Key Takeaways:
1) When people spend a long time with an organization, it speaks volumes about the organization's culture.
2) To grow, you need to move from a product-focused approach to a solutions-focused approach. That is what separates the freshers from the veterans.
3) Your client is always at the center of everything.
4) Indian clients have different expectations from international clients. You have to constantly adapt to these requirements.
5) Every individual makes their career choices in line with their personal ambitions in life.
6) Indian clients tend to have higher expectations. If you move from an India-based role to a global role, your client expectations will only normalize.
7) Once you've become a digital person, you can get into any industry. Digital is the future.
8) With the growing digitalization of every sector, every company will soon become a part-technology company.
Also, check out the InsideIIM Finance Festival. This 15-day festival starting June 21st is designed for anyone who plans to work in the world of finance. This is where we help you understand the world of investment banking, stock markets, investing, and also help you learn the fundamentals of finance. You will learn from practicing experts from the industry and not get bland theoretical knowledge.
Find out more about it here:
About Kounsel:
We at InsideIIM have launched our one-on-one career guidance and mentorship program, 'Kounsel'. For a fee you get 100% attention from your chosen mentor. They will answer your toughest questions, quell your deepest fears, and channel your strongest ambitions. Our opening list of mentors has some of the most adored, engaged, and viewed speakers on our platform. You can pick a mentor that aligns not just with your future self but also with your past one.
Click here to know more:
1) How Technology Has Changed The World of Finance | Konversations Cafe - InsideIIM
2) Joint Stock Companies Explained | Finance Concepts - Learning IRL By ABGLP - InsideIIM
3) Risk & Return Explained | Learning IRL By ABGLP - InsideIIM