Vinculum, the annual day celebrations of Vinod Gupta School of Management, is a time during which the entire VGSoM family comes together to celebrate the spirit of collaboration and the essence of being a VGSoMite.
Vinculum’15 kick-started with an informal student-faculty cricket match where teams consisting of both students and faculty members played against each other in a friendly cricket match at Tata Sports Complex. Post that there was a Tug-of-War contest at the same venue which rekindled the young spirits in faculty and students alike.
The formal inauguration ceremony took place on the evening of 27th March 2015 in the presence of faculty members and students. The inauguration was followed by a series of wonderful cultural programs which included classical and western dances and a few wonderful rendition of famous Bollywood songs by the students of VGSoM
The following morning, an open IIT marathon was organized by the students of VGSoM which saw enthusiastic participation from faculty members along with the cheerful students comprising of undergraduates, postgraduates and research scholars of IIT Kharagpur. The length of the run was 4.4 km and the first 50 finishers of this event grabbed free Vinculum T-shirts while top 3 finishers grabbed medals & certificates.
Later in the day, the annual Inter Departmental Quiz was conducted that saw participation from numerous departments of IIT Kharagpur. Students formed teams of two among their own departments and battled it out in a tough quiz. However it was Madhav Parashar & Nevil Paul who brought the trophy back to VGSoM by securing 1st place.
Running parallel to the high intensity quiz were fun events such as Cacophony - a singing event specifically for bathroom singers. Though the rhythm was missing, the fun was abundant. Following Cacophony a collage making competition where the students got creative with chart papers and newspapers. Finally, everyone enjoyed the evergreen game of dumb charades where the participants in teams of three tried to guess famous Hollywood and Bollywood movies, ads, products and much more. As the sun set on the campus the gamers rose. It was time for Counter strike. The computer lab was flocked by gamers and spectators to witness the virtual fight between the terrorists and counter terrorists. Various league rounds were held where teams were eliminated and the winners progressed to the finals. These event helped the students get in touch with the little kid in themselves and have a wonderful time.
On 29th March 2015, VGSoM hosted Mr Vinod Gupta, its founding member and a distinguished alumnus of IIT Kharagpur. He was accompanied by eminent personalities like former Air Chief Marshal A Y Tipnis and Ashutosh Dayal Sharma, son of former President of India Shankar Dayal Sharma. The students had a long interactive session with him encompassing several thought-provoking discussions. The proceedings of Vinculum 15 culminated with a hearty departmental dinner at VGSoM premises.