When I entered the campus for the very first time, the first thing which hooked my mind was the Huge Red building, standing in front of me, beholding one of the great institution of this great nation, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. Before even coming to IIFT, the feeling of getting an opportunity to be the part of it was none more than an accomplishment for me. But after that sight of the Red building, among the ocean of thoughts pouring upon me at that time, I realized, I was not going to be the part of this institute only, but, I will be one among Red Bricks on which this institute has been built. Then and there, Target was sighted, to be The Red Brick.
Every brick had come with a flavor of red - the red of flying high, the red of shine bright, the red of getting all the riches of this world, the red of building something great and the red of making a difference.
Every brick had the unique position in the giant structure. Each brick has a designated position, importance and tenacity. Bricks had to pass through the different amount of pressure as per the individual’s capacity. Yet each one will be the same in terms of the journey travelled, to be the one which so many had already become.
The Red wall has been standing rock solid since generations, representing the strength of each of the red brick, and will remain same for so many more yet to come. The bricks were well aware of the path to get their peace of wall and will be standing proudly together for the rest of their lives. This was what I have come here to achieve in the next 2 years of my life, to be The Red Brick.
The very first day of the college, I am too excited as this was going to be the very first time I will suit myself up. I was going to cherish the precious student life again. I have never lived in a humid atmosphere before, and here in the drenching rain, running to & fro between hostel and class, in INDIAN INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE THE RED BRICK parallel with the fishes of the Red pond attending too many lectures made me forget the early sunsets and too early sunrise of Calcutta, tired mentally, physically which was the last thing I expected out of the very 1st day and this was how the day got over.
In the very same evening, we got a mail regarding assignment that had to be submitted within a few hours and the endless journey of assignments has just started. And literally, this never stopped, when it crossed evening, skipped the midnight and what, sunlight was already there on the horizon of my window. Fishes slept and woke up but I was running, and again the thoughts started getting accumulated that on what fuel I was running as I had never been a long-distance runner, I never started eating healthy, even the junk had increased drastically, but still I was running like there was no stop.
I entered my room around 4 am. A thought came across my mind “I just had a normal coffee and an Oreo 5 mins back, but why the taste was so special. Why that 5 min talk with the newly made friends was so filling while parallelly running for the deadline. Why I was smiling when I had absolutely no power to even stand. Sudden realization depicted the answer of all queries that I was on an untold mission to become the Red brick.
Somehow planned to sleep for at least 4 hrs. But I had misjudged the B-school in a big way, where sleep was the only variable and we had to wake up at 6 am for the very famous Yoga classes of IIFT. I didn’t know about others but I didn't brush, even didn't wash the face but yes, did the Yoga. My favorite out of all Asana’s was Shavasana. During the Suryasana, when the dreams of my room bed was none less than heaven, my eyes went on that blue logo on the Red wall and suddenly got stuck to that point with a slight smile on my face, I paused in that position of Asana when the full body was screaming for sleep. Only reason that came to my mind was feeling of satisfaction because I was becoming the Red Brick.
The other day, the 18-20 batch was called for the photoshoot. This was the first time, I saw amphitheater which was very small, even my BE college amphitheater was 5 time larger than this, but still when I stepped on it in front of the 18-20 and 17-19 batch, it felt like the whole world. That day I barely breathe for 5 complete minutes. But in the auditorium when I was jumping on the stage in the break-free session, it felt like, I was unstoppable. I just painted myself with a shade of Red. This is how I am becoming the Red Brick.
Which Aditya Birla Group division would you like to work for? Why?
I would like to join Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Group as it is already a well-established player in the booming Indian market. With growing trends in the fashion field, there are opportunities increasing day by day. It has the resources and the means necessary to become a leader in the Indian segment that will enhance my personality to compete with others. I am also having a relevant work experience of 3 years in operation domain including maintenance, supply chain and production in yarn and sheeting unit at Trident Group. That proves my interest towards this sector. I believe my experience, working in an esteemed organization like Aditya Birla Group would help me equip myself with skillset necessary to tackle to growing challenges of not just today, but the industry needs of the next decade.
Pooja Kothari
Well Expressed!!
25 Jul 2018, 11.34 PM
Prakhar Maheshwari
IIFT batch of 18-20
Truly said, IIFT does bring out the RED in you!
25 Jul 2018, 11.37 PM
Nehal Pichholiya
Beautifully presented the essence of Red Brick Buliding
25 Jul 2018, 11.41 PM
Ishan Shah
The Red Bilding of Dreams!!
25 Jul 2018, 11.40 PM