FMS Delhi's Latest Admission Policy, 100% Summer Placements At IIM A

Dec 16, 2020 | |
The past week from the world of MBA has been quite eventful. FMS Delhi has finally released its latest admission policy, and IIM Ahmedabad has successfully completed summer placements for its PGP batch of 2022. Here are more headlines from the past week, covered in the latest episode of News From The World of MBA.

FMS Delhi's Latest Admission Policy Released: FMS Delhi's latest admission policy has now been released! Here's all you need to know.
IIM Ahmedabad Completes Summer Placements For Batch of 2022: IIM Ahmedabad has successfully completed the summer placements process for the PGP batch of 2022. Here's everything you need to know.
IIM Kozhikode's Latest Summer Placement Report Released: IIM Kozhikode, one of the first IIMs to complete the summer placements process in 2020, has now released it's official summer placement report. Here are the key highlights from the report.
Top US Business Schools Waive Standardized Tests: Top US business schools are now waiving standardized test requirements for admission to their MBA programs. Here's more on this.
Yale School of Management's Employment Report Released: Yale SOM's employment report for the MBA batch of 2020 has now been released. Have salaries and job offers slipped at Yale, or have they grown consistent despite the pandemic? Find out here.

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