B-school professors are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, some of the most brilliant minds in the country and the very best in the business when it comes to domain expertise. However, some professors go beyond just teaching - they deeply impact the lives of students, inculcate the habit of excellence, and push them to meet their potential and achieve great things. Unfortunately, professors do not get the recognition they often deserve, which is why we want you to help us convey what they mean to you, and what impact they've made in your lives. Nominate your favourite professors and help them win the InsideIIM Professor of The Year award!
InsideIIM presents this opportunity to students across MBA campuses in India to acknowledge and recognize the best professors who have contributed in creating leaders out of students!
Fill out the form below, nominate your favourite professors for InsideIIM's Professor of The Year recognition and get your peers to do the same! At the end of the activity,
InsideIIM will release the list of the top professors across the campuses and shall profile each of them on the platform, as we did last year.
As you head out to etch a successful career, this will be a small token of your gratitude to the enormous contribution they have made to your success!
Please note that the last date to nominate your favourite professors is 1st March 2020, beyond which the nominations process will be closed. Duplicate entries for the same professor will not be considered. However, you may nominate more than one professor, in which case you will be required to fill out the form again and submit your entry.
What The InsideIIM Professor of The Year Series Is About
Through the surveys and polls we conduct with the MBA community, we discovered that the top reasons why anyone wants to pursue an MBA is either to earn a higher salary, get an opportunity to network with smart peers, or get a glamorous job and move up in their careers. However, only rarely could one find the mention of wanting access to world class faculty and learning from the very best in the domain. That, unfortunately, is the reality of MBA education today.
The contribution of a business school professor will become visible a little later into your career when, faced with a business challenge, you are reminded of that lecture that taught you a concept so well you could apply it perfectly and solve the problem. Sometimes it's even more complex than that. Some of the best professors are able to build a habit of excellence, an appetite for problem-solving and humility to learn from every person and situation. And often it's some years into your career, that you really come to appreciate your education, more than your degree. By then, the student has lost touch with the professor and that one thing for that a student can give a professor in return for all he/she has done for the student, is denied to him/her - recognition.
To bring to b-school professors the recognition they very well deserve, we launched the Professor of The Year series in 2019, asking MBA students to share with us the names of professors who had a profound impact on their lives, who changed the way they learned in the MBA classroom, and those who made those 2-years at a business school absolutely priceless. Enthralled by the overwhelming 1000+ responses we received from MBA students across Indian business schools, we decided to share the names of all the professors with the highest number of votes from different business-schools!
The following professors from India's top business schools were some of the winners in 2019: