Before arriving here the typical time-frame of my day would be from morning 10 am (my work timings were from 1 pm to 10 pm) and go on until 1 am the next morning. But after coming here the boundaries between the days, weeks and months have blurred and it has become a continuous event.
The classes usually start at 8:30 am on 3 out of 5 days, the other days when we do get respite it starts from 10:30 am. By respite, I mean a chance to grab a proper breakfast before the class actually starts. The lectures or rather the knowledge sharing sessions are in themselves a new experience. We are not only exposed to the vast dearth of knowledge our professors possess but also the experiences which our peers can relate with from their work tenure. Even though the lectures are scheduled to be of 90 minutes each they seem too less for the quality of discussion that often one engages in during this period. Each minute is stimulating and enriching. Some of the days we usually have exams, quizzes and assignments lined up to prepare for along with juggling the academics and the extracurriculars. Surprise quizzes really hit you hard when you go unprepared for the classes but that is something which is easily avoidable.
The lectures usually get done by 2 pm in the afternoon and post the lunch is when the other half of the day starts. The events being described are in no particular order and can happen at any time of the day. It sometimes begins with doing the pre-reads for the next day and then the group discussions of the cases studies. Along with that, we have multiple exciting events ranging from various corporate events, cultural nights to puppet shows being conducted by different clubs and committees, few of the clubs and committees we ourselves being a part of. These events can go on until the wee hours in the night and sometimes till the break of dawn when you have an impending presentation the next day. Organising these, discussing the future events, interacting with the diverse ideas from your peers and the approach to be applied to them, being a part of these things makes you realise your true potential and what all you are actually capable of.
They make you shed the misconceptions about your true fit.
Even in this schedule of daily rigour, we do get time to hum a tune along with a friend’s guitar or break into impromptu dance routines in the confines of our rooms. Here we are truly a family who will take care by getting you medicines and food to your room. You can always count on them to support you whenever you need it.
Help is always only a ping/door knock away.
For me doing an MBA has been a true eye-opener. Before coming here I had certain beliefs and opinions about my abilities and skills but here they have been truly tested and primed. It is here that I have been able to truly understand the meaning of being part of a large family that helps, supports and makes you much better than what you were.
Parth Shekhar
One of the best 'debunking the myth' kind of articles I have come across!
20 Apr 2018, 11.31 AM
Chinmay Bindal
Thankyou! I dont know who you are and where are you studying but thank you for your opinion. Reading this might open several eyes. Thanks
20 Apr 2018, 07.22 PM
Subhanjan Ray
I am Subhanjan Ray, a student pursuing MBA (Marketing in SIBM Pune). After having worked with Coal India for 30 months, my search for purpose brings me to Mahindra, which strongly resonates with my core beliefs.
Very well written Sir!
20 Apr 2018, 08.16 PM
Sanchit Jain
4+ work ex in Oracle Peoplesoft ERP profile. Currently working in TCS as SE.
good piece of work
21 Apr 2018, 01.48 AM
Thomas Pegu
every MBA student needs to read this article.. awesome piece of work.
26 Apr 2018, 05.09 PM