SPJIMR Previous Years Personal Interview Experiences

Jan 27, 2022 | 2 minutes |

SPJIMR Group Interview Experience 2022

Interview experience (Ops & SCM) - WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad GI1 2 OPs and SCM, 1 IM, and 1 Fin candidate 1. This was general, tell me something about yourself. 2. Why SPJIMR? 3. Each candidate was asked the challenges faced by your industry in a pandemic? 4. What policies you will make for the betterment of the industry you are currently working in?

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GI 2- 1)(One guy had said we should be Socialistic economy) Socialist vs Capitalist for India - I said something about the Migrant Labour Crisis so they asked what would you have done differently? 2) Should we tax the rich? 3) Case: You are a manager, a 50% salary budget cut needs to be made. What will you do and the basis? 4) What did you read recently on economic reforms? 5) Are EVs completely green?
Over 96% of students enrolled for InsideIIM's MBA Admissions Bootcamp converted their best b-school calls from institutes like SPJIMR Mumbai, XLRI, IIM BLACKI, FMS, MDI Gurgaon, etc.. If you're looking to convert your interview call this admissions season, sign up now for Season 4 of the MBA Admissions Bootcamp - WATPI Edge! Source of this Interview Experience: MBA Personal Interviews