Xpressions, has been an inherent part of XIMB’s DNA. It has a legacy of 20 years and has constantly been a success for many years. It has witnessed the performance of stars like Salim-Sulaiman, Farhan Akhtar, Lucky Ali, Vishal-Shekhar, K.K., Arijit Singh, and many others. But, did we ever feel what makes it successful year after year? It is possible only because of the hard work and dedication of XIMBians. It’s time to acknowledge these efforts and take note of their activities.
This 72 hours non-stop event is an outcome of over three months of planning and rigorous efforts of all students of XIMB. With over 20 events spread over various domains hosted by different committees, Xpressions caters to assess the interests and expertise of all future managers, by blending their business acumen with creativity. The preparation starts with X-Enable and X-Athon, which are events organized by Xpressions Steering Committee (XSTEC) as a prelude to this annual cultural and business fest. The former is an event undertaken in association with Social Responsibility cell (SRC) of XIMB, for specially-abled children and the latter is a CSR event. Students are found diligently involved in organizing the event, collecting funds by visiting various outlets, parks and at the same time attending classes, preparing for exams and managing studies.
This is where roles of all committees come into play, be it core, functional or interest. Entire XIMB is found to be engaged in something or the other. Students possessing dexterity in photography and videography are found capturing all events, and those blessed with skills in dancing are found performing flash mobs, with an aim of reaching maximum people. Apart from attracting students from premier B-Schools, Xpressions brings together esteemed legends n alumni of XIMB, adding to the thrill and fervour. Enthralling a humungous, diverse crowd could be quite daunting for anyone, but X-Cops seemed immune to such vagaries in the concert night. Approaching sponsors, pitching media, designing posters, flexes, billboards, catering to deliverables of
Media partners, logistic work and simultaneously coping up with the studious and austere environment of XIMB, is not a cake walk.
But the happiness every XIMBian gets out of the success of Xpressions is proportional to all this hard work and relentless effort. Real happiness is when the curtains go down with Celeblitz, the celebrity night of the event.
Stupendous performance by the celebrity astounds the spectators leaving them spellbound with the rendition of foot tapping songs. Xpressions is what every XIMBian yearns for, as it gives an experience and creates a memory that lasts for eternity.
-Shashwati Padhi
XIMB, Batch of 2018-20