It's very easy to believe that it was just you who was instrumental in cracking that interview for your dream job. But the fact is that several people contribute to a person’s success. All those seniors, mentors, professors who helped you with their experiences and knowledge had a big role to play in your success. In today’s world, where you know what it’s like to be on Jungfrau peak through pictures on Facebook or how it feels to be listening to Coldplay live through videos on Youtube, maybe we need to share more than entertainment so that we can ease the lives of everyone around us.
Now is the time to thank everybody who had helped you ace the interview! Share your experience! Be a mentor! Don’t let your experience be confined to an immediate circle. It is meant for the greater good. It’s like sending good music - pass on the favour.
How do we share your words? We publish your experience on our platform for our readers to make the best of it and also Like! Comment! Share! We are a strong community of more than a million readers annually! The contributor gets 1 brownie point for every unique read.
Wondering what would you do with those brownie points? Well, we know you are a good samaritan and we only want you to get better at it. Every month we announce a “Leaderboard” of the Top 5 Contributors. An amount equivalent to the aggregate scores of the Top 5 Contributors would be donated for a unique social cause at the end of every month. If you are a regular supporter of a specific cause/charity/NGO or have any specific preferences, we are happy to welcome them!
Start Contributing and Make a Difference!