Ashwamedha, an event spread over 45 days, aims to select ‘India’s best leader’ among the best managerial talent across the country. The event tests the contestants on a broad repertoire of skills such as leadership, intellect, team work and ingenuity. Chanakya, the flagship business consulting event requires the contestants to apply the skills of diagnosis, analytical thinking and problem solving as they work on real life challenges. Gordian Knot, the flagship sales and marketing event is one-of-a-kind event in India. It tests a plethora of sales and marketing skills based on several marketing concepts. Neetishastra is an SME consulting event that aims at solving real-time problems of SMEs in and around Indore. Kluless, the premier event based on originality and creativity, is an online quizzing event played by participants across continents. On the other hand, Ahvan is not only about hard core business events. There are events such as My Campaign and Kalpavriksha, where participants use the business principles to develop social campaigns and promoting entrepreneurship. Samanvay, another event with a heart, aims at making inclusive growth a reality and ensure harmonious socio-economic development of the nation. Other events at Ahvan include Chain Reaction, Finance League, I-Rising and Adapt among others, which are spread over various domains such as operations & supply chain management, finance, marketing etc.
As they say, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. The culmination of the three day event is marked off by LiveWire, which features some breath-taking live performances from eminent artists in the music industry.
On the B-School calendar, Ahvan has been earmarked as an event to watch out for and this year it promises to be even better. Don’t miss out on it!