Ace Any Personal Interview Rounds - ARKSS, ex-National Head At CL

Feb 3, 2023 | |
To take your WAT-PI preparation to the next stage, we are hosting a live webinar with ARKS Srinivas, ex-National MBA Head, Career Launcher, on how to ace your Bschool Interviews. He would be sharing his insights to help you crack every MBA interview. This is going to be a live interactive session, so join in on 2nd February 6 pm and shoot your queries. WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad
If you're gearing up for your WAT-PI round, then you can join InsideIIM's MBA Admissions Bootcamp - WAT-PI Edge S03!
Where, 85%+ students, who enrolled in Season 1 and Season 2 converted one of their top 3 calls! Join us here!

● 5 Live Mock Interviews mediated by MBA alumni, followed by detailed feedback.
● Knowledge Sessions - Preparing For Personal Interviews and WATs | Marketing | Finance | HR | Consulting | Operations | Product Management | Case Interviews | Current Affairs
● A one-on-one mentorship session for B-school Interview guidance, B-School selection, guidance for profile building, and domain selection.
● Daily Mock WATs, followed by an in-depth evaluation of your essays done by MBA students/alumni.
● One-on-One assistance with MBA students and alumni in editing, structuring and polishing your CVs and SOPs.
● Study Materials: Domain-specific Study Materials | Top 100 Current Affairs Topics With Detailed Analysis