This story means everything to me. It's been my life for the past 3 years, a constant cycle of grilling, studying, and waiting for my chance to shine. Every day, I woke up with one goal in mind: to get into one of the top-tier colleges. Finally, the story has a fruitful end after a storm of continuous downs. This story is my story, and I will carry it with me always. This is not your typical story or redemption and it's going to be quite long. Apologies to all who thought they would be reading a short write-up.
On a lighter note, maybe this long story turns out to be a good RC practise.
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April 12, 2023
My peaceful slumber was abruptly shattered by an avalanche of notifications on my phone. Panic set in as I read the words that flashed before my eyes: "XLRI RESULTS ARE OUT." A friend had already shared their rejection letter with me, intensifying my anxiety. I rushed to my XL dashboard, trembling with fear, and typed in my login credentials. The verdict was in, and as I stared at the screen through tear-filled eyes, my heart felt like it was about to explode……….
Coming from a humble town in UP, I embarked upon a journey to the Hindu College, brimming with new challenges and unforeseen obstacles. Amidst the constant hustle and bustle, I found myself grappling with the most profound question - what did I want from my life? It was then that I set my sights on CAT, the gateway to my future aspirations, to carve my way into the business world and achieve nothing but greatness. As I began my expedition, I scoured the internet, desperately seeking guidance from random YouTube channels, pouring my heart and soul into every concept, and tirelessly practicing CL mocks. Despite five months of grueling preparation, my confidence only amounted to a meager 60-70%. My first attempt was not my 100 %, but I put in the sweat still and I knew I had to dig deeper to make my dreams a reality. CL mocks made me realize that VARC was something I am good at already. I used to score 99+ percentile very often in VARC. I was scared more of Quant and LRDI. On the day of the exam, I gave it my all, but as the results trickled in, my heart sank. My overall score was a mere 85%ile, with a crushing 60%ile in VARC, which was supposed to be my forte. I received no calls from any IIMs, and my dreams were beginning to crumble. But amidst the ruins, there was a glimmer of hope, as I received a call from IIFT. I mustered every ounce of courage within me, and my interview went as smoothly as it could have. But the outcome was not what I had hoped for; I was straight-up rejected. It was a soul-crushing blow, the first failure of my academic life. I was left feeling shattered and broken, questioning whether I was ever meant to succeed.
"Such times make you question your choices, your decisions, and your life even".
CAT Percentile: <90
Calls: IIFT
Converted: None
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CAT 2021
Time to take revenge on CAT. Most people dropped the idea of CAT together after the first try. But I knew I could do better. Thanks to my inner voice, I am caught up in such surreal decisions often. Anyway, moving forward in 2021, I found an amazing bunch of cat retakers. 4 guys( me, A, B, C) with one goal in mind: To take revenge on CAT. This time I started my prep journey early in March. Joined Unacademy as coaching guidance. I put in the hard work this time. I had midnight oil during that tenure from March to July. I was building concepts in depth and taking the topic test, sectional test, solving TIME CL material, and doing everything that was supposed to be done according to the rule book. With a desire to finally fulfill the dream, I started with the mock season from July onwards. I can confidently say that I never worked hard for anything than I did during this time for CAT. I stopped all other aspects of my life to prepare. I stopped meeting friends, going out, and enjoying myself. The biggest mistake that one can do: Make CAT their life. Nonetheless, the optimistic me knew that this time would be mine. This time I took TIME and IMS mocks. The mock season kicked off with a couple of lower scores like 70, 80, etc. With more effort and patience, I finally reached a score of 100(which was supposed to be 99 %ile that year). I gave around 60 mocks this time with an average score of 100. By November, I gained high confidence and a sense of purpose to do great this time. The group was the most helpful thing that year. With an unparallel level of confidence, I went to CAT 2021.
"When you expect more, you build pressure on yourself".
