An important and literally a 'career-defining' question that keeps even the most brilliant college students awake at night is whether their diligence will lead to good placements. Unfortunately, for the students inclined towards the opposite end of that extreme, the current placement scenario in India results in the elimination of approximately 50% of the students after the general aptitude round itself. Another notable problem for them is that colleges in India have an archaic and unrevised curriculum. Industries today are rapidly evolving: newer technology is replacing the previous one continually. With the current curriculum in colleges not being up to date, students fail to acquire the requisite skills and hence encounter various hurdles in the initial phase of their jobs. With over 19 lakh engineers in the country, this skill gap makes a remarkable difference in the lives of students trying to make it big. Moreover, most programs that offer online self-learning courses of this type, such as MOOCs, lack interactive education process and/or fail to offer a personalized approach. Though there are various platforms out there on the web, they offer very little opportunity to the students to put the theoretical knowledge acquired into practice. Students often take up these courses and earn certification, only to forget in a couple of months what they had learnt in the first place.
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