From 65%ile In Mocks To 98.6%ile In CAT - Sumit Tengale's Jouney To IIM Indore

Oct 8, 2020 | |
Sumit Tengale, a mechanical engineer from the College of Engineering, Pune, worked at Reliance Industries Limited for 3 years. This is when he figured out that pursuing an MBA would help him learn about and understand the industry in depth, making him ready for management positions. This motivated him to write CAT twice. Finally in 2019, Sumit scored 98.6%ile and converted a call to IIM Indore. In this video, he tells us his CAT journey and how he went from 60-65%ile in his first mocks to his current score. Sumit knew that the VA-RC section was a weakness for him. Further, he found himself being overconfident when it came to quants and scored less on that section too. Watch the video to find out how he addressed these weaknesses and how he prepared for his IIM Indore b-school interview! WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad


In this video, Sumit takes us through his academic career trajectory and how he landed up at IIM Indore. He shares how he wrote the CAT for the 2nd time in 2019 and what he did to overcome his weaknesses. He talks about reading Mint, New York Times, etc by downloading these apps on his cell phone, to get better at VA-RC. He still scored only 80.5%ile in VA-RC, but this is where his acads came into play.

He shares how he was overconfident about quants being an engineer. He felt that he would certainly be able to perform. But because of this, he ended up attempting too many quant questions in the mock tests, without a clear strategy. This cost him and he got negative marking. Learning from his errors, Sumit decided to fine tune his quant strategy and focus on all sections little by little instead of trying to answer every question. His efforts paid off and he got interview calls from IIM B, IIM Indore, among other b-schools. Finally, he tells us how preparing for GD-PIs was a structured process for him. He talks about preparing generic questions, academic questions as well career related questions for most b-school interviews. He further adds that each b-school has a different selection criteria and one must study their target b-school’s selection criteria well! If you want to get into a b-school like IIM Indore, this is a must watch for you!

Key Takeaways
- Focus on learning the various concepts & sections in Quants.
- Practice is the key for quants.
- For DI-LR you must be good at approximations to improve your speed.
- Focus on making the sectional cut-offs you need to get into your dream b-schools.
- You must prepare some questions overall for all b-school interviews as well some specific questions for different b-schools.
- IIM Indore focuses more on academic backgrounds during their interviews while IIM B focuses more on work experience.

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