I was going through VARC and found it surprisingly easier. Then went to LRDI, and picked one set but could not solve it. Almost burst into tears, such things happen when you have high expectations from yourself and the same happened. I started to think that I have to go through all this once again for a year now, and this attempt has ruined me again. Overall - 90 %lie with a bad DILR percentile, just clearing sectionals. Thanks to my academic profile of 9/9/8, IIM K and CAP gave me a chance to take revenge. But the twist: I just got 12 days to prepare for my IIM K interview as I was amongst the earliest candidates. I stopped keeping count of time during these 12 days periods. All I did was study, and sometimes I forgot to eat as well. I was obsessed with K during those years lol. You can ask me about the IIM K campus, I know almost all the spots there. K for Kozhikode, K for Kunal ha-ha. Those 12 days passed, and the IIM K interview came in.
Professors - You are very good at physics, why do not you go to ISRO, they need you, not us. A dilemma where you say to yourself: was studying too much created a negative impression? Even then, according to me, the interview went well. I answered most of their questions and they said they are impressed. So yet again, my fickle heart carries a big chunk of expectations. CAP happened the same way, it went well. With the whole of February, March, April, and May, I was waiting anxiously to get the results. There were days when I used to cry and get anxious about what might happen if I don’t get in. The more I used to think about my interview, the worse it sounded.
"People will come and say: Focus on your efforts, not on results. Is it easy to do so?"
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MAY 12 2022
Results came in for IIM K. I was waitlisted with no chance of a conversion. Shattered and depressed. I felt, how vulnerable one can be. I ask myself yet again, what are you doing in life? Everyone started questioning my choices and thought I am just a bookworm. Every day, I asked myself AM I just a bookworm who somehow got good academics but now is struggling to clear CAT? A high disbelief of not being able to perform. My whole group went to some other place. Two of them went to IIM Shillong, and one of them took a job. So, I was left alone with this rejection and disbelief in self
CAT 2021: ~90 %ile
Calls: IIM K, New, and Baby IIMs
Converted: New and Baby IIMs
CAT 2022
With a couple of baby and new IIMs, in hand and a bag of disbelief on myself, I was almost sure to join one of them. One of the baby IIMs offices called and said if you are coming please come soon along with fees.
"The fear of going alone on such an unpredictable journey is what pushes you to accept mediocracy"
I knew that my whole group is gone so it's gonna be hard for me. I would have joined one of the new IIMs, if I wouldn’t found a new friend. Let's call our new friend as D. The second thing I did was find a job. Here I found the second most important person after D, my current CEO. The way he believed in my dreams and my goals, changed the whole perspective that corporate bosses are cruel. On my side, as well I promised him that I won't let my CAT prep come in between my professional life.
So, I am ready with my friend D here. D is also a repeater like me and even has a similar academic background so you know the similarity kicks in. This time, I knew that CAT isn’t my life. I have a life outside.
"A dull life leads to a dull mind. A mind with no strength"
The way that D and I helped each other and comforted in the anxious time was something I never wished to forget. The midnight session of solving LRDI and QA questions or early morning reading articles from multiple sources were the key highlights of this period. And you know, you need someone who understands you and who is going through the same process. The support from D and the boss helped me to get me going on my feet. Once again, I was ready for the mock journey, I purchased IMS and CL mocks. The initial mocks score was between 70 to 90. The score remained stagnant in this range for a long time but I pushed myself and D to go beyond boundaries and score high. With constant support, I analyzed mocks for 2/3 hours daily, maintained a journal for all mistakes, and constantly worked on them. Fast forward, one month later, I started getting scores of 100+ again, But I knew this is not enough especially when you have IIM A as your wallpaper. I pushed myself and reduced my sleep time. In the morning I used to read articles or analyze my passages, and then from afternoon to night, I had my job. Finally, late at night to almost 3 am I used to discuss with D how to improve our scores. Then came the moment when I started getting 120 + scores in all my mocks. The highest score of this season was 147. I started getting top 10 ranks in CL mocks and under 100 in IMS. Other fellow aspirants used to ask me how I score this much. So this time was different. A calm and cool mind, with a job in hand.
