If we say now the brand has diluted and there are n number of IITs and IIMs, so no point going to IIMs other than the older ones. I would say - NO. I will share my story, a very recent one. This happened while I had to meet some of the best Pharma companies in the country and more importantly when I got the opportunity to meet an Assistant Central Drug Controller of India(Central Authority, which has rights to cancel, sanction and inspect any Pharma facility in the country) UPSC qualified and PhD in Pharma. I cannot thank this person enough for two reasons. One is giving me more than 2 hours from his schedule just for my queries. And second for helping me pass the message that gone are the days when government officials were paper laden offices, with a remote AC and cranky PCs. This office was like a board room, completely westernised, and to my surprise minimal papers and files, fluency in English as good as any corporate. I asked him, I do not see any paper work. He started his PC and I could see how almost everything was on email, share point and properly sorted with of course, passwords.
Just one call on the landline number, and I got the appointment. One of my colleagues from the company had tried meeting the same person earlier but as a company employee. This time I tried my Institute’s name - IIM Kashipur. Located very close to IMT Ghaziabad, this government office very well knew CAT and the effort it takes to get into an IIM. The initial discussion was on how is the life at my Institute and other IIMs which was then followed by the legal discussions, government policies and a lot more. I could feel the respect I got being associated with a government Institute. It’s not about which IIM is better and which is not. I had similar such experiences when I visited few of the best Pharma companies in the country. At the end it all boils down to your capability and the caliber. The brand gives you the first push which otherwise is difficult to get. But once you get it, to keep the boat sailing, we need to work hard and keep the Institute’s name high.
Moving towards the end of summer internship wherein I have given my 100%, I now feel that I have done fair justice to the brand association given to me by my Institute – IIM Kashipur.