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Delay your MBA, for your own sake!


Kartik Raj

Born too late to explore the world. Born too early to explore the universe. Born just in time to explore the internet.

The author has done a good job of expressing his thoughts. Enjoy the post. Do not take the advice of this article seriously.

9 Aug 2014, 08.40 PM

Rohit Nibariya

With silence comes peace, With peace comes freedom, With freedom comes silence...

Author has stated some very strong points. Lincoln 'planned' to be a businessman , Gandhi 'planned' to be a Lawyer and you can find countless examples in history . It is about exploration. Real life is completely different and it's better to follow your passion . And I would highly encourage every kid who wants to study abroad to actually spend some time abroad before jumping into PG. My abroad exp. changed me in so many ways . Work exp gives you a dose of reality and academic brilliance has got nothing to do with performance on the job (I hope you agree with me on this) , I have seen this with my very eyes and exp. it first hand. So , all in all he has some very good points. It might so happen you might like your IT/core or teaching/writing job a lot and you might decide never to do an MBA. When you have never earned money , you actually don't understand it's importance and uselessness . Money cannot provide happiness or contentment. It took me years to realize this , I am pretty certain 90% don't realize this when they are in college. I highly admire Dylan for writing this , good work mate.

13 Aug 2014, 11.45 PM

avik bal

The author himself is overweeningly confused. I feel sorry for those who are easily engulfed, mesmerized and metamorphosed to take the falsified impact of this article to alter their perceptions and decisions about an MBA degree. It sucks me like hell, when every management-geek compares MBA degree with pays n perks. What about the overwhelming course ? What if some one don't like the management course content ? What if you are ant yet ready to behold and resist the pressure of MBA program ? Guys go for what you like. Your decisions to go for an MBA should be completely based on your Likable and long term goals and not on mouth-watering salary slips or B-School tag. YOLO ! Think and rule your own decisions. Others perceptions and prejudices shall never play in your decision making process.

11 Jan 2015, 12.38 AM

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Kartik Raj

Born too late to explore the world. Born too early to explore the universe. Born just in time to explore the internet.

The author has done a good job of expressing his thoughts. Enjoy the post. Do not take the advice of this article seriously.

9 Aug 2014, 08.40 PM

Rohit Nibariya

With silence comes peace, With peace comes freedom, With freedom comes silence...

Author has stated some very strong points. Lincoln 'planned' to be a businessman , Gandhi 'planned' to be a Lawyer and you can find countless examples in history . It is about exploration. Real life is completely different and it's better to follow your passion . And I would highly encourage every kid who wants to study abroad to actually spend some time abroad before jumping into PG. My abroad exp. changed me in so many ways . Work exp gives you a dose of reality and academic brilliance has got nothing to do with performance on the job (I hope you agree with me on this) , I have seen this with my very eyes and exp. it first hand. So , all in all he has some very good points. It might so happen you might like your IT/core or teaching/writing job a lot and you might decide never to do an MBA. When you have never earned money , you actually don't understand it's importance and uselessness . Money cannot provide happiness or contentment. It took me years to realize this , I am pretty certain 90% don't realize this when they are in college. I highly admire Dylan for writing this , good work mate.

13 Aug 2014, 11.45 PM

avik bal

The author himself is overweeningly confused. I feel sorry for those who are easily engulfed, mesmerized and metamorphosed to take the falsified impact of this article to alter their perceptions and decisions about an MBA degree. It sucks me like hell, when every management-geek compares MBA degree with pays n perks. What about the overwhelming course ? What if some one don't like the management course content ? What if you are ant yet ready to behold and resist the pressure of MBA program ? Guys go for what you like. Your decisions to go for an MBA should be completely based on your Likable and long term goals and not on mouth-watering salary slips or B-School tag. YOLO ! Think and rule your own decisions. Others perceptions and prejudices shall never play in your decision making process.

11 Jan 2015, 12.38 AM