As SPJIMR sends out its profile-based calls (score based calls to be followed soon), this will be the 1st interview of the GDPI season of 2020 and has unique features of its own. SPJIMR, Mumbai is one of the top b-schools in India and has enjoyed its place in top 10 b-schools for long. Strong alumni base coupled with its advantageous location in Mumbai makes SPJIMR a dream b-school for many MBA aspirants. However, the b-school is not only known for its comprehensive curriculum and great placements but also for its ethics. SPJIMR is renowned for its emphasis on being ethical while contributing to society. Hence, one has to make sure that one comes out to be ethical candidate while in SPJIMR. The unique selection procedure of the institute makes it clear further.
Group Interview one-The Academic Test
After giving WAT, which will primarily be on abstract topics rather than current affairs, you will be in a group of about 5-6 individuals comprising both Marketing and Finance enthusiasts. The panel generally starts with a brief introduction of all the candidates. If you say something unique, be ready for a swift counter-question then and there.
The 1st group interview will focus on your academics going further. If you are from a finance background, brush up your accounts and finance knowledge and be ready for lots of cross-questioning. If you are from marketing background, keep your 4Ps , BCG matrix etc. handy. Situational questions are very common here. If you are someone with not a background in these, brush up all your subjects along with your justification for your chosen specialization.
It might appear that it is no different than other interviews but sitting in a group is what makes it different. Imagine the situation when you are not able to answer a question but the individual sitting beside you answers it very well!! Or when the panelist is busy cross-questioning the other individual and it seems like your turn is not coming at all. Or when you give an answer thinking it to be correct but the candidate sitting beside you says quite the opposite!
Getting the feedback of your answer then and there from the fellow candidate creates a different pressure altogether-a pressure which should not be visible to others.
Hence, the interview is not just a test of your academics but also your patience and on the spot thinking because you will not only be answering straight academic questions but also commenting on what the fellow candidate is saying. You will also be tested on your team playing skills as you will be answering not only what you feel but you have to relate it with what others have to say-your approval or disapproval with courtesy.
Group Interview 2-The Ethical test
Generally, 1-2 candidates get selected from the group of 1st interview and then another group of 5-6 individuals is formed for the 2nd interview, the ethical test.
While filling your form, you will be asked to write about an ethical dilemma that you have faced and what you did in that situation. There is a high possibility that your group will be questioned about such an ethical dilemma faced by one or 2 of the candidates and what you would do in that situation. The panelists will obviously be adding more layers to it to test your ethics to the very core.
Will you be willing to let your company go into losses just to follow a procedure strictly? How will you balance your ethics with what actions (ethical or not) are needed to be taken in the given situation? Are you adamant at your solution or open to what others are saying? Will you take your stand or switch sides soon? How gracefully will you accept it when the panelists or your fellow candidates do not agree with your solution?
It is a test of not only your ethics but also of your on the spot thinking, ability to accept that you may be wrong, patience and team playing skills.
It is also possible that the panelists might ask you straight ethical questions rather than a situation but you will be tested on the same parameters mentioned above.
Be patient. Take your time and think. Take into account all stakeholders. Don’t be adamant. Be calm.
You have to be in the category of Super in at least one of the interviews along with Good in the other to convert your call. Getting a Super in one with Bad in another will either lead to re-interview (in case they haven’t found enough fit candidates already) or a rejection.
You can ace it!! All the best!!
You should read this too! SPJIMR Profile Based Call - How To Prepare?