One year and wow! That was precisely my reaction, after my last exam of Trimester 3. I still remember the picture of me bidding goodbye to my friends. Not a good sight, but there was a lot of excitement within. Excitement for the upcoming 2 months. I bid farewell to all my friends before we could all walk on the road of our dreams. That’s when it all flashed like a recap to me.
June- When I first entered NMIMS Mumbai, trying to make my mark amongst the brightest brains of the country. I still remember the first day, staring at the notice board, looking for my name.
June, also the month I met people who turned out to be my best friends.
July- First mid-trim of MBA Life! Amidst all the pre-reads, competitions and other extra-circulars, it almost seemed impossible. But you know what, we still managed.
August- 1st End trim! Yes, you heard me right. The pressure was getting real, but we survived this as well. It was after this trimester that I realised, Oh man! I’m quite strong, we are quite strong!
September- Even before we could realize it was Trimester 2! By now we were well familiar with the MBA culture. It was easier to manage a lot of things, all at once. Pre-reads and competitions looked nice together.
October- Oh oh oh! I still remember how excited we all were for October! Our first visit to our respective homes after the commencement of our MBA. I remember waiting for the baggage at Belt no.2, of Mangalore Airport while I could see my mom waving at me.
November- November was kind. It was my birthday month and also the college was all pumped up with a lot of energy for we had our fests going on. And then came the date for the second trim exams. I still remember being a human alarm to a lot of friends and my friends being the same, well they still are. Haha! Trust me, MBA has given me some of the best people in my life.
December- Christmas season! I loved December. Such great vibes the month had. Also, we had just begun a new trimester so there was a lot of energy in me. By now the students were professionals in managing competitions, academics and everything else. In fact, it was more like we loved the fast life that we were living. Less of pressure more of learning.
January- New year, new resolution? As usual I decided to maintain a diary, and as usual, I discontinued doing so.
February- February was one of the best months of my MBA career. We had all gone to our respective hometowns for a social internship. This entire month helped me work on the human that I was. It made me a better person. I also tried to contribute as much as I could to my NGO through content writing and I was glad that they liked it.
March- Since it was the last month of our First year, we were all pretty busy. March passed like in a jiffy, until I realised that what a year we had! Real wow.
It's April now as I type this story and all I can say is, It was truly a wow one year!
Sagar Bhawnani
Pls let me go in...
My NMite friend it's not dairy it's diary
12 Apr 2018, 12.19 AM
+Read Replies (1)
Sumangal Kamath
Sumangal Kamath is a first year MBA student at SBM, NMIMS Mumbai. She completed her Bcom in Marketing and Human Resources, from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore. Prior to joining NMIMS, Sumangal worked as a Hedge Fund Analyst with Northern Trust. Post which, she gained some experience in content writing at Odigma (Infibeam). She describes herself as a vivacious, young soul who holds a strong penchant for singing, writing and binge watching Formula one.
It was a typo. Happens! Apologies.
12 Apr 2018, 12.32 AM |
Is it true that NMIMS inflate their placement report? ;)
12 Apr 2018, 03.56 PM
Pranav Vashist
So, are you doing HR form SVKM? How are the placements?
16 Sep 2018, 09.48 PM