue to doubt my own ability. I wonder if I’d been encouraged from the very beginning, and I shudder to think if I’d not switched schools, what kind of a person I’d be now.
I’ve turned out to be a more or less balanced individual (or so I think!), but I thank God for having changed my school and doing well in my undergraduate studies, which is why I’m where I am today.
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Read, walk, volunteer, spend time with puppies and children.
What advice would you give to a 10-year-younger you?
Being single is not a curse. Enjoy your life. It’s better to be happily single than be unhappily married.
Do you think women are better equipped to deal with problems as compared to men? If yes, how?
Women are, by nature, used to multi-tasking and working under pressure. It makes them more resilient and more emotionally stronger than men.
Many IIMs and other b-schools award extra points for being a woman. Many organisations focus on diversity? Do you think women being singled out like this is fair? What is your take on that? Do you propagate the concept OR Have you faced any backlash for the same?
No, women do not need to have this quota or discrimination. We’re strong individuals and we don’t need this benevolence. Treat us as you would our male counterparts. This is just society’s way of reinforcing what is traditionally believed to be right.
Name one incident that you encountered where someone told you, you couldn’t do something because you’re a woman, and how did you overcome it?
When I was quitting Google, my then manager said I shouldn’t because my parents aren’t my responsibility and that my brother can (and should) take care of them. I quit regardless and I’m so glad I did. I’ve been around to see my mother get through 3 cancers, heart failure and currently battling Alzheimer’s disease, and I’m grateful for having made this choice.
Do you think gender inequity exists? If yes, what are the best ways to promote gender equity according to you.
It exists and how! I think society’s thinking needs to change. Right from infancy, where girls are taught to play with dolls and boys with cars (it’s a clichéd example, I know, but can’t think of any other), to school where girls are not encouraged to play sports like cricket, football, to college, where they’re encouraged to take up certain courses (and the same goes for boys, BTW). If we can bring up our kids to be more inclusive and progressive, then we stand a chance.
Do you have any career advice for the "kids" on how to wing passive discrimination or objectification at the workplace?
Do what you believe in and don’t let others dictate the way you live or work.