Then finally, CAT day comes in.
"Even if you give your 1000 %, you are still imperfect"
November 27th, 2022,
I sat for CAT 2022. Finally, my day to shine. VARC, yet again my best friend. I found passages comparatively easier to read and was able to eliminate options even. Now comes, my fear DILR. I took some time to select sets. I picked 2 sets out of 4. Yet again, couldn’t solve, another sweat-breaking moment. 20 mins gone and no chances of survival. Tears kick in but as I said it was different this time. I calmed myself and solved one new set in the next 10 mins and the unsolved one in the remaining 10. I was unsure what I did do but I thought I will be able to clear the sectional. Quant went decent at the end.
Results come in, Overall 96.6 %ile, with corner sectional clearance of DILR. I knew IIM A is not ever happening.
"Imagine, getting a surreal score of 140+ in mocks and then ending up at a score of 67"
I just wanted to somehow end all this and go somewhere, since I was sure that no matter how hard I do things. I am going to choke up on the main exam. A similar thing, happened with D so both were accompanying each other during these terrible times. I almost gave up since I knew ABC isn’t going to happen anyway now. I got a couple of calls from Lucknow, Kozhikode, SPJIMR, MDI, CAP, and Rohtak. But you know the dream is a dream so yes I was broken and depressed yet again.
"When you do not expect miracles to happen, they happen"
January 8, 2023
With almost no study, apart from a few mocks, I gave XAT. I felt I did decent but I entered a phase where I just stopped caring about any of this. There was a moment while reaching my XAT exam center when I wished to not go for it.
A few days went by and one fine day, the results were out and it showed my XAT score.
XAT percentile - 99.64.
A game-changing moment in my life. Hours of crying and happiness in my dead soul. For the first time in the last 3 years, I gained the belief that I CAN DO IT. The spark was generated. So the calls for this season are IIM L K S, New and baby IIMs, IIFT, XLRI BM and XLRI HRM, SPJIMR, and IIT D. Deep inside I knew XLRI will be my best call and most probable call as well.
GDPI season 2023
I knew this time; I have to make the cult and do things differently. I took the best GDPI coaching out there. I took coaching from Malay Ray sir. Alternatively, I made Sahib Chawla my mentor as well. Days become nights, and nights were meant to push myself. This season, I gave 12 mock interviews before going in for my XLRI interview. The fear of not doing well on D-day was always there. I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach as I sit for my online interview, my heart racing with anticipation. I knew that this was my shot, my chance to prove myself. XL interview went decent according to me, but last year's trauma of getting rejected from IIM K after a great interview was there. I was not sure what is in there for me. The interview season got over around the end of April for me. Then the time of anxiety and eagerness started.
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The Verdict and The End
Before my XL result can come, I already got waitlisted from SPJIMR. This already disheartened me and I gave up on XL as well. Then finally the result came in
My peaceful slumber was abruptly shattered by an avalanche of notifications on my phone. Panic set in as I read the words that flashed before my eyes: "XLRI RESULTS ARE OUT." A friend had already shared their rejection letter with me, intensifying my anxiety. I rushed to my XL dashboard, trembling with fear, and typed in my login credentials. The verdict was in, and as I stared at the screen through tear-filled eyes, my heart felt like it was about to explode………. IT SAID
The story has ended. 3 years of struggle and sweat have ended. The guy has now gained and added a more robust character to his personality and finally, he can say “XL MERI JAAN, XL MERI JAAN “
I was never alone in this, it was my friends who kept me going, and that's how 3 years went by and XL happened.
I hope my story brings some light of hope to people who feel disheartened. I pray the best for you. This wasn't a typical " How to get 99 in CAT" story, it was my story to help you believe that it will happen someday, if not today. Feel free to connect with me over Linkedin.
Bhairavi Joshi
a truly inspiring journey♥️
6 Jun 2023, 03.53 PM
Astha Dwivedi
Onwards and upwards!!!
6 Jun 2023, 04.58 PM