I decided to study in XIMB as it has a legacy of over 30yrs now with its alumni’s at leadership positions throughout the corporate world. XIMB has grown into a big Bschool brand envied by many other Bschools. Being a fully residential program and with a decent batch size of 360 students, it provides ample opportunities for networking and engaging in many co curricular and group activities. The XIMB is also highly regarded for its Pedagogy and academic rigor. Me being a guy with about 4.5 yrs of work experience, I wanted to join a b-school which provides ample opportunities for experienced guys also. This is pretty evident from the profiles and domain of offers bagged by the passed XIMB students. There are enough opportunities for all the domains of management, be it Marketing, Consulting or Finance. XIMB has a lot of committees for students to engage in and explore their talents. The XIMB has a clean lush green campus with so many sports amenities. It has already been more than 2 weeks for me inside the campus and with so much to do inside the campus, it has become my second home. We have so many events and competitions where everybody gets an opportunity to showcase their talents. Because of these regular events, our XIMB campus is always buzzing with energy. The XIMB 2018-2020 batch has such a huge diversity with students from various graduation backgrounds and coming from work experiences from various sectors. Meeting and getting to know my batch mates has been such a great learning and enriching experience for me. I learn something new each day from my batchmates. With so much competition at the campus, it makes me always on heels to learn and achieve something in life. So far it has been an amazing experience at XIMB and hopes to make the most of my stay at XIMB.
Which ABG company would you want to work for and why?
I would like to work for UltraTech Cement company. As I am an engineering graduate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, I could contribute to the plant operations with regards to the power and electrical machines used in the plants of Ultratech cement. And with the knowledge in operations management which I would gain from my stint at XIMB, I would be able to apply both my technical and managerial skills for the growth of Ultratech cement. Ultratech cement, being one of the largest producers of cement in the world, with a brand image which symbolizes reliability it would be a dream for me to work and contribute to Ultratech Cement.
By Ravi Ranjan
First Year, BM