XLRI BM | 14th March | GEM | 34 Months Work-ex | 88.77/72.77/7.02 | XAT 98.33
P1-50s P2-40s P3-50s (All Male)
P1: Introduce Yourself
Me: My second sentence was “From my life experiences until now I believe that I can do anything, in fact, anybody can do anything”. Later talked about startups I had, selected for incubation from the MSME development institute…..
P1: (Interrupting because of my voice lag) Don’t give us classes wale answers, tell something like casually on which we can talk on.
Me: (I felt that he’ll grill me now and I decided to play safe) I mentioned I have worked on 5 startups. Had a very good work-life with promotions and some extra-curriculum activities. (With good confidence)
P1: (Interrupting) So if you are successful in your job and all then why do you want to do an MBA?
Me: I told them I’m into leadership roles and all, I’m trying to do business since the early age of life….
P1: (Interrupting) I’m wondering what you did at an early age?
Me: (Smiling) As had a farming background, I used to sell farm good in our village Bazar since the age of 10.
P3 was doing something very weird on camera, he came too close to the camera placing his hand and talking to someone like suppose there is hone-bee flying just above the camera.
P1: (He got soft from now) Tumhi Mahrastrache that ka? (Guessed because of the Marathi flavor in my English I think)
Me: Yes sir, I’m!
P1: Exactly from where?
Me: Aurangabad, Marathwada Region.
P1: Ohh, Sharad Pawar kadche ahat tumhi!
Me: No sir, he is from south Maharashtra. Baramati, Solapur. But I’m from dist. of Gopinath Munde.
P1: Great, tell us more about Maharashtra.
Me: Told about GDP, Aurangabad, Marathwada, and Mumbai is planning to become net-zero carbon emitter. (Average confidence)
P1: How Mumbai can achieve net-zero carbon emission by 2050?
Me: Electricity from renewable sources (Nuclear not coal), electrifying private and public transport and about induvial effort to use solar in houses and setting norms for the builder as to build green buildings. (Weak articulation at the end of the answer)
P1: (Interrupting as I fumble at last). The government had tried to ban plastic in Maharashtra, Is that a failure?
Me: Yes, sir since 2015. We can say it failed somewhat. But I feel at some level it’s a success. Because whenever I go buy something locally, they don’t offer me plastic carry bags anymore.
P1: Don’t you think it's a loss for them and the MSMEs and other small businesses, they are suffering most?
Me: Yes sir, definitely they have to use 50-micron bags which are costly but it’s for “Greater Good”. For our good future. Also, if we are not taking any action, we’ll need to spend 1 trillion rupees by 2070 on this issue.
P1: Good Uday, you used the word for the greater good and later he explained that at XLRI we focused on GG………. That’s it for me sir you can take on. Good Uday.
Me: Thanked him with a very slight fake smile.
P2: Do you know about digital currency (In my SOP I mentioned blockchain and cryptos)?
Me: Explain national and international scenarios. Its benefits and losses. Mentioned that it’s controlled by authority, unlike cryptos. (Weak articulation)
P1: Jumps in, what is the difference between crypto and digital currency?
Me: Explained perfectly!
P2: What if we replace normal physical currency with current digital currencies?
Me: Not a good move, as 60% lives in the rural areas and explained how it can remove corruption in the government sector, also the private sector is already digital so not a huge impact.
P2: (Grilling me throughout the interview with a very mild tone) Uday, you mentioned that you can do anything isn’t it extreme? (His English was just like me)
Me: (Smiling) Yes sir somewhat, if we are taking that vague thing like inventing time travel, I can’t do that. But I strongly believe that I can do anything which in human capabilities if somebody else can do that I can also…..
P2: Are you confident that you’ll get selected for this interview?
Me: Yes, sir I’m! Explain further that this also depends on panelists but I’m prepared well and given the best of me! (Confident)
P2: (Grilling with a smile) What is so special about you and……???
P3: Jumps in said something on the same line! (He must repair his mike)
Me: Can I mention one instance? Mentioned about losing 34kg of weight in just 8 months.
P2: Anybody can do it!
Me: I don’t think so sir as I have seen many struggling. Can I mention one more instance? (started speaking without their permission) I worked on a technological product in my second year completely different from my field (Civil engineering) and how I won prizes in startup pitching competitions.
P2: Last 10 candidates said exactly the same to me why we should select you?
Me: (Not able to think, may have expressed little nervousness but I kept smiling) To clear your confusion you tell me sir what are qualities which are required as an MBA aspirant and I can tell my life achievements accordingly! (Bad move)
P2: I don’t have any confusion!
P3: What is special about you?
Me: (Completely blank as I told them everything, I had but within the second I started speaking). I have the best experience as a Civil Engineer one can have as an MBA aspirant and…….
P3: Why do you think that your experience is best??
(P1 was sleeping all this time and I guess that was intentional and I don’t know what he was also appearing on the main screen while I was speaking but I kept speaking confidently)
Me: Explained how I worked in some part of HR as need to deal with 1000s of labors, then operations……..
P2: (Interrupting) As politicians who are 10th pass and all……manage their people are they also good HR managers??
Me: Don’t know about that sir, But I read 15 days ago that BJP is hiring from some of the top B-schools, which means they definitely need managers.
P2: (Smiled in a good way. May felt satisfied with answer) Ok. Over to you sir.
P3: Name few construction companies?How much does construction contribute to national GDP?
Me: Told 5 comapnies.(Acted like thinking) Not able to recall about GDP sir but it's a major segment in the country which provides jobs.
P3: (He had very bad mike) Explain about Reinforced Concrete Structure (a favorite subject)?
Me: Explained neatly. (a little bit of weak articulation at the end)
P3: How it can be used in the construction of 20-30 floors buildings?
Me: Explained the same in detail and ended with how with RCC you can design the skeleton of every building.
P3: (Seems satisfied) Explain the use of digital currencies in civil.
Me: Not very much sir. (explained few). But blockchain has many applications!
P3: Explain blockchain applications?
Me: Explained 4-5 applications.
P3: Ok.
P1: Jumps in and showed a photo was a horse was tied to a chair and he wasn’t even moving (Like just standing, lazy dumb ass) Please comment on this!
Me: I mentioned, he is tied to that chair since his early life where he tried but couldn't because he was weak and now, he is strong but still believes that he can't just run because this is all in his mind since childhood.
P2: Ok, do you mean to say it’s all mentality which matters and ...?
Me: Yes sir, I strongly believe that it all depends on what you think!
P3: What are your takeaways from this?
Me: One should push his limits and not restrict himself and……….
P3: Ok thank you, log off
I was smiling throughout the interview. Got nervous 2 times but kept smiling more. I don’t have that much fluency over English so 2-3 answers were not very much articulated they were verbose. I gave my best!
Tawfiq Ismail
Did you convert?
18 Sep 2022, 11.41 PM