Moving to college, when it came to buying quality affordable clothes, Pantaloons saved my day. I remember buying my first one piece from the store and how satisfied the small-town girl inside me was with the fit and quality of the product. Aspiring to look like a corporate professional I decided to buy myself a suit and there are no guesses to the place where I found an affordable blazer which served my purpose- Van Heusen. They had a size that fit the skinny me. You can gauge the quality of the product by the fact that I still use the blazer and it doesn’t look a day old!
My first visit to Mumbai, landed me to a super market- More Store and coming from a small town the size of the store left me flabbergasted. All this while I was oblivious of the Group’s presence in my life until that day on my way back, I decided to look through the group’s website. This is when I realized the presence of this group in my life. I don’t think I can still replace any of these products in my life, I’m speculative that any brand could provide the satisfaction that these offered.