With CAT 2020 less than 7 months away, many of you have started out with your preparation efforts to hit that 99th percentile mark and make it to your dream business schools. But your preparation is missing one crucial element that can directly impact how you fare in CAT 2020. Here's one important step that thousands of aspirants make the mistake of skipping that you must not skip at any cost.
This crucial factor may appear to be trivial at first but is absolutely pivotal in how well or poorly you perform in CAT 2020, and this factor is a solid no-excuse no-bullshit preparation strategy. The majority of aspirants who miss out on going beyond the 95th percentile in the CAT exam make one common mistake - they step out into this highly competitive world without any strategy in place, almost winging it for most part of their preparation. You cannot make this mistake, especially if your dream is to get offer letters from top IIMs in the country.
So what is a good strategy for CAT 2020, and how do you come up with one that suits your preparation timeline? Here is where we step in!
To help you understand the complexity of CAT and how to maneuver in this highly competitive world of MBA, InsideIIM has collaborated with Career Launcher to bring to you a live Masterclass series conducted by none other than ARKS Srinivas - an IIM alumnus, CEO & President of MBA Products at Career Launcher, and a popular mentor to innumerable aspirants who are either in IIMs and other top business schools right now or have graduated and are pursuing illustrious careers.
Sign-Up For Sessions With ARKS Here
Let's explore what this Masterclass series is about, beginning by diving into what you can expect from this series.
A. What Can I Expect From The CAT 2020 Masterclass Series?
The following are 3 things that you can expect to take away from these sessions with ARKS Srinivas:
Solid Section-Wise Preparation Strategies To Score 99+ Percentile In CAT 2020!
Struggling to swiftly solve DI-LR sets? Quant concepts befuddling your brain? RC, Parajumbles too complex to solve? All of your woes have one singular solution - a solid preparation strategy. No CAT 99 percentiler with an IIM admit has reached where they have without a highly detailed strategy to achieve their goals. But what strategy would work for you? How do you strengthen your weak areas? How do you remember concepts once you've studied them? How should you practice questions?
In this Masterclasses, ARKS will take care of all your concerns by sharing with you a solid 7-month section-wise strategy for CAT 2020. What's more, there are entire sessions dedicated in this series to each of the three section of CAT!
Highly Comprehensive Mock Test Analysis Strategies & Key Tips!
Ask any CAT 99 percentiler what the single-most important element of their preparation journey was, and you're likely to hear one common response - mock tests and analysis. Career Launcher has been one of the few organisations offering high-quality and trusted mock test series that have helped thousands of aspirants make it to their dream business schools by providing CAT-level questions. Now, you get a chance to take tips from the CEO of MBA Products at Career Launcher!
Answers To Your Burning Questions!
At such an early stage in your preparation journey towards CAT 2020, it is only natural to have numerous questions about what to do next. Which Quant topics should you prioritize? What should you do to increase your reading speed? How many sectional tests should you take to master LR questions? How do you remember complex concepts from Quant topics? How many mock tests should you target - the list is endless.
Should you enroll for this Masterclass series, you will get an opportunity to get your queries answered by ARKS and Team InsideIIM!
Scroll down to access the FAQs section to get more clarity!
B. How Can I Access All Sessions In The Series?
This live interaction series, comprising five live interactions conducted across a period of 11 days with ARKS Srinivas, has been designed to deep dive into a solid CAT 2020 strategy that can help you score a 99th percentile score.
The first Masterclass in this series is absolutely free of cost - you do not need to pay a penny to attend. All you need to do is show up! However, to access the other four sessions in this series, interested and serious CAT 2020 aspirants will be required to pay Rs. 399. Once the payment has been received, you will be able to access the remaining four sessions in the series.
Here's how you can access the complete series of interactions with ARKS Srinivas in three simple steps:
Step 1 - Attend the free Masterclass with ARKS that will be conducted on 22nd-May, 2020 (Friday), 7 PM onward.
Step 2 - At the end of the free session, we will ask for your feedback and suggestions. If you thoroughly enjoyed your interaction with ARKS (and we bet you will), indicate your interest in signing up for the full series within the feedback form itself. The form is now available!
Step 3 - Details for the payment procedure will be available within the feedback form.
Scroll down to access the FAQs section to get more clarity!
C. Important Dates To Keep In Mind
The following are important dates to keep in mind and mark on your calendars, though we'll be sure to remind you!
Masterclass Topic | Date* | Day |
7-Month Preparation Strategy For CAT 2020 - Now Live! | 22-May | Friday |
7-Month Mock Test, Mock Test Analysis Strategy - Enroll Now! | 25-May | Monday |
7-Month DI-LR Preparation Strategy - Enroll Now! | 27-May | Wednesday |
7-Month VA-RC Preparation Strategy - Enroll Now! | 29-May | Friday |
7-Month QA Preparation Strategy - Enroll Now! | 1st-June | Monday |
*Dates are subject to revision. All revisions will be communicated in advance to registered candidates.
D. Frequently Asked Questions
1. How many live sessions are in this series with ARKS Srinivas? What will the series be about?
There will be a total of five live sessions with ARKS Srinivas. These will cover section-wise preparation strategies, mock test analysis tips and tricks, and an overarching strategy for CAT 2020. Scroll up to find important details and dates regarding this Masterclass series with ARKS.
2. Is this going to be similar to classroom teaching? Will any concepts be taught in these sessions?
No. This series will not include any classroom learning sessions with ARKS. The scope of this series is to bring to you important strategies for CAT 2020 preparation, provided by ARKS Srinivas. No technical concepts will be taught in any of these sessions.
3. Is the first session free, or do I have to pay something to access it?
The first session in the series is absolutely free of cost. All you need to do is show up!
4. So, I'll have to pay to access the other four sessions in this series?
Yes. You will be required to pay Rs. 399 to access the remaining four sessions with ARKS. You do not have to pay Rs. 399 for every single session. The amount covers the complete Masterclass series comprising four sessions with ARKS Srinivas of Career Launcher.
5. How do I make the payment to access the entire series?
After you have attended the free session on 22nd-May, 7:00 PM, you will be required to fill out a feedback form. Within the form, you will find important payments related details and instructions. If you'd like, you can also reach out to us at editor@insideiim.com and ask for payments related information!
6. I want to attend only specific sessions. Can I make payments for only those sessions in the series that I want to attend?
There is no provision to pay for individual sessions in this series. If you wish to view only specific sessions, you will still be required to pay the full amount of Rs. 399 for the series. We highly recommend that upon enrollment, you attend all sessions as each Masterclass with ARKS will provide insight you are unlikely to find elsewhere.
7. Can I access the paid sessions again after I have already attended them?
No, you will not be able to access the paid sessions again at a later date. This Masterclass series with ARKS intends to facilitate live interaction and once attended, cannot be accessed at a later date.
8. What is the schedule of the sessions?
Please scroll up to find the schedule of the live sessions with ARKS Srinivas. All sessions will begin at 7:00 PM on the mentioned date, and are expected to last between 60 to 90 minutes.
Have more questions? Post them in the comments below and we'll answer all your queries!